
Chapter 43

- Throne Room - Sometime Later -

They had returned to the throne room once more. Many of them calm and collected after what they saw the previous day, even if some of them were slightly anxious. After all, if the new King could levitate people with a gesture of the hand or send lightning from his body, what else could he do? They knew so long as no one earned the King's ire or scorn, such power would not unleashed on them.

"Welcome back Lords and Ladies. As you know, there are still some issue left unfinished regarding the security of the Seven Kingdoms. Important matters that will be addressed right now. First, I ask Stannis Baratheon to step forward so I may address the matter of your House," commanded Aegon from the Iron Throne without the mask on his head so he could address the man face to face.

"Yes your Grace," said Stannis while bowing with respect.

"I am in need of filling the Small Council with competent individuals, who know their duty. People who can assist me in running the Seven Kingdoms properly like it should have been from the start. Stannis, I am in need of a Master of Ships. Do you still wish to keep your position on the Small Council?" asked Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"Yes your Grace. I will gladly take my position as Master of Ships and the Royal Navy once more," replied Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"Excellent. There is also the issue of you being the Lord of Dragonstone. Your brother denied you the right to be the Lord of Storm's End. A punishment of sorts for one failure over a task given to hunt down my Aunt when she was a babe yet to be born at the time. An unjust punishment I might add. By right and laws of succession, you were meant to inherit Storm's End and all the land surrounding it. Instead, your brother defied those rules and laws by placing Renly there instead," said Aegon with Stannis nodding before he glanced briefly at the young Targaryen woman sitting near the Iron Throne.

The young woman he had been sent to capture and kill after birth on the command of his brother and King. While Stannis had felt angry with his brother over the punishment for his failure, the man was glad it was a failure. To murder a child, barely out of the womb, was an offense to him and his honor as a man. He imagined his own daughter, Shireen, as a baby, smiling up at him, looking up at her Father with love, and absolute trust that he would protect her from all harm.

How could he look his daughter in the eyes, if his own hands were stained with the blood of another girl barely days old? Would he ever be able to look at his own child following that moment, if the storm had not arrived to stop his fleet from capturing the Targaryen girl's ship? Seeing his daughter laugh and look up at Stannis with pride, declaring him to be her Father, never knowing he had killed an innocent babe? All on the command of his King and brother who was filled with hate at the time?

In his heart, Stannis knew it was for the best that he had ultimately failed to capture the Targaryen woman all those years ago. Robert ranting and yelling about his failure was better then the alternative of having innocent blood of babies on his hands.

"What your brother did was an injustice. An injustice I will answer with justice. As such, I hereby declare you, Stannis Baratheon, as the new Lord of the Stormlands and Storm's End. With all the rights and privileges that come with it," declared Aegon with Stannis giving a rare smile at being given what was denied for most of his life.

"I am honored your Grace," replied Stannis with Aegon nodding.

"I have sent a raven to Storm's End to inform Renly of the change while asking him to accept it. However, should he and the Baratheon bannermen there refuse, it will lead to severe consequences for your brother and those who follow him," warned Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"When time permits, will you give me permission to handle this myself your Grace?" asked Stannis since this was something that had to be done between himself and Renly.

"I do. But I will not have you become a kinslayer Lord Stannis. We will do everything in our power to prevent such a thing from happening," replied Aegon with Stannis nodding.

"Yes your Grace," said Stannis with Aegon nodding before motioning for the man to step back.

"Kevan and Tyrion Lannister, please step forward," commanded Aegon with both men doing as asked while ignoring the whispers around them.

"Your Grace," replied Kevan and Tyrion with both men bowing respectfully.

"Your House has been humbled greatly since my arrival. Some have suggested I do what Tywin Lannister in his prime did to the two Houses that rebelled against him. How it was in my best interest to remove your House both root and stem with no one of your blood remaining," commented Aegon with Kevan going tense and Tyrion looking nervous.

"I will admit our House has done many wrongs under my brother's command. He could have handled things differently. There were times I did question his judgment, but kept silent due to how ruthless he was when running our House. Seeing how strong and feared it had become under his guidance. But my brother only did what he did due to our Father being so weak and incompetent when running our House during his time. So he chose to take extreme methods in correcting people's perceptions of our House," explained Kevan while Tyrion was watching the King's facial expressions carefully.

"I am well aware of your brother's actions Lord Kevan. The question I am asking you, is do these said actions of your brother warrant the destruction of your House? Should it be burned down and death befalls the last Lannister with no chance of rising again?" asked Aegon with Kevan sweating and looking nervous.

"I assure you your Grace, after your demonstration with just one of your dragons, House Lannister would not dare raise its banners against House Targaryen again," replied Kevan with Tyrion nodding in agreement.

"Provided the dragon is strong and the lion is not," countered Aegon with Kevan making a heavy swallowing noise since his brother would think such a thing if he were here.

"I swear to you your Grace, my House will be loyal to your own no matter the positions they are in the future," replied Kevan while Aegon narrowed his eyes at him and there was a long moment of silence between them.

"I will hold you to that Lord Lannister. The day your House breaks such a vow, is the day your House dies. Root and stem," remarked Aegon with Kevan nodding.

"We understand your Grace," said Kevan with Aegon nodding.

"Good. With that settled, given the line of succession in your House, Tyrion Lannister is now the new Lord of House Lannister. However, I have need of him here on the Small Council," replied Aegon with Tyrion looking shocked along with everyone else.

"Your Grace?" asked Tyrion curiously.

"I would name you Master of Coin. To keep the Crown's finances in the black and make sure all project benefiting the people are properly funded," stated Aegon with Tyrion still looking unsure while some of the Lords behind them were as well that this was the right choice.

"I admit, coming from a wealthy House allows me to access a great deal of money, but my skills involve spending it. Not maintaining it your Grace," replied Tyrion with Aegon smirking.

"Perhaps Lord Tyrion, but being the Master of Coin involves managing all of the Crown's finances and spending such wealth accordingly and responsibly when required. Despite the reputation I have heard, you strike me as a man who wishes to prove himself as being responsible Lord Tyrion. To prove you are not what everyone, including your Father, saw you as when growing up. I am giving you this chance to prove yourself as a member of the Small Council. Do you accept?" asked Aegon with Tyrion glancing at his Uncle, who nodded since it would benefit the younger Lannister greatly.

"If his Grace wishes it, I accept," said Tyrion with Aegon smiling.

"Excellent. And while you are here in King's Landing with your new duties, Kevan will be acting Lord of Casterly Rock until you return home for whatever reason it may call upon you to return to it," said Aegon with Kevan finding that to be acceptable and so did Tyron.

House Lannister would live. Crippled for a time, but they would recover, grow stronger for it, and remember this day when the dragon was merciful over vengeful.

"This now leaves the two positions of Master of Laws and the King's Justice open to be filled. Given how Lord Renly has decided to leave in pursuit of the foolish notion that he could be King following his brother's death, I have to name someone as the new Master of Laws. Lord Mace Tyrell, I find no one better to interpret the laws of the land justly, and ensuring the innocent lives under them are well protected. Do you accept the position as Master of Laws?" asked Aegon with the man looking shocked and puffing out his chest.

"I would be honored your Grace. I will see to it justice and honor go hand in hand with my new position," said Mace while Olenna held back the feeling of rolling her eyes.

"Excellent. As for the position of King's Justice, what say you Prince Oberyn? A man such as yourself no doubt believes justice sometimes requires a steady hand and a blade to enforce it when called upon. Do you accept such a position?" asked Aegon with the Prince of Dorne looking a tad surprised, but accepting of the offer.

"I do your Grace. I will gladly work hand in hand with the new Master of Laws to ensure those who commit horrible crimes are given what they rightfully deserve," replied Prince Oberyn with a bow of respect.

"Excellent. Now, before we conclude this session of Court, there is one more issue that I must address in relation to House Tyrell's unwavering loyalty to House Targaryen," said Aegon with everyone now focusing intently on him.

'I see. Saving the best announcement for last. No doubt Lady Olenna has been biting back the urge to yell at him to announce it,' thought Ned while seeing the old woman trying to hide her eagerness over this news.

"As history has clearly shown and documented, House Tyrell has always been a friend and trusted ally of the Crown. Of my House. When Robert's Rebellion was nearly over, they were the last House to bend the knee. They held out to the very end. For years that followed, they had to put up with the insults, subtle and the not so subtle humiliations of King Robert during his time on the Iron Throne. When they were informed of my return, they pledged their support to my House, ready to call their banners all in the name of the dragon once more. Such a debt can no longer be left unpaid. As Lannisters are known to pay their debts, so too does the dragon. Tell me Lord Tyrell, what does your House ask of me, and I will gladly pay it. Provided of course, that what you ask is within my power to grant," replied Aegon with Mace puffing up even more while Olenna discreetly nudged him forward to announce the "request".

"As you know your Grace, I have a lovely daughter, Margery, who is here today at Court to witness these events take place. She has heard stories of your greatness and deeds for those accomplished here and in Essos. My daughter finds your actions similar to those only told in stories about the Knights and Kings of old. As such, my daughter Margery wishes to marry you and bind our Houses together through marriage," said Mace with Aegon now looking at Margery with interest.

"Is this true Lady Margery?" asked Aegon even though it was only a formal pretense for the other Lords and Ladies.

"Yes your Grace. Hearing of your deeds in Essos in freeing slaves there, followed by saving your Uncle from treachery, and fighting your way through the enemy to bring them to justice has touched me deep within my heart. To be married to such a noble and strong King would make me the happiest woman in all the Seven Kingdoms," answered Margery with Aegon smirking slightly though he was too far away from everyone to see it except his Uncle Ned and Aunt Daenerys.

"And I have heard much about you Lady Margery. Not only from your own family, but the people in the Reach. Even in King's Landing and other parts of the Seven Kingdoms you have visited. How you care for others. Arranging food for the poor and the helpless. In these times, the Seven Kingdoms needs a Queen who cares more for others over her own. A Queen the people will love over fear and loathe. One the people will cheer and praise over cursing and spitting at when seeing her. That being said, I proudly accept your marriage proposal to bind our Houses together, and intend to make Lady Margery my Queen," replied Aegon with Mace nearly leaping into the air with joy, but managed to keep himself from looking foolish.

If just barely.

"Your Grace, you have no idea how much this means to House Tyrell. Thank you for this reward," said Mace before bowing to the King and nearly skipping back to his Mother's side once more.

For once, Olenna didn't berate him for acting so smug and happy. She was quite pleased enough as it was and didn't want to ruin things.

"For now, Court is adjourned. I invite all Lord and Ladies visiting King's Landing to stay as long as possible before returning home to your territories. If you wish to speak to me on more personal or important matters, please speak to my Hand to organize a proper time for when we can speak. As for members of my Small Council, I wish them to come with me to discuss important matters regarding the Seven Kingdoms," said Aegon with most of the Lords and Ladies leaving with the exception of those connected to the Small Council and the King himself.

"Good luck nephew. I trust you will do House Lannister proud," said Kevan while putting a supporting hand on Tyrion's shoulder.

"Thank you Uncle. Rule Casterly Rock well while I am here. Show everyone what you can do," said Tyrion with Kevan smiling a rare smile before leaving.

"Remember Mace, don't do anything stupid. If anything truly important arises, run by me or Margery first. Don't make a fool out of yourself Mace," remarked Olenna while giving him a look that made the man cower.

"Yes Mother," said Mace right away.

"And you my sweetling, the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, must be extra careful in your new position. You must keep a sharp eye and even sharper mind when around the King. Aegon will need you to help him in running the Seven Kingdoms. Offer guidance. Any ideas you believe will help him no matter how stupid his other advisors might try to make them when presented. But above all else, be yourself with him. Be honest and true," replied Olenna since she had time to speak to Daenerys about Aegon's personality so she knew how to instruct Margery to keep Aegon's interest.


"My nephew is a smart man Queen of Thorns. He knows how to play the game and how to obtain the necessary alliance between the dragon and rose."

"Then he knows what I wish for my House."

"You wish your Granddaughter to be Queen. Aegon has no problem with that. But if your Granddaughter is to marry him, you will need to know about my nephew first. I would rather their marriage be a long lasting one filled with happiness over the bitter one the Usurper had with the Queen of whores."

"Naturally. While I would prefer Margery be Queen, her happiness comes first. I will not see her become royalty just for the dream to turn into a nightmare."

"Good. Now before I begin, you need to know that Aegon doesn't like dainty women who just nod their head and say yes to everything. He prefers a woman who is smart, kind, has a good heart, and a strong will to move things forward if his Grace is not around to carry out the order. From what I have been told Lady Margery is all these things, correct?"

"That and more Princess."

"Which is another reason why Aegon will agree to this marriage when made official. But above all else, Margery must do one thing to keep my nephew's interest."

"And that is?"

"Aside from being all those things I mention? She must be herself. All those things must be a natural part of her. Nothing must be fake about how she acts. Nothing! I will not have my nephew be used as a pawn or scheme Lady Olenna. He knows what it means to live the life of a man with little to nothing and feels for those people. I know your only Granddaughter is the same way, but there will be no secrets between them, or schemes by you to be the power behind the Iron Throne. I trust no such issues will arise?"

"As long as Margery is happy, I care for little or anything else."


Watching the two go to the Small Council room with the others, Olenna smiled since it would not only give her eyes and ears there, but would help in finding out how the new King would deal with Renly. Not to mention what the King would do regarding her idiot Grandson Loras.

Damn her husband for being so handsome over smart. Why did her son have to be an oaf like his Father? And her Grandson inheriting some of his stupidity in the process?

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