
Chapter 89

They went to reach for each other again.

Suddenly, there was smashing through the underbrush and Jim came hurtling out of the woods shouting their names. His sloppy footing made it impossible for him to stop when he finally noticed Nathan and Sasha. Jim went down feet first, sliding neatly in between them and spraying them both with a fresh coating of mud.

“Jim!” Nathan shouted in annoyance.

“I heard shots! Didn’t you hear me shouting?”

“It’s a torrential downpour! We didn’t notice anything until you were on top of us,” Nathan said, leaving out that they may have been distracted for other reasons.

Jim’s hair looked almost as coated as Sasha’s, and the cascading rain was plastering his longer black locks down his face and into his eyes. “Fine, fine. So you got it?” he panted, staring wide-eyed at the giant stone dog beside them.

“Cujo’s not going anywhere,” Nathan said, “but he sure did seem to have a hankering for incubus ass.”

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