
Chapter 29: Something Fishy

As Bob drove to the Tang Mansion for his meeting with Reginald, Jackie’s revelation of the necklace was very much in his mind.

*It just goes to prove what Grandpa said is true. But how’s the family going to react to this? Should I reveal it to Reggie now?*

His thoughts then wandered to the other matter Reginald had brought up.

*Exactly who is behind the Chengs’ scheme to dispose of their shares to a proxy company? Why would they even think of such a plan knowing the Tangs could easily counter their move?*

Bob was determined to get to the bottom of things and he was hoping Reginald would be able to help him find some answers.

*Was it Stepmother? Ralph? It just doesn’t make sense! There’s something fishy going on here… but I can’t put a finger on it.*

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[Singapore Cricket Club]

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