
178. Mystogan's Plan

Mystogan explains about Anima and what happened to everyone in Magnolia to Ben. It really shocks Ben when he knows that everyone has been turned into Lacrima Crystal. They will be used to supply this universe's Magic Power.

"Wait! But why did nothing happen to me? Natsu, Wendy, the cats, & Lucy are fine too," says Ben.

"To tell you the truth, I don't really know why, but Anima doesn't work on Dragon Slayers. In Lucy's case, she protected herself using her Celestial Spirit which comes from Spirit World. Maybe that's the reason why she was fine. As for the Exceeds, it's because they were from Edolas and the Anima won't work on them," says Mystogan.

"What!? They were from Edolas? I think you're wrong about that. Wendy & I found Carla & Bella while they were just eggs, you know," says Ben.

"And so was Happy when Natsu found him. I don't know the reason, but they were sent from Edolas through Anima," says Mystogan.

"Hmm, well, it doesn't matter, they are still my cute little sisters. It's also not the main problem now, the problem is the lacrima. You've learned about this thing and worked on it for years. So I hope you know the way to return them to normal, right?" asks Ben.

"Yeah, we need to send them back to Earth Land by reversing the Anima. It will take all Magic Power from Edolas though," says Mystogan.

"You won't die just because you don't have Magic Power," says Ben.

"I know, that's why I planned this. But it won't be easy to do that with the Kingdom's interference," says Mystogan.

"Don't worry about the Kingdom, I will try to make them busy. Apparently, my counterpart is a very wanted man. I will show up and make them focus on me so you can focus on your plan," says Ben.

"As I thought, you will say that. Natsu & co will also try to save the others, so I can move easier," says Mystogan.

"Them? Won't they just be in trouble without their magic? I am very confident in my physical power, but those guys are not that strong physically," says Ben.

"They will be fine, I've given Gajeel some pills that will make them able to use their Magic Power again. Here, you also need to eat it," says Mystogan while giving a pill to Ben.

Ben takes the pill and inspects it before eating it. Then he feels as if something has been lifted from his shoulder. He makes a small fire on his hands then dispels it and checks his MP recovery rate.

His MP recover at an almost normal rate now. But his spell's power is reduced and he needs to use more power to make it as strong as when he was in Earth Land. He assumes that it's because the Ethernano here is too thin.

Ben decides to just use his Magic Item to fight. That way, he will still have high attack power while saving his MP. Besides, he doesn't use his Magic Item too often, so he wants to use it now at least.

After talking with Mystogan, Ben leaves the building. He goes to the city to find Wendy's group in the city. Edo Lucy told him that they should be here already, so he wants to meet them and make sure they're fine.

In the city, a celebration has just been held. They celebrate the giant lacrima that they've just got through Anima. The citizens are oblivious of where the Lacrima came from and thought it's just a gift from God.

Ben has known about this from Mystogan, but it still pisses him off. He doesn't do anything though because it won't solve this problem. What he needs to do now is to make sure that Mystogan's plan succeeds.

'I need to make sure that no one damage the Lacrima. It might cause something bad to everyone that gets turned into Lacrima,' thinks Ben.

Ben makes 3 clones and sends them to guard the Lacrima Crystals. A clone guards the Lacrima in the plaza while the other 2 guard the bigger Lacrima. They disguise themselves too before guarding the Lacrima Crystals.

Then he continues to search for Wendy's group in the Royal Capital. He makes 4 more clones to help him in his search. But it's not easy to find them in this wide city.

Even after some hours of searching, he still hasn't found them. Until suddenly, he hears a faint voice of someone calling him. He looks at the voice's source and sees Bella is running toward him amidst the crowd. She is wearing a T-Rex costume that he bought for her in the past.

"Ben!" says Bella as she jumps on him.

"Bella! You find me, good girl," says Ben as he catches her.

"Smell," says Bella.

"You can smell me? Haha, that's good. Where are the others?" asks Ben.

"Caught," says Bella.

"What? Who caught them?" asks Ben in surprise.

"Bad Erza! Smell Ben, Bella ran," says Bella.

"Erza's counterpart, huh? Did you run alone?" asks Ben.

"Carla, Happy, run. Separated," says Bella.

"So you Carla & Happy go somewhere else, huh? I hope they're fine. But why don't you fly?" asks Ben.

"Hide. Bella flies, Carla can't," says Bella.

"Oh, so you hide yourself by not flying. No wonder you use your T-Rex costume, smart girl. But why can't Carla fly? And how could Natsu & Wendy got caught?" asks Ben.

"No Magic," says Bella.

"Hmm, they haven't gotten the pill from Mystogan, huh? But it's strange that you can fly while Carla can't. Sigh, it seems I can't wait for your plan to start, Mystogan. There's no way I'll let them hurt Wendy & Carla. Let's go, Bella! We need to save the day," says Ben while grinning.

"Kay~," replies Bella excitedly.

Ben & Bella go to the Castle from the front very blatantly. Now, he doesn't wear any disguise and just shows his face. It makes everyone that guards the palace mistake him for Edolas Ben who has a high bounty.

"Sorry, but I don't have time to have a prolonged fight with you. I need to be fast and save Wendy

I also need to find Carla, so I will use my magic to make it fast," says Ben while grinning.

The soldiers rush at him with their weapons and he raises Pendragon above him. Ben flows his Dragon Slayer Magic's solar energy to Pendragon. Then he swings Pendragon down and releases the solar energy.


His swing creates a big golden slashing arc that moves toward the Castle's gate. It breaks the ground as it moves and the impact pushes the soldiers away. The golden arc hits the gate and destroys it in an instant.

Ben walks amidst the destruction calmly while attacking some guards that come to him. These guys are weak and only have the number as their advantage. He can defeat them even without using his Magic at all.

"Do you know where Wendy is?" asks Ben to Bella.

Bella nods and pointed to the left. Ben grins and goes there while attacking the Royal Army that tries to stop him. They are no match for him even though he doesn't use his magic and only uses his sword. Bella also helps him using her Gatling gun to shoot the enemies.

Ben has reached the end of the courtyard, but then 3 people appear in front of him. He knows who these 2 are because he has gathered a lot of information. They are 2 of the 4 Royal Army Captains, Hughes, and Sugarboy.

"Woah, amazing, you defeat them all easily," says Hughes with a happy tone.

"I expect no less from Fairy Tail's Guild Master, 'Demon Lord' Ben Silverstone," says Sugarboy.

'De-Demon Lord? Damn, he has a better moniker than me, bastard,' thinks Ben frustratedly.

The 2 Royal Captains are confused seeing Ben act strangely. But they still put their guard up because they know Ben isn't an easy opponent and they might lose even though they're together. Ben stops and sighs before he looks at the 2 Captains.

"You know, I'm in a hurry so can you just move away?" asks Ben.

"Too bad, that's not something that we can give you," says Sugarboy.

"Hmm, really too bad then," says Ben before he disappears.

Ben suddenly appears between the 2 Captains and grabs their faces. Then he slams both of them to the ground with all his power and instantly knocks them out.

"You should've just done as I say," says Ben as he walks away with Bella on his head.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 213 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 224 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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