
Chapter 21

“Get in the other room,” Fate whispered. “In the closet, or something.”

When Dante slipped into the other room and listened at the door, he learned that it was a neighbor giving Fate some mail that had been put in his box. Breathing a little easier, he walked out of the room.

“False alarm,” Fate said as he tossed the mail aside, and pulled on his jogging suit.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going for the run I was going to take earlier before you got involved with that man who’s still digging himself out of the dumpster you threw him into.”

“You want me to go with you?”

“No, it’s okay. I won’t be long.”

Dante looked out the window at the setting sun. “I don’t think you should be out alone when it’s dark, Fate.”

“What the hell am I, a kid? So, it’s getting dark. Hell, Dante, I’m a big boy, and I don’t need a friggin’ babysitter.”

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