
Chapter 29

“Yeah. Because someone’s going to need to take over as president after I graduate. You probably don’t want to be everyone’s therapist either, but maybe we could steer people toward talking to Mrs. Figueroa or the people in the guidance office or whatever.”


“Am I talking to someone else? Of course, you.”

“I just…” Daisy cleared her throat. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to, like, tell the whole school about myself. I barely managed to tell you, and that didn’t exactly go well.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and Daisy tensed, afraid Emmy was about to humiliate her again.

“Are you there?” Daisy asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m here. No, I get what you’re saying, I guess. You haven’t had too much time to think about this.” She sounded dubious and disappointed.

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