


Puti just lightly tapped Iyyah's foot to comfort her. He knows that Iyyah is anxious even though her expression remains calm and composed.

Iyyah doesn't want her brothers to know more about Ndulou. She expects that beyond the chaos that will happen, the living world will be in turmoil if their mischievousness ever reaches the two supreme gods. At the same time, she worries about what Supreme god Valda will do once everyone is inside the castle.

Iyyah just sent her cat a short, gentle smile to appreciate her cat's concern and then continued to guide her brothers to the biggest room that can accommodate seven gods, but to her surprise, Supreme god Valda was waiting for them inside. She wondered why Valda was there instead of in his room. She then noticed that it was not really the supreme god and that it was one of the divine race only using a spell in disguise of the supreme god.

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