
423. Agreement

In the forest, Ben's group is making their preparations for the war. The area where they camp has been protected by a space barrier, but there are still some creatures that remained inside the barrier. So some people hunt the magic beasts while some more go to get food.

Meanwhile, Wendy is healing the injured people who followed Elefseria. They have various injuries that they received after facing the Dragons that attacked their fortress. The Dragon Slayers have worse injuries than the others because they are the main forces.

But Wendy can heal any of their injuries without any problem. They are very surprised by her healing ability which can be seen as a miracle. She can't grow lost limbs though, but they are still happy they don't feel pain anymore.

"Elefseria, can I have a moment?"

Ben and Elefseria talk in private because he wants to ask something important.

"What is it, Sir Ben?"

"Those Dragon Slayers, how did they get their Dragon Slayer Magic? Their smells are very different from any generations of Dragon Slayers that I've ever met."

".... It's because their method to become Dragon Slayers was different. They don't learn their magic from Dragons or use Dragon Lacrimas. They ate dead Dragons' parts. Be it flesh, blood, or other parts they can eat. Consuming Dragons' parts can grant them Dragon Slayer Magic. I forbid it, but eating a Dragon Slayer can also give the same effect."

"Hmm, no wonder their smells are different. But from what I see, that method has its pros and cons. They don't seem to have motion sickness even though Wendy didn't cast a helping spell on them when they were in the airship. She only cast it on you because I needed to talk with you."

"Fufufu, so you've tested us on the way here. Yes, they don't have motion sickness, unlike the 1st and 3rd generations. They are the 5th generation of Dragon Slayers. This generation got stronger very fast after they become Dragon Slayers."

"Is that so? But from what I see, their potentials are not as good as the others generations. Eating Dragons or Dragon Slayers must've had some kind of effect on them. At the very least, it would affect their minds, souls, and bodies. They have more draconic traits in their bodies than other generations even though they don't activate Dragon Forces. Also, when they fought, I can see tendencies to be violent like beasts. They are more affected by Dragons than other generations. I feel like they have become half-dragons already."

"You are not wrong. Their chance of turning into Dragons is actually high, especially if they use Dragon Forces. I even killed some of them in the past because they are transforming into Dragons. Their Dragon Forces are also very different from other generations. They also have tendencies to lose their mind in that state. Although maybe it was affected by their inexperience because they haven't learned their magic properly before attempting to use Dragon Forces."

"So that's how it is. Creating Dragon Slayers using that method is surely easy because you can just eat the Dragons you defeated or the fallen Dragon Slayers. But it isn't a good method if I must say."

Elefseria agrees with that because even though the 5th generation can become strong very fast, they have low potential and some annoying drawbacks. Well, every generation is like that, so Ben doesn't have a problem with it.

The problem is they won't be able to use their full power in the war because Dragon Slayers' true power appears when they use Dragon Forces. But if they activate Dragon Forces, they might turn into Dragons, which means they are helping enemies instead of helping the Mages.

"We don't have enough time to take care of that problem. That's why I will tell you this now. I will kill anyone who turns into a Dragon and lose their mind. If they can keep their sanity, then it isn't a problem, but you said it yourself that they tend to lose their mind after being Dragonized. You have been Dragonized yourself, but I won't kill you because you are still sane."

"I understand. None of them will object to it because we have talked about it in the past. They chose to become Dragon Slayers with that in mind."

Ben is satisfied, so he talks about something else with Elefseria. It's regarding Elefseria's heart. The old man doesn't have a heart, but he can stay alive by using magic. However, he needs to keep maintaining that magic, so he can't use his real power.

"You are utterly weak for a Dragonized person. We need every help in this war, so your loss of power is truly a shame because it's like losing a Dragon's help on our side."

"I will sacrifice myself if needed, so you don't need to worry."

"Sigh, just sacrifice alone won't help us win, old man. What if even after your sacrifice the Dragons are still very powerful? Besides, I'm not a fan of sacrificing oneself for others. I also prefer having all my comrades alive at the end of the war even though it's almost impossible. That's why I will give you a hand."

"!? You can help me with this condition?"

"Yeah, but I can't give it for free."

".... Can I listen to the condition first?"

"Sure. My condition is I want you to protect my children after we won this war. My sisters are powerful enough to protect themselves and they are adults already. But my children are still young and might be the targets of those who hate me. After this war ended, we will be the heroes, and I will be the central figure."

"Ah, there might be people who want to use your children for various reasons."

"Yeah, that's why I want you to be their Guardians in the future."

"Hmm? You talk as if you won't be here anymore after the war ended. Didn't you say you hate sacrificing oneself for others?"

Ben smiles and explains his origin to Elefseria, about how he travels through the timeline and all. Of course, it surprises the old man who finally can understand the strange feeling he has had for a while. He heard that Ben has died, but Ben suddenly appeared in front of him, so he thought the news was wrong, after all.

Elefseria is very amazed by how Ben traveled through time and space. He never thought that there would be other timelines as well. But now it all makes sense of how the Dragons can come from the past without changing the history.

If those Dragons really come from the past of this timeline, then Acnologia shouldn't become this powerful because there won't be Dragons to be hunted. Dragon Slayers might not exist too because there won't be war between Dragons & humans as all Dragons went to the future.

"Time is a very difficult concept to understand."

"Certainly. So what about my condition?"

"I will accept it. That doesn't sound unreasonable."

"Good, I will take care of the 5 Dragon Gods if they are still alive. You just need to protect my kids and rebuild this world."

"Are you sure you want to go that far?"

"Of course. Just winning this war is not enough. I need to make sure my kids will be fine in the future too. They need to rebuild this world, so I will eliminate the threats that can endanger them before they mature. My family is the only reason I do all of this, after all."

Elefseria smiles because now he knows the reason Ben can become this strong. Ben has things he needs to protect, so he needs to be powerful. Power isn't everything, but he needs power to protect his loved ones.

"Sir Ben, you are the first person I met who really proves that you'll go against the whole world for the ones you love. Leaving your already peaceful timeline to face against thousands of Dragons. I don't know anyone who has done the same thing as you."

"I'm sure they just don't have the chance or power to do so even though they have the conviction."

They finish their talk after a while and then Ben makes a replacement for Elefseria's heart after the old man makes a magic oath. Ben replaces Elefseria's heart using a lacrima crystal that has magic letters engraved on it. This heart is similar to Hades's Devil Heart, but it doesn't have sinister energy like the one that Hades used.

Elefseria is very shocked by how comfortable the lacrima heart that Ben gave him is. It doesn't give him a strong boost of power like the one that Hades had. However, it improves the flow of his magic power and he feels rejuvenated all of a sudden.

"It will merge with your body completely after 24 hours. Please refrain from using magic or getting tired in the next 24 hours. Just relax and sleep to let your body adapts to its new heart."

"I understand. Thank you very much, Sir Ben. With this, I will be able to help you and everyone in this war. Then after we won and you defeated the 5 Dragon Gods, I will surely fulfill my promise to you and protect all your descendants until I die."

"I didn't ask you to go that far, you know."

"That's my own decision because that's the only thing I can do to repay you."

Ben just smiles and lets Elefseria does what he wants. Now with Elefseria's problem taken care of, Ben can prepare everyone for the war. Then after a week, they are finally ready to attack the Dragons in an all-out war.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 471. Closer to Victory (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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