


[Earthen Target Bird (Medium)] Killed, +2 points

[Earthen Target Bird (Small)] Killed, +3 points



[Aquan Target Bird (Large)] Killed, +4 points

Each swish of Sylvia's arrows and the twang of her bow seemed to signal the demise of her targets, and it was only then that Danielle and the others realized just how much more impactful her shots were when compared to Crystal's.

Although they were both of the same 'class' at the moment, Sylvia's experience in handling a bow was definitely multiple times greater than that of Crystal. The only reason it hadn't been obvious until now was because the [Minor Tentacle Plant Demon] monsters that they'd been dealing with her much weaker against the [Light] element, and also presented a large and easy-to-hit target.

And with Emilia's existence at the front, the only 'skill' that differentiated the rangers in her team became their 'damage output'.

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