
18. It Hurts My Feelings


After a moment of tossing and turning I sat up in bed. That's right, was halfway through replying to a cute message from Joon but accidentally passed out before I could send a reply. I fumbled around my sheets until I felt my phone. I opened the message back up and stared at it for a second as I tried to think of something decent to write back.

NJ: Sorry for the late reply. I've been at dance practice all night 😓

NJ: I'm okay. ☔️When I heard the rain I thought of you too.

NJ: Guessing you're asleep, sweet dreams bby girl 🌙🌷

Jia: Morning~ Sorry yea I fell asleep 🥺

You sleep okay? 😚

Jia: Also! If you're not too busy, wanna grab lunch today?

I clicked out of his chat and scrolled through my other messages until I saw Hobis name. Tonight I was off work so I decided to text and let him know I'd come and watch him dance. He suggested we grab some takeout for dinner afterwards which sounded like a nice plan.

I was able to fit in a quick run before the rest of my usual morning routine. It wasn't until halfway through my first class that Joon replied.

NJ: Yeah, slept okay 😉

NJ: Might be able to get out the studio for a bit, 1 at Starbucks ok with you?

NJ: Been so busy this morning 😪 Need coffeeee

Jia: Yep perfect

Jia: Samee, I think I'd actually die without it 😇

When class finished I headed across the street to where I was meeting with Joon. He stood out amongst the crowd as he lingered on the street side due to his height and dark blonde hair. Not to mention his impeccable fashion sense which seemed to know no ends.

Today's attire was street and damn did it look hot on him. Luckily he didn't notice the way I was checking him out before I greeted him. Prior to that his attention had been down at his phone as he clicked away at something.

"Hey Shawty, can I get ur number?" I slid up next to him super close. The look he gave as he raised his head was probably the most confused I'd ever seen him. When he saw it was me he just burst into a short laugh.

"Shit Jia, you really gotta stop doing this to me" he sighed and a small smitten look settled.

"Whatever, I know you secretly like me being a creep" I joked.

"I shouldn't encourage you, but, I'll admit I don't hate it" He tutted before reaching out and pinching my cheek.

"Oww" I swatted his hand away before rubbing the light sting to try and get rid of it. Joon just smirked before gently pushing on my shoulders and steering me into the cafe.

We headed up to the counter and ordered some coffee and a sandwich to share. Neither of us were overly hungry so we decided to half it. After we collected our drinks we found ourselves a table in the back corner. Any noise seemed to be blocked by an invisible force from that spot making it feel a bit more intimate.

"Jia, I was wondering.." Joon began to say. I sipped my coffee and nodded along as I listened. "There's this song I'm working on at the moment but I sort of wanted a second opinion. If you don't mind, could you take a look?"

"Me? Uhh, yeah sure" I didn't know how much help I'd be but guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a once over.

Joon reached down into his bag which was lazily propped up against the leg of his chair and proceeded to pull out a very thick notepad. Someone had been very busy at work.

"Thanks, it's here," He slid it across the table and split it open where the bookmark had been dividing the pages. I started to read the part that was labeled the Intro:

(What) Iri naenwa

(What) Ginjanghae da

(What) Ggeutpandaejang

(What) We are bulletproof

We are bulletproof


I looked back up at Joon for a second in thought. What kind of beat would this be with? It was hard to imagine..

"Can you give me a vague idea of the beat?"

Joon started to reach for his phone but stopped. "Uh, I'll try and hum it. Bare with me". He started tapping on the table at a steady pace which sounded like the snare and then followed through with a rhythmic tutting over it.

I nodded along as I let it sink in then started to read the lyrics over his make-shift beat. After I said the last of the intro he took it from the top again but more aggressively.

"This is heavily hip-hop" Was about as much of a conclusion that I could come to. I didn't think it was a helpful thing for me to say but Joon stopped tapping and relaxed back into his seat.

"Yeah. It's something I've been working on. If it comes together there's the potential it'll be used when my group debuts" he sighed.

This song must have been taking up a lot of his energy.. I noticed it in the way he talked about it. I continued to read through the rest of the lyrics, the concept was intriguing.

"It has a lot of potential. Rap isn't exactly my strong suit but.. I can see it being catchy and, I know for a fact if you've got a hand in writing and producing it then it will turn out great."

Joon gave a small smile but it was easy to see he was feeling differently on the inside. He looked tired.

"Anyway! Joon. Bulletproof right? You know, now that I think about it, steel that's been made bulletproof has to endure through a lot of stressful processes to become that. It means.. Perseverance.." Bemusement creeped through as he shook his head.

"Huh? What is it?" I was so confused but he leaned in closer.

"You are truly the sweetest thang." he finally elaborated. I felt myself shrink.

"I am?"

"Yeah. And your thought process is always interesting" Joon leaned back and ran his hand through his hair smiling lightly at me. I didn't know what to say so I just changed the topic. We finished off our lunch. There wasn't a whole lot of time we could spare seeing as we had classes to get to. As we exited the cafe we stood off to the side.

"Thanks for the help today" he was standing close to me so that we weren't blocking the pathway as people walked by.

"It's okay, anytime" I was forced to look up seeing as he was fairly taller than me. He slowly leant in and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. He lingered there a second longer, as though contemplating whether to kiss me on the lips or not, but he pulled away again. Funnily enough I kinda wished he had kissed me.

"I'll see you soon?" I asked.

"Of course. I can't be away from my muse too long" that cute shy smile he does when he says something kinda corny always gets me. I waved him off and he continued on his way back to the studio probably.

I headed to my afternoon class feeling really happy. Joon had called me his muse but, to me he was like Serotonin. I'd catch myself thinking about him and smiling to myself like an idiot on more than one occasion during the class that followed our lunch date. I felt like I was playing a dangerous game but I didn't want to stop. I was pressing down on the accelerator instead. Would I inevitably crash?

Class finally finished and so had my daydreaming. I had a performance to go watch this afternoon so I headed home and dropped off my bag and threw on something a bit warmer. A skirt and a baggy jumper. Over the knee knit socks were a winter favourite of mine so I put on a black pair I had stashed away in the back of my wardrobe. I grabbed my handbag, not wasting a minute more and headed off to see Hoseok.

Despite the cold the crowd that had gathered hadn't dwindled. If anything, it seemed more crowded than usual. Hobi and his crew must have been really making a name for themselves. That was probably due to the way they consistently performed every week at the same time and place.

I took my usual seat on the big concrete steps behind the space they cordoned off to perform in. Hoseok noticed me a couple of minutes after I sat down. He grinned before sending finger hearts in my direction.

I just waved casually and tried not to blush like an idiot at how cute that actually was. He returned to setting up and then the show started. I cheered along with everyone else and I even noticed some new moves they'd incorporated into their act. A few more stunts and tricks which were really cool.

By the time the show finished it had gotten dark. The city lights and street lamps still lit up the street, and the hustle and bustle around made it feel like a lively night.

I waited for Hoseok to finish talking with a few last stragglers from the crowd that went up to greet him. It was humble of him really. I liked that about him. Always genuine and kind. I glanced back over to him, only to notice a familiar girl was now talki- no wait, flirting with him?

She was lightly touching his arm and laughing with him about something, getting a bit too close for my liking to be honest and.. wait, was I being jealous right now?

No… okay maybe..? Wow.. I tried to pull myself up and not think about it but watching them was kind of hard. I felt a small ache in my chest. Hoseok had glanced over in my direction a few times and it genuinely seemed like he was trying to get out of the conversation, then he finally stepped away and waved her off. She pouted, seemingly unhappy but left nonetheless.

I felt myself relax as he came towards me.

"Sorry to make you wait, she just kept talking, it was so hard to get away" he laughed before sitting down next to me.

"I remember her from last time", I said aloud as I contemplated. Glancing at him, he still had a light coat of sweat that gleamed against his white complexion.

"Oh yeah, she's a dancer too. She's in a crew called Paisu that competed in regional competitions" he explained casually.

"Anyway, enough about that. How're you baby girl?" Hoseok leaned in, wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in closer to him. My internal discomfort was dispelled as soon as I felt him wrap me closer.

"Yeaaa I'm okay, but hungry," I puffed out my cheeks. He playfully mimicked my frown.

"Aw, Me too, Not to mention it's cold tonight. What about something warm?" Without any warning, I felt him attack my side with a tickle that made me jump up and down!

"Ahh~ Okay, let's go" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Hoseok was smitten as he stood and started to drag me off to a nearby restaurant. We decided to get Kimchi Pork soup and head back to my place.

We set up our dinner on the coffee table in the living room and then sat together on the floor across the wooden surface from each other. The pork kimchi soup was wrapped up in a takeaway container and the steam had settled into small water drops that hung from the plastic lid. In the midst of this cold, dark winter night, it would certainly warm us up. Hoseok grabbed one of the spare small blankets that was folded up on the couch. He spread it over his legs and tucked the ends under his crossed legs. Seeing him so snugly tucked in made me want to do the same, so I grabbed the other. His blanket had little sushi's with smiley faces and mine had Rilakkuma on it.

"Shall we?" He queried.

"Yeah, let's eat while it's still hot" I beamed.

"Mmm, Oh! I know, want to watch some dance videos?" Hobi seemed keen so I agreed.

As we started to eat Hoseok propped his phone up on the table and opened up YouTube. He pulled up a dance video and pressed play.

It felt so cosy sitting here with Hoseok while he enthusiastically comments on dance videos over a steamy bowl of Kimchi Pork soup. He had a way of pulling me in without even trying.

I noticed the next video he put on was of the crew he'd mentioned earlier. Paisu.

"Isn't this the crew with that girl in it?" I mumbled under my breath. The way it had come out sounded kinda sassier than I'd intended it to..

"You mean Stella?" He looked puzzled.

"Oh.. that's her name.." I mumbled. I didn't realise they were on a first name basis with each other. Maybe they talked more often than I thought.

"Yeah… Aww wait, don't tell me.. is my baby girl jealous perhaps? How cute." I looked down into my lap to avoid his gaze Did I really make it that obvious, shit.

"You shouldn't be, she's… Pretty I guess, but she isn't my type. Too clingy for my liking" He continued. As I looked back up I caught a clear look of distain as he spoke of her.

"Mm.. fair enough. Anyway, I shouldn't be prying. It's not really my business. Sorry."

"C'mon, don't be like that. It hurts my feelings" Hoseok actually frowned. A rare sight indeed.

"I just.. don't want to guilt you into only having eyes for me just because we're..." The fact of the matter was just that. I wasn't exactly his girlfriend so what say did I really have in his personal relationships outside of our own.

"Jia.. Let me make something clear. From the moment I started sleeping with you I took on the responsibility for any feelings that come with that. It's a given." I stated into his brown eyes for a moment as I tried to process what he was saying.

"You mean..?" I slowly said. He could tell I was having trouble and let out a small sigh.

"I'm here for you. If it hurts you to see another girl trying to flirt with me then I'll just stop talking to her all-together." He said plainly. "No.. that's too much isn't it?!" I blurted. Would he really just ignore her because I didn't like her?

"Not really, your feelings are more important to me." He was serious. A physical shiver ran through me at his words.

"What's wrong? You cold?" He asked. Brows furrowing together as he did.

"A little" It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the complete truth. My feelings were significant to him... It made my heart race but there was no way I would admit it.

"Come here baby" Hoseok pulled aside his blanket and with open arms beckoned for me to come and sit in his lap. It looked so warm and inviting. I crawled over with my own blanket in hand and curled up on his crossed legs.

"Mm, that's better" he tucked us in both blankets before wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling up into the crook of my neck. His chest pressed against my back. I felt myself relax into his warmth instantly.

"Oh there's one more video I wanted to show you" Hoseok perked up a bit as he reached for his phone. I gave a small hum in response as he put the video on. We cuddled up as we watched together. There were some American street dancers popping in the video.

I could feel his fingers lightly grazing up and down the curve of my hips absentmindedly. His warm breath tickled at the crook of my neck where his head was resting. It was really distracting me from the video so I squeezed my thighs together discreetly to try and relieve some of the building tension he was making me feel with his light teasing.

"What happened? You okay?" He asked.

"Oh no it's nothing" I shook my head quickly, not wanting to admit that being this close to him was making me feel some type of way.

"You sure?" He pressed on.

"Yeah it's just.. The way you're touching me right now.." I bit my lip as I tilted my head to look at him. Our faces were suddenly so close together and his expression glazed over cheekily in realisation.

"Is that all it took to get you worked up? Fuck, you're a naughty girl" he breathed against my lips before slipping his tongue into my mouth. It happened like it was in slow motion. His grip became firm on my hips as he kissed in to me. I moaned as I felt him press me down against his newly risen hardness. He continued to kiss me, his tongue roamed my mouth eagerly. He pulled away just a little bit and when he whispered I could practically taste the spices from the soup on his breath because his face was still only inches away from me.

"I wonder just how wet you already are for me. Should we check?" He presses his lips to mine, smirking before suddenly hooking his knees under the little crevices behind mine. Then he spread his legs apart which caused my own to be forced open too.

I didn't resist. His grip moved from my hips down to the front of my panties. His touch became light as it drifted over my clit down to where I could feel I was already getting worked up. He groaned in satisfaction before slipping his hand underneath my underwear. His touch was agonisingly slow as he spread my juices from top to bottom so nothing had been left out.

"I'm hardly the bad one. This is all your doing you know" I tried to hold back a moan but the position he had me pinned in was so exposing.

"Oh, is that right? Then I should probably take some responsibility for the mess I've made and just fuck you huh?" The two fingers he had now pressed up against my opening slipped in deep.

"Mm I think that's exactly what you should do" I gasped at the feeling.

"You always look so innocent and put together, but after a couple of touches you come undone so easily. Think I might just play with you a little longer" the thought of it seemed to amuse him but I didn't know if I could bear it.

"Noo please, I already want you so badly. I can't take being teased like this" I lulled my head back over his shoulder as he smirked down at me. I buried my head in the crook of his neck to stifle the moans as he pushed his fingers deeper into me hitting that sensitive spot.

I was completely at his mercy yet again. His thumb started circling my clit as his fingers stretched me out in a slow but deep rhythm. Then with his free hand he pulled the blanket off us and peered down from over my shoulder to between my spread legs. The way he was working me now completely visible.

My skirt was hiked up, white panties pulled to the side. It felt so good, he was reducing me further into a moaning mess with every pump of his fingers inside me.

"Feel good baby?" A low gravel to his voice as he asked adding to the feeling.

"Yeah so good, want you to fuck me" I breathed in to his ear. Suddenly he pulled his fingers out of me and I was left feeling empty.

"Yeah?" I let out a small squeak as he picked me up from around the waist with ease, lifted me off his lap and put me down on the floor beside him. I took the opportunity to reach for his obvious bulge and started to massage it through his light grey track pants. It felt so good in my hand from over the material. He watched as I did for a moment before taking down his pants. It popped out hard. I wanted to taste it but before I could he picked me back up and placed me on his thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck for support. He groped at my ass as he looked lustfully down between my legs. Part of me wanted to cover myself but I resisted.

I watched as he lined himself up and slowly started to slip his head in and out of me. God it felt good.

"Hoseok" I whined.

"I know baby" He kissed me and then dove his whole length into me slowly. All of a sudden I was so full. The louder I moaned the faster his hips bucked up and he drove it in to me. It was hitting so deep, just where I wanted it to. How the fuck was he so adept at this? How did he always know exactly what to do to drive me crazy? It wasn't long until I felt myself lose strength in my knees and I was clinging to him, cuming hard around him.

He grip on my hips held me down around him, I felt his dick twitching inside me as he came too. I felt him filling me up as it hit my walls.

I fell into his chest, he held me against him until our heavy breathing subsided. A gentle peck to my forehead followed. I felt him going soft from still inside me and just how messy it was as cum started to leak out of me.

"It's dripping" I carefully got off him and collapsed down on the floor into a fucked out daze beside Hoseok.

"Hold on, I'll get something to clean you up" he stood up, pants still around his thighs as he hurried to the bathroom to grab tissues. He brought back the wet wipes and tissues and cleaned us both up. Afterwards we cuddled up on the couch together for another hour or so laughing and talking about random stuff. Eventually it started getting late and he had to head home.

We kissed before he left, that euphoric feeling followed me as I shower and got ready for bed. It had been quite a day. My mind was cloudy with feel good thoughts as I dozed off.

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