
Chapter 10

“What happened?” It came out in a croak.

The look on Jeremy’s face was a familiar one. Brendan had seen variations of it throughout his career, every time somebody had to share a less than positive turn of events. Doctors when he needed to interrogate an injured witness. Lawyers when judgments came back that set the wrong men free. Jeremy had to glance down at the floor for a moment to compose himself before meeting Brendan’s eyes again and speaking.

“I’m not entirely sure. It looks like…he might have been lying in wait for her when she opened the store. Or maybe he got her last night while she was closing? He…well, the only thing he didn’t do was…was hang her.” Jeremy spread his hands helplessly. “Chief Haas gave me permission to leave the scene with the promise that he would talk to me later. I thought it might better for you if you didn’t hear about it over the phone.”

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