
His Skin Was Vibrating

Mikey walked over to him and reached out to rub his head. Burgundy brows furrowed and was investigating his scalp like there was something wrong with him. Shun could smell the beef from the jerky and his mouth watered.

"What is going on?" Taemeng questioned with a flat look.

What the dancer saw was Mikey with the beef jerky in his mouth and hands running through Shun's hair. Silver hair a mess from the movements, Shun just stared at him blinking blue eyes. Narrowing his golden eyes at the young boy still running fingers through silver locks, he walked over to stop the action.

"I don't feel anything," Mikey pulled away and chewed on his snack, "But you should get yourself checked."

"I am fine, Mikey," Shun patted the boy's shoulder and ran fingers through his hair to fix it, "Just thinking about becoming an idol."

"Ah, for all the girls?" Mikey grinned and his brown eyes sparkled, causing him to laugh.

"There is more than just girls you know?" He shook his head and smiled over at the dancer.

"Yup. Handsome men too. AH! I cannot wait! I am going to dah-!" Mikey exclaimed, but started choking due to not swallowing first.

Shun laughed slapping the boy's back heartedly.

"This is why I told you to swallow before talking."

"Being an idol is serious work," Taemeng stated and Shun agreed.

He definitely understood how much time and effort it took. His body screamed at him each time he woke. He could imagine his body telling him:

'Shun! Go back to sleep. I am hurting! What happened to lazing around?'

He truly missed those days doing nothing.

As Mikey caught his breath and everyone was up, they headed out to the car. The car ride was quiet as they all kept to their thoughts. Once they arrived and exited to the rooftops, they were surprised to see the judges, the host, the recruiters, and the female idols there.

Shun's mouth opened and closed and opened and closed again. His legs felt heavy and he stumbled a few times to right himself back. Why?

Suu Jin, that was why.

That beautiful pink haired idol with emerald eyes was looking at him, staring into his freaking soul.

It made his heart hurt and his mind foggy, but he tried to catch his breath from running away from him. Swallowing and licking his lips, he smiled and bowed to everyone.

"Welcome contestants, to your final results. Before we reveal the votes, your mentors and judges are here," The host pointed out.

"Wow, I cannot believe it is the end! I am proud of everyone before me. Well done," Producer Ryoshi thumbed up.

"Remember to continue to practice and do well. This was the easy part. The harder part awaits," Choreographer Minji smiled.

"I agree. Congratulations to all of you," Producer Jie smiled and Manager Bon nodded.

"I will be managing the debuting team, so I am excited."

'Oh she is?! That is great! Manager Bon is nice,' Shun smiled and nodded to himself.

"And those who were involved in helping you this far, our idols are here to say a few words. Who would like to start?"

The females who participated with them spoke up. He watched the reddened cheeks of Taemeng's when the female idol gushed at him. He listened to the compliment and surprise from the female to Kaiden. Even the female, who stated Heeang was stubborn and does not listen, was shocked to see the young boy still there. Mikey grinned happily when his female idol spoke a few words about his work ethics.

Quickly covering his nose, Mikey ran to the side to ask for tissues.

Shun shook his head with a sigh. He felt like Mikey was a puppy before such beautiful people. He wasn't sure if the boy was going to last being an idol with the running nosebleeds. The lanky boy would probably faint before even singing!

'Good thing I don't have that problem! I'd be dead already!'

"Ah Shun," the female who was with him spoke up and Shun smiled at her, "I am glad you made it to the finals. You deserve it. I am happy for you and I hope we work together in the future whether you win or not."

"Thank you, Gina," Shun bowed and smiled charmingly, before looking over to the perfect idol with-

'Why are his eyes staring at me like he wants to hurt me…'

Gulping down the anxiety he was feeling, he mentally wiped the nonexistent sweat off his forehead.

"Although I am sad Ping is not here, I am happy to see you all made it to the finals. What the judges said is true. Be sure to continue working hard and doing well. Being an idol comes with a lot of sacrifices, but I believe you all will do well."

The trainees bowed and Shun felt the hairs at the back of his neck stood up.

"Xiong Shun," Suu Jin spoke up with a smile, "Would you come with me to grab the gifts?"

"Gifts?" Mikey perked up.

Shun nodded and followed Suu Jin into the elevator, with the host speaking behind them. The idol prince stood close to him, touching his sides and he did his best not to notice, but his skin was reaching for the pinkette.

"You are quiet, Ah Shun."

"Ah, I… I am just thinking is all. I am happy to see you again, Ah Jin," Shun smiled at him and Jin reached out to touch his face. Blue eyes widened and he stepped closer to see black lashes fluttered from the silver haired man.

"We miss you," Jin whispered and moved his fingers behind Shun's ear.

"Miss you too," He whispered back and he wanted to kiss Suu Jin, so badly his body was vibrating.

"When you come home, come see me," Jin's green eyes softened and pulled away.

Good. Shun still reacted to him in this way, which meant the silver haired boy was still interested in him. He had read the magazines, the articles online, and even saw those fanpages of Shun with Taemeng, Shun with Kaiden, Shun with Wen Dong, and even Shun with Ping. The one that bothered him the most were the ones shipping Shun with Gina.

His past lover. One he would never want to relive again.

"Ah Jin," Shun whispered and smiled dopily at the beautiful man.

"Yes, Ah Shun?" Jin leaned closer.


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