

Did I tell you something about the languages and the voice similarities, it was actually kind of cool, Rose actually could not understand us at first, But thanks to me, helping her learn our languages it has been easier, she is a fast though manage to learn Japanese, to be specific 4 months and 3 weeks.

The cool thing about my voice is that when I speak in English, I sound like Sean the American voice actor, but with the Japanese language, I sound like, the Japanese actor,

Training was kind of easy with Ki, the only thing that was hard was the motivation to keep going, but That was kind of easy to find for me, when I look at Grandpa, I looked at Rose, all of those people I wish to protect, so that is what gives me motivation to become stronger, as well as Frieze, and all of the other threats that have yet to appear over the earth


"Okay...okay." I breathed in an out as I stood still straight for a moment, focusing onto my Ki. As little as possible, I tried to fly. The flying was a failure. I tried to increase my Ki, my eyes widened as I shot into the air like a speeding bullet, it even created a large thunder like sound, I screamed like a mad man as I shot upwards to the sky I went all the way up until I reached the earths atmosphere before I began to fall back towards the ground.

It was the second I hit the ground I began to float upwards, my hands covering my face in defense, Once I felt that I stopped moving.

I felt a grin slowly move it's way back onto my face, before I tilted my head and shot back up into the air.

"Wahoo, this totally beats walking anyday!" I screamed as I was sent rocketing across the skies horizontally.

I did a few acrobats, flipping spinning before twirling, before I landed with my feet touching the tree branch, at the end of the woods, unfortunately the tree branch broke sending me crashing to the ground.

"Ugh...awesome..." I groaned, face-planted onto the ground "ow..."

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