
Chapter 13

“What are you doing here?”

Yeah, what was he doing here?

“I wanted to—” And then his voice gave out mid-sentence. Leo just continued to look at him expectantly. Not completely hostile but not altogether friendly either. “Can we go somewhere and talk about the other night?”

“It’s after eight. Most places in Sutter’s Bay are closed by now,” Leo said.

“I know, but I wanted to explain and tell you I’m sorry.”

Leo didn’t say anything for a moment and Nolan was afraid he was going to send him away without hearing his apology. But then Leo shook his head. “I’d been thinking of going to the club tonight.”

“No, I…I don’t want to go there. Or any place public, actually.” Nolan chewed his lip. “Can we go somewhere more private?”

Leo nodded. “Okay. My house is up the street that way.” He pointed in the opposite direction of Nolan’s house. “We can go there. My brother’s on the houseboat tonight with Adam.”

He bit back a sigh of relief. Leo didn’t need to see what a dork he really was.

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