

-"Lord Ralph, something or maybe someone has changed the course of destiny. And though the result is good, you must find out what really happened. Because everything has its own consequences!"-

The priest's words kept playing in Ralph's mind. He was acting normally around everyone, but only he knew what his heart was going through.

He couldn't get over the fact that his wife was destined to be dead by now but then which miracle saved her? And why the priest wanted him to find it out? Wasn't he happy that Cordelia had survived somehow?


His eyes blinked before shifting to see Cordelia getting on the bed beside him. A smile made its way on his face looking at her tired but happy one.

And that was enough for him to forget about the whole world. He opened his arm, inviting her to get closer to him, and she accepted that invitation without a second thought.

Cordelia sat beside him, and Ralph's hand draped around her shoulder instantly.

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