
An Old Friend

But the elven soldiers who were following their King's orders were not stopping. With their lances and their bows, they formed a formation around King Glarald, while some of the soldiers wielding swords walked at Freda and Ailwyn. 

Theodus drew his arrow out of reflex and stood in front of his wife and son, in a protective instinct. Seeing the hundreds of soldiers to their front, Marcus drew his sword. Arioch walked closer to Alexandra, with his hands holding the hilt of his sword. He didn't draw his sword out yet, but he was prepared. 

"We cannot start a fight here, Alexandra. We have to discuss our plans," Arioch whispered in her ears. He was ashamed King Glarald singled him out to not enter the forest, but he needs to find out if the elves would be willing to join him. 

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