
Chapter 3

After the cab was paid for and had driven of Harry led Aunt Petunia and Dudley into the Leaky Cauldron. Harry quickly arranged them a room for three and an easy lunch up in their room.

Hedwig was standing on the window still of their room when they arrived at the room, and Harry was quick to open the window and let her in. She landed on the table by the small sofa and hooted as she stretched her leg with a letter tied to it for Harry to take. Which he did, taking a spot on the sofa to sit and read the letter. Aunt Petunia and Dudley was looking around the room and left Harry to read the letter in peace.

Harry opened the letter after thanking Hedwig.



Hey Cub, we are so proud of you. We know that man has not been the nicest - Padfoot say "understatement of the century" - to you, so we are happy you can finally leave. We are talking about it when we meet next though, don't try getting out of it.

I went to your house as soon as I got your letter and fixed your "uncle", I erased all memories of you, your aunt, and your cousin from his mind. I also may have added some compulsions to make him want to move to the US, and also maybe a small curse - My idea, from Pads - that makes him ich in the nether regions when he yells.

I can't meet you yet, so stay safe and be careful.

Love Moony and Padfoot

Mischief not managed


…not managed…? Harry scrambled to get his wand out of his pocket. He pointed it at the letter and whispered the Marauder's password.

The letter goes blank for a second before new words start to seemingly write themselves on the parchment.



Well done, figuring out the letter, I knew you could! We are so proud of you! Now, serious - ha-ha - business.

I didn't tell Dumbledore, but I saw him coming up to the house as I was leaving. He is after you, he wants you to stay in that house still, and we can't allow that. Because of that I don't think you should stay in the Alley. At the end is the location of one of Padfoot's family's safehouses in London, go there with your aunt and cousin, also how to get access. Me and Padfoot are going to be at Gringotts for the rest of the afternoon - I'm a Lord now, Harry! - so come meet us there after you drop your relatives off.

We have much to talk about. See you soon.

Love Moony and Padfoot

Mischief managed


Harry re-read the letter a few times. We have so much to talk about! Harry looked up to see his aunt and cousin sitting in the two chairs opposite the sofa, talking quietly. "Well, change in plans! Looks like we will be leaving here right now. Someone apparently wants us back in that house with that man."

Eyes wide, Aunt Petunia and Dudley were fast to get the few things they had unpacked back in the bags. Goes to show how much they don't want to go back there… they were all ready to leave only minutes after Harry's announcement.

Saying sorry to Tom the barman on the way out, a little pause so Harry could argue that he should still pay for the food at least, they were on their way. They used the last of Aunt Petunia's money to pay for the cab to Grimmauld Place.

Getting of the cab at Grimmauld Place, they began walking until they got to nr.12. when Petunia and Dudley looked at the next house in the row, they saw not nr.12, but nr.13.

"Where is nr.12?" Dudley asked, looking at both his mother and Harry. Petunia looked over at Harry, clearly directing the question to him.

"Oh, you can't see it? well, it is protected by magic, so maybe only wixen can see it." Harry theorized, "I'm going to go allow you into the wards." Harry walked up to the front door of nr.12 and did as the letter from Remus and Sirius told him to do.

Scraping at one of the half-healed cuts on his hand, a few drops of blood came out of the re-opened wound. Smearing some of the blood on the doorknob Harry though of letting his aunt and cousin into the house. He knew he had done it right when he heard gasps behind him. Harry turned and gestured for them to come up to him. He opened the door and led them into the entrance.

They all looked around with variant looks of disgust at the dusty hall. Harry spared an extra second to almost gag at the troll leg coat hanger. Harry began leading them all down the hallway straight ahead, and they came to a sitting/meeting room. The room had three doors, and Harry opened and looked into the rooms. One led to the basement, one to the kitchen, and one to a living room. Harry was pretty sure the living room and kitchen was connected.

Back in the sitting/meeting room Petunia and Dudley was standing and looking around when Harry came back. Before he could say anything to them though they heard a pop, and a small creature appeared. Aunt Petunia screamed, Dudley whimpered, and Harry startled.

"Half-bloods and muggles in mistresses' house, the house of Black. Oh, how upset she would be! But this is no normal half-blood, no, this is Harry Potter. Maybe the boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named can help Kreacher with master Regulus' task for Kreacher."

Both Aunt Petunia and Dudley had both leaped to stand behind Harry. They had wide eyes, staring at the small creature in front of them. Although Harry had heard him, he still asked, "Who are you, and who sent you?"

The being's head snaped up and Harry made eye contact with him. "Kreacher is head-elf for the Black family. Kreacher bes ordered by nasty master to listen to the Potter boy." Harry could hear Aunt Petunia's scared whimper when she saw Kreacher's face.

"Okay, then… my family and I will be staying here for an unknown time. I want you to make some of the room ready and clean for us. My Aunt will most probably want to help in the kitchen if you will allow it." Harry answered Kreacher, making sure to be kind, but still saying what he wanted (Dobby may be on the strange side, even for house-elves, but he still knew elf costumes, and he had told Harry some of them). Harry heard Aunt Petunia's small gasp as he called them family, but he ignored it. It's as strange for me as it is for you… Harry though before concentrating again on Kreacher. "I can help with the task you talked about too, the one this Regulus gave you. I don't know if I can, but I'll try."

Kreacher's eyes widen in shock and turned suspiciously shiny. "Kreacher wills do as Little Master Green says." Kreacher nodded his head up and down firmly. Harry didn't comment on the title.

"Can you get my family settled while I go to Gringotts, Kreacher? Please be kind to them, and help them if they ask, please?" Harry was very happy when Kreacher nodded again. He turned to his aunt and cousin "Please, don't ask unreasonable demands. Even if he has magic it doesn't mean he can do anything you ask. Also, be kind and ask nicely, please? I'll answer all your questions when I get back, okay? When he got a nod from both of them, after they eyed the house-elf for a few seconds Harry smiled at them.

"Well, I'll be going to Gringotts now. Kreacher, can I use the floo form here?" At the "Yes, Little Master Green" Harry took a pinch of the floo powder by the fireplace "…I really hate floo traveling…" he mumbled to himself. With a last turn he looked at Aunt Petunia and Dudley (who were still shocked by Harry smiling at them) he said some last parting words, "I'll probably be back for dinner, with my godfathers. Just get comfortable in the meantime. See you later." Then he throws the powder at the flame, watch it turn green, before stepping into it and saying "Gringotts, Diagon Alley."

Thank you for the wait!

I'm sorry for the late update, I have been sick since Sunday, with migranes.

Anyway, hope you liked this! the next chapter will come on Sunday!


Tyra_Pastelcreators' thoughts
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