
Chapter 9

On the bright side all of my friends got into Oxford. Regan and Daniel had gotten language and literature. Marlon had gotten his dream too; literature, creative writing and film study. Marlon had a very creative mind and with his genius brain he was going to be the best movie writer, producer and director of his time; it was going to be a dog walk in the park for him.

This meant I would yet again continue to university with my best friends; music to my ears.

Me and my friends would visit each other, have study groups and eat at King Castle coffeeshop. I would always ride my bike alone because non-of my friends knew how to.

I would go to Geelong Heritage centre alone and at times Marlon would come with although he did not like history because only, I had an interest in history.

Marlon was into theatrical arts, creative writing and both Regan and his boyfriend Daniel were into literature; talk of love birds.

Regan would always say that Marlon liked me but was afraid that if he tells me it might break up our friendship well, I never saw it that way; he was just sweet to everyone.

Senior year came and went in a buzz soon we were left with a month to finish high school.

Last three weeks of high school, was the worst three weeks of my life.

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