
Chapter 24

“C’mon. I’ll take you to the board room,”

the pretty young woman said.

“Thanks,” Alex said, following her and

clutching his briefcase tightly in fear that it might open.

“Oh, gosh. I forgot to take your coat,” the

young woman said, extending her hand.

“I’ll keep my coat for now. I get a little

cold in the air conditioning,” Alex explained, noticing the large

glass enclosed room that looked out onto a magnitude of small


“Suit yourself. You can sneak in this door.

Mr. Levine has his back to you anyway. You can get his attention

when you think it’s appropriate.”

“Will do,” Alex said, peering into the glass


“You know him well?” Janice asked.

“Intimately,” Alex answered.

“Well, good luck,” Janice said, walking back

in the direction from which they’d come.

“Thanks. I’m going to need it,” Alex said,

placing his hand on the door. EIGHT


think you owe me an apology,” Alex said, walking in the door and