
Noelle's Date


With the Black Tiger Corporation keeping the hero's kidnapping incident under the wraps themselves, Emilia's preparations to prevent people from sympathizing with Amos became unnecessary, leaving the redhead feeling both happy and disappointed.

"Why would they not just expose it?"

Emilia shrugged at her partner's question. 'I'm guessing that Mr. Black doesn't want to risk the kidnappers panicking and harming his son?'

Whether her guess was true or not, the fact remained that things ended up working out in their favor. The fewer parties that looked into the matter, the better it was for Emilia.

Cynthia hummed. "How long do you think it will take for them to find Amos?"

Emilia thought about it for a while before she shook her head. 'I don't know? I think they should have already found him, but they're probably being a little more cautious in the search so as not to 'alarm' the kidnapper, I guess?'

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