

Aaron knocked on Bastion's door, wrapping loudly enough to interrupt Bastion and Damien from their whispering discussion. Damien looked up from the Bastion's desk, acting bored. Bastion on the other hand offered us a dry and forced smile as he waved for us to come in. Without a word, we both stepped into Bastion's dark office. Even with the blinds open, the walls where black enough that light wouldn't even reflect off them. In place where I had pictures hanging on my wall, he had rows and rows of book shelves lining his.

I grabbed one of the seats sitting closest to the desk, and the one furthest from Damien. Aaron took the one beside me, glaring into Damien's general direction. The atmosphere felt heavy and unpleasant while we sat silently. I lightly tapped my fingers on the desk. Every passing second making my patience wear thin. No one wanted to take the initiative. With a loud sigh, I withdrew my hand from the desk and level my stare at Bastion.

"I do hope this is important Bastion. After all you interrupted a meeting with a very important client of mine. Not to mention I have work to catch up on from my time in the hospital. So, if you don't mind getting this started that would be wonderful." I didn't mean for my voice to come out dry and unpleasant, but it wasn't a lie. Not to mention, I really didn't want to be in the same room as Damien the either. Bastion cleared his throat.

"Yes, I am well aware, and I am very sorry for ending your visit so soon. But this is in regards to a photo you sent yesterday." Was he talking about Damien and Illia being chummy on an advertisement board? Aaron narrowed his eyes and glared at Damien. Once again, his open hostility was going to get him in trouble. I placed a hand on Aaron's arm, silently warning him to choose and pick his battles. Damien watched with distant interest. But behind that disinterest, I could see a light flame flicker beneath them.

"So what? He is a company that has many people beneath him. Why does it matter? As long as he stays true to his business terms and doesn't try to undermine us, I have no problems working with him." Aaron patted my hand, a silent praise that only he and I understood. Damien cleared his throat, to get our attention.

"I know you love this company dearly Rosaline, but I have no intentions of ruining your show. Please understand that this business relation is strictly that. Business." A part of me deep down doubted his words. But I didn't have any evidence that he was trying to hurt us, so I could only be quiet and play along until he slipped up. So, I nodded my head, pretending to be satisfied with his answer. I gently squeezed Aaron's arm before letting go and turning my attention to Bastion. But before I could utter a word, Damien cut in.

"Do you allow office work relations?" Damien asked casually. Bastion was caught off by the answer and raised an eyebrow skeptically. What prompted him to ask such a question?

"As long as H.R. knows about the relations, I have no qualms. What is this about?" Bastion asked, a warning tone coating his words. The interaction between them was starting to get interesting. Bastion doesn't use the warning tone with anyone really. Unless they were treading a thin line. Across that thin line, there was really no coming back. Damien remained unfazed as his eyes landed directly on me. A cold twinge ran down my back and I had to force myself to look away.

"So is H.R. aware of your two best designers being in an intimate relationship?" Damien's words where cool and quipped as he spoke. Again, his eyes never leaving my face. But the accusation was enough to ward of his intense stare and I rose to my feet. Placing both hands on the table I glared directly down at Damien. I don't care if he was a director of the biggest Makeup Industry. I wouldn't let him build such nonsense in his head. Especially since it could terminate one of us if this rumor where to spread. I know Bastion knows how close we were as friends, but he couldn't hurt his reputation as a director of a leading fashion company.

"What nonsense bullshit are you spewing from your mouth? Aaron and I have been friends since the beginning of this company and that is where we remain. There is no romantic feelings at all between us and you best remember that. We have to be close because of the kind of business we are in. We are the coordinators, the designers, and the leading team of the company. So, unless you have anything important to say besides trying to tarnish our reputations, I ask to be excused so I can get back to work." Without another word, I turned from the desk and started marching towards the door.

A bewildered Aaron followed closely behind. It wasn't very often I got this angry, and if I did, I kept it bottled up. So being able to vent out my frustration like that felt really good inside. But my good feeling was cut short as a hand caught my arm. I winced from the force and swung my head around to meet Damien's angry golden eyes. They practically swirled with rage, entrancing me for but a brief moment.

"You best let go Damien. I have no qualms hitting you. You may be the director of your industry, but you are not the boss of me." I whispered, letting the venom drip from my voice. Aaron could only helplessly watch as we fought, shooting daggers out of our eyes. Bastion's chair squealed as he rose from his chair, his hands slapping the surface.

"Damien, I know we made an agreement, but that doesn't mean you can bully my employees." His voice was hard and firm, and Damien's eyes softened a little. But they still raged on in the inside. I felt his grip loosen around my arm, and I defensively pulled in to my chest, rubbing the wounds his fingers where digging into. I was glad I wore a long sleeve today; it somewhat cushioned his tight grip.

"I remember when your desires where different Rose. If this company fell one day, would you turn to those dreams of yours?" His voice was soft, I couldn't detect if there was a threatening meaning hidden behind his words, but I still didn't like what he was saying either. How did this man know so much about me, but I didn't know a damn thing about him? How much investigating has he done? I think I would remember someone like him if I had met him in my past.

"I don't know who you are, but you are the definition of creepy. Stay away from me if you know what's good for you." I hissed before walking towards the door. His words kept repeating over and over in my head as I slammed the door behind me. I never mentioned my other dreams to anyone before. There is no way an outsider would just know these things about me. I needed to get a hold of the police officer who handled my mother and father's case. He was not only a good friend of my dad's, but he is also a really good detective.

I could only hope that he would help me out. It's been so long; I just hope he hasn't retired yet. If that plan back fired, I wondered if I could ask Miss Rita what she knows. I doubt I would get all of my answers from her, but she was a last resort in the end. This Damien fellow was starting to get on every one of my nerves.

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