
Summer Camp ll

Lunch was a very interesting affair. Brandi let our parents know that Eden and Emma had told us the secret on our hike, and after the initial moments of trepidation, they seemed to relax when none of us outright complained about them hiding it for so long. Also, the topic of conversation didn't seem fit for the lunch tables with so many other people nearby, so we agreed to hold off the majority of our questions until we got somewhere private.

Mom and Dad were then surprised when we turned down their offer to stay at the cabins and let them spend the afternoon explaining.

Brandi said it best. "We get it. A kid's life is daunting enough without the complications of questioning your parentage. Dad, you never treated Eden or Emma any differently from the rest of us, and the girls themselves affirmed that they know who their dad is, even if they aren't yours biologically. Really, it doesn't matter. All five of us are YOUR kids. The extra dose of DNA from Mr. Evans just makes the twins that much more ... unique. Now, we really ARE all family."

"But we wonder if we should have told you sooner," Mom sighed.

I shook my head. "This wasn't about Brandi or me. This was only for the twins, and you waited until they were mature enough to handle it. Makes perfect sense."

"You don't love us any differently," Emma then chimed in.

"We've had a few weeks to digest this," Eden added. "And we've decided that this is a really good thing, actually. We still have our family: always have, always will. But now we have an extra family, too. And how can that be a bad thing?"

That got both Mom and Deanna Evans misting up, which got Brandi and Dayna wiping fresh tears from their eyes as well. But after hugs around, the girls collectively decided that they still wanted to head down to the lake for the afternoon. "Nothing's really changed," Emma declared. "We have only one day of camp left before going home tomorrow, so we're going to enjoy it while we still can."

"Now shoo." Dayna gestured for the parents to all leave us alone, or at least go back to the Evanses cabin. "Last day at the lake; it's time to show off. And I don't think the dads want to know exactly what our bikinis look like."

I missed the old ritual of hanging outside the cabin, watching the girls emerge one-by-one in their latest itty-bitty outfits designed to stir the male libido. Eden and Emma proved that conservative two-pieces weren't the only weapons in their arsenal, and today they wore identical black strapless bikinis that emphasized their growing boobs and willowy bodies. With the mature cut, black material, and the way they posed, I could have believed the twins were now 18-year-old grown-ups.

Likewise, Brandi had switched to a baby blue halter and thong, with her butt cheeks completely bare. She wore a sarong wrap in a darker blue around her hips for modesty, but the material was sheer enough to be completely transparent and let the world see she had a world-class ass anyway.

On the other hand, Dayna wore her same itty-bitty teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini with the scalloped bra cups. Her bosom was front and center, and I decided then and there that I hadn't spent nearly enough time motorboating myself in her breasts this morning.

And then Amber finally emerged. The last couple of bikinis she'd worn had been about doing more with less skin. The yellow one by the apartment pool had clung to her like body paint, and the hot pink one from this morning had been semi-supporting like a sports bra. But she wasn't doing any hiking today. And my girlfriend stepped out of the cabin wearing a baby pink bandeau bikini that was effectively a perfectly even strip of 3-inch cloth that wrapped around her upper body like a ribbon. 3-inches wide all the way around, no less and no more, left both the upper slopes AND lower slopes of her breasts exposed, with a firmness that would have made me think her tits were fake if I didn't know better myself. The material stretched taut across the front of her breasts, leaving a vertical channel between her breasts that just called to my dick even more than the triangle cutout of her bikini top this morning. And her bottoms were another even strip of pink cloth, a little wider this time to ensure that her crotch remained covered. But it was brief enough that I thought I might see her pussy if I could just duck my head low enough, while from the back the top of her asscrack was exposed.

The whole ensemble fit her so perfectly that I knew it had to be custom-made. She looked so fucking edible that I grunted like a caveman and lurched forward to grab my girlfriend and carry her into the cabin so that I could mindlessly fuck her through the floor. But just as I got to her, she stuck her hand out and jabbed her palm against my chest, stopping me in my tracks. "Settle down, loverboy."

I grunted and whimpered with need, the sexual animal taking over.

But she just tsked me and waggled a finger in my face. "Save it. Let the anticipation build."

Fuck anticipation. I wanted to fuck NOW. But Amber sashayed past me, letting me admire her ass as she moved. And I sighed dreamily and followed after. Hell, I'd follow her anywhere.

As it was, I just had to follow her, Dayna, Brandi, and the twins to the lake. We found a nice grouping of lounge chairs and spread ourselves out. The guys immediately swarmed, as was typical. And soon my collective sisters were flirting and laughing the afternoon away.

Eden and Emma soaked up the attention like sponges. I felt a twinge of protectiveness in the back of my head and made sure to keep an eye on my baby sisters. But they seemed to be doing a more than capable job of defending their honor while keeping enough boys on leash to entertain themselves.

Brandi was recently single, and from the way she flirted I thought that she wasn't above having a one-night stand for fun. But Dayna did have a boyfriend waiting for her back home, and while she enjoyed the tease, whenever things got a little intense she would actually back up and hang around me.

Amber, on the other hand, was just completely all over me. She shared my lounge chair, spooning herself against my front and rubbing her barely clad ass against my crotch. My fingers found that there was actually a thin strap underneath the band of her pink bottoms that covered her pussy and asshole from being lewdly exposed in the wrong position. On the other hand, there was absolutely nothing but pink spandexy material in her top, and I found myself sliding my fingers through the gaping hole between her breasts as if I were in a trance, at least until some mom with a 10-year-old kid wandered by and gave me the stink-eye.

I told Amber I didn't mind if she wanted to flirt. I believed she would come back to me. But turning around and kissing my nose, she just stated quite warmly, "All I need is you, all I want is you, and I don't need any flirtation with anyone else to get me sopping wet at the thought of having you inside me. Okay?"

I gulped. "Okay."

But after a half-hour of lounging, Amber decided that just lying around with me wasn't quite enough. Pulling on a spare T-shirt and shorts just to make sure she didn't give anyone a free show, my girlfriend grabbed my hand and dragged me after her to show her what all the playground equipment was about.

We swung off the rope swing, skying fifteen feet into the air before letting go and splashing down into the cool water. We rode the waterslide on foam mats. And we cruised down the zip-lines that dipped us into the water, sending our bodies skidding across the surface for a good thirty feet.

One time, Amber ended up awkwardly enough that her bikini top was dislodged and her T-shirt dragged up to her neck, giving me a flash of boob before she could get everything fixed. We looked around to find that three other guys must have also gotten a glimpse as they hooted and hollered quite admirably. But Amber shut them up pretty quick when she just wrapped her arms around my neck and shoved her tongue down my throat.

She decided that was enough zip-lining, and we returned to our towels and lounge chairs. Amber stripped off the wet T-shirt and shorts to dry while lying on her belly and unhooking the back of her bandeau top to get an even tan. I delighted in rubbing sunblock into her back ("Finally got you to do it, since you never did by the apartment pool," she remarked.) And I copped a few feels of some side-boob as well.

Then I got roped into rubbing sunblock into Dayna and Brandi as well. And yes, I copped a few feels of side-boob again (even Brandi [grin]).

But before I could settle down and relax alongside my girls, nature called, and I trotted off to the bathroom. While I was sitting in a stall, I overheard a couple of guys walk in and head over to the urinals.

"What the fucking fuck, man? Did you see that chick?"

"The new girl? Of course. I overheard Dayna call her 'Amber'."

"And you know who she's with, of course."

"Ughhh ... That fucking 'Ben' guy. I give up. I just don't get it."

"Yeah, man. What the fuck? What's the count now: Dawn, Adrienne, Felicia, DJ, and this new chick Amber?"

"Fuck, yeah. And even Dayna looks pretty chummy with him. Why the hell not, right? He's already banged her little sisters. Might as well get a piece of the action, right? And he's so clearly together with Amber, can you imagine him porking them both at the same time?"

"Fuck man, I'm trying to pee here."

"Just picture it: being the meat sandwich between two hot blondes like that? Just imagine them making out with lots of tongue, squishing those big fuckin' titties together. I'll bet that punk could just slide his twelve-inch dick between those tits and-"

"Will you shut the fuck up! Why the hell do I even bother coming in here when you keep trying to give me a woody?"

"I'm giving you a woody?

"Fuck you, fucker."

"We've been over this, dude. I'm not fucking you so stop suggesting it. Fuckin' dipshit."

"Fuck off."

"That's more like it. I'm outta here. You coming?"

"No, I'm not cumming, fucker. I'm just standing here, waiting for my hardon to go down so I can fucking pee. Now fucking fuck off and leave me the fuck alone."

"Whatever, man."

The room went quiet. I still didn't hear the sound of urine slapping porcelain. By now, I was done with my thing and just waiting to get up and leave. I planned to wait until the guys were both gone, but since I had no idea when the second guy would finally leave, I just decided to hell with it and stood up. Flushing the toilet, I opened the door and stepped out.

The punk at the urinal turned around and gawked at me with wide eyes, his jaw gaping open. I shrugged as I headed for the sink, and as I started washing my hands, I just sort of commented off-hand, "I don't have a twelve-inch dick or anything. You want some advice? Learn to love going down on a girl and be willing to just park yourself down there all night instead of worrying about when you're going to get yours. No matter what you do, a dick in the cunt can't match a tongue wrapped around her clit. And if you figure out how to ring her bell, believe that she'll find a way to return the favor."

Without waiting for a word of response, I just dried my hands and left. I do hope he eventually got to pee.

Me? I trotted right back to my girlfriend, reaching down and grabbing the sides of her bikini top, closing it around her back.

Stirring as if I'd woken her from a nap, Amber gave me a blank stare behind her sunglasses and arched a manicured eyebrow above the lens. "Ben? What?"

"Anticipation over," I growled before reaching over and fastening Dayna's bikini top as well. I still had the imagery of being the meat sandwich between the two busty babes, having them squish their tits together and sliding my cock between all four of their breasts and fucking away to my heart's content until they separated enough to give me a dual blowjob. Fuck yeah.

Taking both girls by the hand, I stared up the pathway that would lead us back to our cabin and grinned. "There's something I wanna try."

"C'mon, honey. It's time for sunset."

"Ooh, you got some romantic little hideaway with a spectacular view, too?" Amber grinned as she slid her hand into mine.

I snorted. "Spectacular view, check. Romantic, maybe. Little hideaway? No. Everyone at camp knows about this place."

Indeed, there were a few other couples walking along the same trail up to the ridge. We paid them no mind, just holding hands and carrying on an amiable conversation about nothing in particular. It was a short hike, though uphill quite a ways. But once we got up to the naturally-forming ledge, we had a picturesque view across the valley where we could see the sun coming down as if to disappear into the winding river far on the horizon.

Given that this was our only night to see the sunset, I made sure we arrived early enough to get one of the best seats. A couple of extra benches had been erected in the last few years, and seating my girlfriend on one, we looked out across the expansive vista.

"Wow," Amber breathed. "This place really is magical."

I smiled and squeezed her hand tighter, enjoying that she was enjoying this. There was nothing above us but open sky, darkening quickly in the twilight. There was no smog, like back home in Orange County. There was no fog, like Berkeley. There wasn't even the glow of city lights surrounding us. Up here, high on the ridge, I felt like I was on top of the world.

Up here, I felt like I'd climbed above all my problems. There was no school, no work, not even any other people in the world. It was just me and the girl I loved, holding hands and enjoying the peace and serenity of a summer evening.

"We could stay here forever, you know. I saw a poster down at the main lodge. They're hiring ranch hands."

"Ranch hands?"

I nodded. "I'm sure the pay sucks, but you get to spend all year up here: looking at clear skies, swimming in crystal pools, getting away from all the suburban hassles of life..."

"Shoveling horse manure, doing the dishes for guests, picking up condom wrappers off cabin floors," Amber drawled with a smirk. "I have servants. I'm not going to be a servant myself."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like that."

"Oh, I know, I know..." Amber sighed. "It does sound nice, actually. Getting away from it all. Sometimes I feel like I gave up ... well... everything to pursue this dream of becoming a doctor. Left my friends, my family ... my boyfriend ... all to come to Stanford. Now I work forty hours a week and study for another forty. I'm always tired, always running short on time. Some nights, I would just collapse onto my bed at the end of the day, still wearing my clothes, wondering if I made the right choice."

She went quiet, and tucked her cheek against my shoulder. I hugged her warmly and just stroked her shoulder as she collected herself.

At last, she exhaled and tilted her face up to mine. Her blue eyes were shimmering with moisture, and she gave me a brave smile. "If I hadn't come here, I never would have met you. If I hadn't moved into that apartment, I never would have met you. If you hadn't moved into that apartment with Lynne, I never would have met you. But I did. And you did. And we did."

I nodded and squeezed her tighter, knowing exactly what she meant. "We did."

"I feel like I was meant to be with you."

"Like destiny," I said quietly.


We both went quiet. The sun continued its descent, and as it got closer and closer to the horizon, the chatter from other couples around us also quieted.

"Have I told you 'I love you' today?" Amber said quietly out of the blue.

"Uh, not in the last half-hour, I think."

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought us together for a sweet kiss. Amber let her lips linger on mine for an extra few seconds, and even when she pulled away, her eyes were closed and her tongue snaked out as if to taste what was left of me still on her mouth. A few seconds after that, her eyes finally opened, gorgeous sapphire orbs that gazed upon me with an expression of infinite adoration. And she smiled so perfectly that I couldn't resist leaning in to kiss her again.

"I can't believe this is all happening so fast," she sighed when we broke for air once again. "I went years and years without feeling ... anything ... serious for anyone. Medical school is tough. It's a hard, hard grind, and I never felt like I had time for a relationship. Heck, I still don't think I have time for a relationship. But then you came along, swept me off my feet, and now I can't imagine living the rest of my life without you."

"Neither can I," I agreed. "Hey, what do you think about having a wedding up here? Nothing huge, of course. But there's enough room for some portable generators and to string up some lights if you want to do a sunset wedding."

Amber grinned and leaned her cheek against my shoulder. "That a proposal?"

"Uh ... well..." I stammered.

She giggled and rubbed my arm. "Relax. I'm not pressuring you or anything. It sounds nice. To be honest, I've never given a whole lot of thought to my wedding. I know some girls plan it meticulously from the time they're 10 and watching Beauty and the Beast on VHS. Me? I'm kinda cool with whatever."

"Good to know."

We went quiet, and Amber looked out across the valley. The sun was just now dipping into the horizon, about ten percent of the bright disk now out of view. She rubbed my forearm, breathing deeply. And then out of the silence, she said quietly, "I'd say 'yes', you know."

I blinked quickly and glanced down at her. "What?"

"If you asked me..." Her eyes tilted up to look into mine. "I'd say 'yes'."

I was blinking quickly again in surprise. A great part of me was already rejoicing in delight. She's going to marry me! She's going to marry me! But that joy was tempered with just a hint of reason. It wasn't that I was against the idea, but I wasn't so far gone into my infatuation that I lost all sense of rationality. "We've only been together for ten days."

She nodded. "I know. And even if we did get engaged this quickly, my brain tells me we'd have to wait a long while before actually getting married. You've got to finish school, I want to get my M.D., and there are a million other things that would have to happen first. But it doesn't change the way I feel."

"And what do you feel?"

She beamed up at me. "I thought my heart had shut down completely. I dedicated everything to this career. I left behind my home, my friends, my entire life. This was my dream, to come here to Stanford Medical School. I gave up everything, believing that I only had room in my life for this dream."

"But you don't believe that anymore?"

Amber smiled at me and shook her head. "Not anymore. I see a life with you. I see the kind of man I never thought I could have while still maintaining this career. We have this glorious summer, and then you're going to go back to school. I'll work my crazy 80-hour work weeks for a while, and we'll visit each other on weekends. I'll always know that you're nearby if I really need you, and you'll always know that I'm saving myself for you."

I smiled and squeezed her body against my side.

And whispering so quietly I could barely hear, she mumbled, "It's the dedication I should have made a long time ago."

Glancing down, I saw that Amber's eyes had become unfocused again. Knowing that she'd come back from her space trip in a few moments, I just rubbed her arm and waited her out. And sure enough, she looked up at me and let out a little happy sigh.

Someday, I'd bring Amber back here and propose for real.

Someday, but not today.

-- SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2005, SUMMER CAMP --

"Oh shit, Dayna," I groaned as she pulled me out from between her tits and swallowed me whole. I could actually feel her massaging my shaft with her throat muscles, the same way she'd first done to me five years ago. I whimpered when she pulled back just enough to wrap her tits around my rod and give me another few pumps, and then she was handing me off to Amber, who similarly enfolded my cock between her fleshy mounds and gave me a few strokes before taking me into her mouth and pushing her nose further and further down until her lips were wrapped around my base with my mushroom head denting out her throat from the inside.

A knock sounded off at the door, and Amber quickly pulled me out of her mouth. We all looked over at the door just as Brandi cracked it open and pushed her head through. She took one look at us and smirked. "Hurry it up. We're gonna be late for breakfast."

"Go on without us," Dayna urged. "It's my last time with him and I wanna enjoy it."

Brandi rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'm heading down with the twins. Don't take forever!" And then she pulled back and shut the door.

Dayna just grinned and shoved me into her throat again.

Amber, meanwhile, came up to my head. Smirking down at me, she remarked, "You know, your sister's really cool about your sex life. It's really rare to see that."

I blushed, replying, "Brandi and I have a unique relationship."

Amber stared into my eyes, her gaze becoming a little more probing than usual. I actually started to get nervous, my attention being drawn away from Dayna still slurping on my knob. Does she suspect?

"Ben, answer me honestly," Amber ordered quietly. "Have you and Brandi ever... ?" Her voice trailed off.

I was a horrible liar, and I'd been asked a very direct question. Typically in this situation, I would just give a non-answer. I was better at deflecting than outright lying. But this was Amber. If I was seriously thinking about spending the rest of my life with her, how could I possibly keep secrets?

Plus, I really did feel deep inside that she'd be okay with it.

Behind her, Dayna had gone absolutely silent. Almost comically, she still had my dick in her mouth, but she was listening intently, not moving a muscle. I glanced over at her, our eyes meeting for a brief second. And then bringing my gaze back to Amber, I took a deep breath and replied, "We did, once upon a time. But we're not like that anymore."

Amber spaced out again a bit. I hadn't seen her do it in a while, and I wondered just what was going through her head. All of these little moments, staring at me but looking more like she was seeing right through me, always unnerved me a little bit. But just like always, she quickly returned to Earth and gave me a warm smile. "I understand," she stated warmly. "Sometimes, a sibling bond goes beyond social convention. I've only known one other set of siblings like you, and they're some of the most incredible people you could possibly meet."

Blinking slowly, I started to relax. Amber beamed at me and then bent down to give me a soul-tingling kiss. And when she pulled away, familiar lust was back in her eyes. "How do you want us?" she asked Dayna.

The busty blonde Evans girl sat up and furrowed her eyebrows. "Huh?"

"Like you said, this is your last time with us. Well, I'm sure we'll find a way to get together in the Bay Area, but this is the last time at camp. How do you want us?"

Dayna grinned and then glanced to the door. "I've got a double-ended strap-on and some lube in my suitcase. Can I fuck you while Ben does my ass?"

Amber giggled and jerked a thumb at Dayna while looking at me. "I really like your family."

We weren't that late to breakfast, but we'd had to rush enough that Dayna didn't have time to wipe the silly grin off her face. And she grimaced a little when she sat down, my semen squishing around inside her bowels. Brandi gave her a knowing look, and since I'd decided to pay attention to the parents, I saw Deanna giving her daughter a knowing look as well.

My ears suddenly burned.

After the meal, we returned to the cabin and dressed for a short hike. By plan, we wouldn't be leaving camp until after lunch, and I planned to spend the entire morning alone with my girlfriend for a change.

"Don't be late," Mom cautioned me as I hoisted the backpack over my shoulders. "You kids still have work tomorrow."

"Yes, Mom," Amber replied without really thinking about it. She'd intended to make a joke, but when Mom stiffened with wide eyes, Amber got the innuendo and blushed.

"I'm sorry, Mrs.-"

"Don't be," Mom cut her off and then smiled warmly. "I'd be quite happy to have you for a daughter-in-law."

Amber blushed even pinker. I just took her by the hand and led her outside.

The path was automatic. It was after breakfast, I wore my familiar pack, and I knew the route by heart. It wasn't that I'd intended to come here, but after about thirty minutes, I left the trail and led my girlfriend across a hundred yards of tall grass until we rounded some bushes and saw a familiar sight.

It was just like I remembered it. The fifteen by ten foot flat clearing was shaded and blocked on two sides by trees, with the bushes behind and the creek before us. We had a view of the canyon beyond and a constant but gentle breeze. It was quaint, and calm, and perfect. It was our private paradise.

"Wow..." Amber breathed as she squeezed my hand. "This is beautiful."

It was our private paradise. The problem was: "our" meant "Dawn and me".

Maybe I was overemphasizing the "specialness" of the clearing. After all, it was just a patch of grass, a hedge of bushes, and a few trees. But I couldn't do this. Not here.

"C'mon," I said, tugging on Amber's hand.

"Mmm..." She resisted, tugging back and drawing me back to her. She put a hand to my chest and leaned up to steal a kiss from my lips, murmuring on the way, "This looks like a comfortable, private spot to get naked."

"It is," I replied, backing my mouth out of her reach before she kissed me. "But not here. C'mon..."

Amber sensed my disquiet and frowned. But she let me pull her out of the clearing and back to the trail. And wordlessly, I started leading her off somewhere else.

I forgot about Dawn by the time my rock-hard erection lay into the furrow of Amber's pussy. My girlfriend was on her back, thighs spread wide in invitation as I lay atop her body, slowly dragging the underside of my cock and balls across her unhooded clit.

The gorgeous blonde whimpered beneath me, her nipples diamond-hard points that scratched my chest. Her mouth opened willingly to accept my tongue each time it ventured inside, raising her own to meet it with friendly tickling touches. Her hands held onto my shoulders, not caressing or stroking but really just holding on as she focused inward on the sensations I was producing in her body. Amber may have been the medical doctor, but I'd long ago proven I didn't need a degree to understand her anatomy.

A gentle breeze whisked away the heat and the droplets of sweat that beaded along my back. Our bodies were shaded from the sun by the thick covering of leaves from the tree overhead. And our nudity was covered from view by a nice hedge to my left. This clearing was another fifteen minute hike further away from mine and Dawn's, and it wasn't quite as picturesque, but it was still beautiful enough. I could see myself bringing Amber back here again and again.

My cock glided smoothly along a layer of wet lubrication. I was sure the big vein running beneath my shaft was stimulating Amber's clit with a very unique rubbing motion. And when her fingertips dug into my shoulders and her mouth gaped open in a silent scream, I retracted my cock before dipping the head down and gently inserting it into her wet, orgasmically-spasming box.

"Ohhh, gawd, Ben," Amber whimpered as I entered her, her lower lip quivering. "You make me feel like I'm losing my virginity."

That put a little smile on my face, and remembering the pain with which most girls tear their maidenhead, I concentrated on being as gentle as possible as I slowly sheathed my cock in to the hilt. Amber's vaginal canal was exquisitely tight as she clamped up in orgasm, but as the moment gradually passed, I felt her tightness receding. Her climax complete, the 24-year-old blonde beauty dropped her head back onto the blanket behind her, and then rubbed my shoulder in encouragement to continue.

I pulled back until the ridge of my mushroom cap was just barely holding onto the insides of her labia. Amber moaned, "Ohhh..." as she felt me withdraw, that same ridge scraping all of her inner nerves along the way. And after the briefest of pauses, I pushed all the way in once again.

"So good, Ben..." she sighed, her eyes closed and her head lolled back.

"So exquisite, Amber..."

"I love you..." she moaned.

"I love you, too..." I groaned.

Taking a deep breath, Amber's chest expanded. Her perfect breasts pushed up and into me, and opening her eyes, she gave me a sapphire sparkle and a heavenly smile. "Make love to me," she hummed.

So I did.

The mechanics were unimportant. I didn't think about technique. I didn't think about user manuals. I'd learned over the years that there was a very important difference between making love and fucking. And there was just as important a difference between physical and emotional pleasure.

The most important part of sexual satisfaction for a girl is not orgasm; it's the connection to the person they're with. And I was making damn sure Amber felt how emotionally connected to her I felt.

The euphoria was intense. Really, it was incredible. I couldn't believe how good it felt to move in and out of her body, even though I wasn't consciously aware of pumping her. Our motions were automatic. Our actions were in perfect harmony. We were truly making love, and at the same time, we were being "in love", the way they talked about in the movies. It was easy. It came naturally. It was ... perfect.

She clutched my heavier body to hers, crushing herself beneath me in such a wonderful way. My elbows dug into the blankets, keeping my chest above hers, but she kept pulling on my back until I was literally pushing her whole body down with my entire being with every thrust. Our mouths were joined together as firmly as our loins. Her legs were intertwined with mine, her heels digging into my calves as if desperately trying to bring us even a fraction of an inch closer. And as we sped up our urgent humping, I felt both her and my orgasms building together.

This would feel so good. It would feel so perfect. I was making love to an angel. And this carnal act would be a symbol of the enduring passion we would feel for each other for all eternity.

"Mom" she'd called my mother. It was just a matter of time.

I could scarcely believe that we'd only been together for 11 days. 11 DAYS! Seriously? At a time when my life had hit rock bottom, when even my emotional rebound with Lynne had fallen apart, she had come into my life. Her timing had been perfect. Her love had been intense. In such a short time she had come to mean so much to me. It was like we had always been meant to meet each other. Heck, that first day when we'd run into each other at BioGen, she'd summed it up perfectly:

It must be destiny.

I opened my eyes, ready to see my true love. And indeed as I opened them, I saw my Dawn.

My head jerked. Dawn? Wait, what? Not possible. She wasn't even HERE. But there was no mistaking the face. Her fine blonde hair haloed behind her head, drawing one's attention to the pure white of her face and her piercing blue eyes. Michelangelo could not have sculpted a finer face. Delicate shoulders and prominent collarbones framed a slender torso, where the firm mounds of her large breasts remained firm and upright with minimal support, and they were all real. I could feel the hint of her ribcage before Dawn's taut tummy took over with just the delicate ripples of her abs. Her hips perfectly circled around a pretty pussy, her shaven labia surrounding the moist, pink center, a center I was currently thrusting through. And her legs seemed long enough to wrap over my shoulders and down all the way to my ass as she drummed her heels against my spine, urging me to pump her even harder. She was exquisite.

Truly, I was making love to my Dawn.

I didn't know how it was possible. Really, for a moment I didn't care. My hips surged with renewed power as I found I was once again making love to my perfect angel. And I realized that she'd been with me all along.

There was no Amber. Amber was a myth, a figment of my imagination. Amber was a fresh start with my true love, the one whom Destiny truly meant to give me. New name, new identity, same face, same perfect body.

Same heart.

None of the baggage.

We began again.

Who was it who'd told me that the emotional connection was more important to a girl than physical orgasm? Who was it who'd told me the advice of a tongue around the clit being far superior to a dick in the cunt? Dawn. Those were her words, her wisdom.

"I love you!" she moaned, her body thrashing beneath mine. "I've always loved you! And I will always love you!"

Those were Dawn's words. I remembered when she'd said them to me, four years ago when I'd realized that while I could cheat on dear girls like Megan and Cassidy, while I could cheat on even someone as wonderful as Adrienne, I couldn't cheat on her. When Felicia Clarkson had pushed me to my limits, I'd turned her away to be true to my Dawn. I had never cheated on a girl since then, and I never would. She was my all. She was my Dawn.

"I love you," I groaned. "I know it feels like it's been forever, but I still love you. I've waited for you to come back. I've dreamed about this day in desperate hope. But you're with me now. I'm with you now. And we'll never be apart ever again."

"Yes! YES! YES!" she crowed beneath me. All four of her limbs cinched around my body as the earthquake began deep within her core. I felt the heat radiating out of her, heat borne both from temperature and love. Like a warm blanket, that heat washed over me, drowning me in her love. And I rejoiced to feel it once again.

Her body sucked me in. My body poured out my soul into hers. And together, we scaled the heights of both physical and emotional ecstasy and mentally exploded into the stratosphere of tranquil bliss.

Sometime later, my body had gone still atop hers. She cradled me, holding my weight down against her. She was crying, tears of ecstatic joy that sent shudders throughout her entire body beneath me. And still squeezing her eyes shut, she cried out in utter and complete relief, "David, I love you. I've missed you so much!"

Wait ... David?



Here We Go Again....

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