
Chapter 19

Back in Brandi’s dressing room, the three flopped into chairs. Darren and Darryl each hoisted a beer and chugged them eagerly.

“Dry work,” Darren said, grinning.

Brandi agreed, but she preferred to wait until she was home for the night to have a drink since she’d be driving the three of them. She knew the boys could handle one or two, though, and they had surely earned them.

“You guys were fantastic,” she said. “I can’t believe how fast you’ve learned and just how natural you are, both of you! The crowd loved you, especially the women! You’ll have some gigs for bachelorette parties and stuff soon, mark my words.”

A few minutes later, Bo came back with a box holding the money swept up off the stage. Darren and Darryl set to work counting, pausing now and then to exclaim over a large bill and the growing total.

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