
Chapter 21: A Hike Through The Hill, Part 1

[Abu Suradi Trail]

Bob parked his vehicle at a local resort in the little town and they took a short walk before they arrived at the gate of the first trail.

“Well, here we are, girls. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Uncle Bob. Hurry, let’s go!”

The girls ran ahead through the trail gate without waiting for anyone. And Jackie immediately chased after them.

“Hey, girls. Didn’t you hear what Uncle Bob said?”

“Yes… He said we’re ready to go!” Nabeela shouted back.

Jackie widened her eyes in exasperation.

*It’s gonna be a long day by the looks of it!*

They descended a gentle slope with Nabeela confidently leading the way. It was a wide, meandering path with a profusion of tropical flora.

Soon, Bob caught up with Jackie and the girls. Tengku and Sharifah were ambling casually a short distance away.

“Just why is this trail named after Abu Suradi, Bob? Who is he?” Jackie asked, and both girls snapped their heads toward him, equally curious.

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