
But They Aren't Sheeps!

"Oh, you don't know? I thought you two were close," The boy sat beside him and swirled his coffee, "After he left the band, not even 5 days later, the news broke of Genu's death. They said Genu wrote a letter for Suu Jin, but he refused to even take it! Even after knowing his band mate had passed! Isn't that rude?"

Heeang frowned and huffed.

"That's why I don't really like Suu Jin. He is talented and good looking, but he would leave his friends behind, but Pengu and Yanny are Genu's true friends! They still respect Genu and even wrote a song dedicated to him. Isn't that great?!"

Heeang just kept talking and Shun just sat there with furrowed brows. If what this sneaky boy said was true, then it was disrespectful of Suu Jin to not accept his friend's letter. Also, he wondered why the idol prince even left the group?

'They seemed good with one another…'

"Anyways," Heeang drank his coffee and Shun felt he should pull the cup away from how animated the boy already was, "I wonder if we are going to preform again? Maybe a live audience?"

"Hmm," he nodded as he drank his tea, "Maybe-"

"Prince Shun. Would you like to see your status?"

'No,' he forced a smile as he tried to remember what he was going to say, 'Didn't you already give me a status report?'

"Wish to see your available tasks?"


"-Ah, I forgot what I was going to say," Shun shrugged and Heeang washed his cup and left somewhere.

'What do you want?'

"Good morning, Prince Shun."



'Good… Good morning…' Shun found his face flushing and he scratched his temple looking at his tea.

Ah, how many times had he dreamt of waking up next to Prince Peter and hearing him say good morning. His heart was having a hard time calming down the more he thought about his predicament. That witch of a system was using the handsome face of Prince Peter, his princely crush, and using his sweet kind voice. It just… It was like a fuzzy warm blanket on a cool night.

He glanced up to look at the screen to see the beautiful prince staring at him with pretty brown eyes and a soft smile, always a soft smile. He sighed and smiled, staring at the screen as if Prince Peter would just walk out and embrace him once more. His mind went back to all those times they would sneak away only to just sit beside one another under the shade of trees. They would share stories and skipped rocks along the river.

'Prince Peter… Did you mourn for me?'

"Data unavailable."


"Is there something you need from me?"


Letting out a sigh, he frowned to himself.

'A guy can dream,' he rubbed his face, 'No. You can go now.'

The television screen returned to black and he stood up to wash his cup. Although he enjoyed hearing Prince Peter's voice and seeing him, it did hurt him to know of what he longed for and missed.

This only brought back memories of Suu Jin and the song the idol wrote. He laughed softly to himself as he remembered the pinkette's angelic tone, his soft touches, and his lips. Tucking his bottom lip, he sucked on it lightly as the tip of his ears reddened.

"Shun? You've been cleaning that cup for awhile. Aren't you done?" Mikey questioned grabbing a snack on the rack.

Coming back to his senses, Shun looked at the cup he had soaped up and the running water. Ah, he was so lost in thought that he forgot what he was doing! Groaning, he quickly cleaned up and greeted the young man.

"How'd you sleep?" Shun decided to ask instead.

"Honestly, I don't even remember sleeping. I guess I was super exhausted after riding all the rides," Mikey grinned, "It was really fun. Hopefully we can go once the group is formed."

"I hope so too!" Shun agreed quickly as he nodded.

He had never been and would love to see what was so great about it. More footsteps arrived and with Heeang returning to the living area, the television flickered on and they saw the recruiters, Juno and Fire.

"Hm? Is it finally working?" Fire questioned looking upwards before she nodded, "Oi. Hi kids. Can you hear us?"

"Wait… is this live?" Mikey questioned moving closer to the television.

"Hey, stop blocking the others. How selfish," Fire frowned and Mikey squeaked, rushing backwards to plop on the couch.

"There are 10 of you left. You know we are only looking for 5 to make a group. Huh? Is that the wet noodle?" Fire questioned and Shun felt his face reddened with embarrassment.

Juno looked closer and nodded, earning a laugh from Fire.

"Can't believe he is still there! Oi, wet noodle! You must be doing really well, huh?" Fire called out and Shun nodded with his cheeks burning.

"This wet noodle had learned lots, Ms. Fire. This is my destiny."

"Good, good."

Fire looked pleased and Juno patted his friend's arm to calm her down.

"We are here to tell you the next challenge. This one, you would need to perform as a group ensemble of 10. We have already assigned, at random, the spots you have. The song and dance are from 1Luv's new single debut. Both Yanny and Pengu are kind enough to lend us their dance and song. Represent them well," Juno stated.

"So the 1st spot is wet noodle," Fire grinned and Shun's eyes widened, "You better lead them well! Now, next spot is…"

Shun drowned out the rest of what the recruiters were saying. The sought after 1st spot was given to him… a spot filled with pressure and stress… He didn't want it! Can't he be the best 10th spot there ever was? He would take 8th or 9th as well, dammit!

He was no leader. He didn't want to lead. He was not his eldest brother!

'Big brother! I need you,' he whined inwardly as he tried to control his face from showing his fear, 'I don't wanna lead. I don't wanna lead. Why?!'

He could hear his brother, his big, kind, gentle brother's voice.

"Calm yourself, Ah Shun. You can lead well. Just think of them as those sheeps you like to play with in the fields."

'But they aren't sheeps! They are actual people who are currently staring at me!'

"My little brother," his eldest brother would sigh and pat his head, "You can't depend on me all the time, you know."

'Wahhh, big brother, save me!'

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