
Eyes Open

"Since you are taking your time to help me with my singing, I will cook you food. I have been feeling pretty bad for just getting free lessons. I feel terrible and now this actually even things out, right?" Shun smiled as charmingly as he did when he was a prince. He really hoped Suu Jin agreed because what he said was true. He did feel bad and even worse seeing the idols condition.

'Why did Jin have to work so hard?'


"Great! Okay. You could shower if you want. I'll make a quick meal so I don't take too much of your time, Senior Jin."

Suu Jin just stared at the black haired boy. He then smelled himself and agreed, he needed a shower. Still hesitant to leave the young man alone in his home, he watched Shun moving around his kitchen. Hiding behind the wall and poking his head off the edge to peer at the young man, it didn't look like the boy was going to burn his house down.

"A quick shower then," Jin whispered to himself.

In the kitchen, Shun was reminded when he had joined the cooks a few times to hid from his parents. He would join in on cooking meals and picked up a few things. Although Jin did not have much in his fridge, he was able to make an omlette with rice. Plating it, he turned to see Jin with a towel around his neck. With a simple shirt and night bottoms, Shun could still see the water dripping down his hair.

"Just in time, Senior Jin," Shun grinned and placed the plate before him, "Sorry. This was all I could make right now."

"It smells good," Jin admitted and his mouth watered.

"While you eat, I'll do vocal warmups. Is that alright?"

Jin nodded and took a bit of the omlette. He listened to Shun practice and he couldn't help taking interest in the young man. He definitely had potential in being an idol and Jin hummed to himself. Finishing up the meal, he sat back and rubbed down his hair with the towel.

"Shun, sing the ballad again."

Shun smiled and nodded. Closing his eyes, he proceeded to begin, but Jin spoke up.

"Eyes open, Shun. It's okay to close it sometimes, but don't keep it close the entire time you sing. You won't be able to connect with your audience and fans."

"But… I sing better with it closed…"

Jin watched Shun sit beside him and he decided the only way to explain to the green boy was to show him.

"You laughed and I am captivated, won't you capture me, baby," Jin sang staring right into those brown eyes, "I wish you could hear how my heart is beating for you. Will you listen baby? Will we ever know how it would end, where we could be? Oh~ Lost chances."

Suu Jin hummed toward the end and stopped singing to see the redness coloring Shun's cheeks. Brown eyes looked big as they stared at him. Lips were parted and he found himself smirking.

"Do you understand the difference?"

Shun flushed harder and cleared his throat. He yelled inwardly at his heart to calm down. He just… Jin just… No wonder that man was an idol with the charm he had, that captivating tone, and his beauty! Shun would have to learn a lot from the man in order to become an Idol popstar.

'He was a true prince!'

"Yes…" Shun breathed out and quickly covered himself with a cough.

"Your turn."

He nodded and stared at Jin for a few seconds before singing from his heart. He did his best to keep his eyes on the handsome idol before him as he sang. He felt vulnerable, raw, and when he finished, he quickly looked away.

*Confidence 48% -> 46%* *Singing ability 23%-> 27%*

"Shun, that was very good," Jin said softly and he turned to see soft green eyes, "Ah Ping was right. You have potential and you really could become an idol."

"Really?" Shun breathed out a smile, "Thank you Jin. I should let you sleep."

"Alright. I would be busy for a few days, Shun. You can call me if you need to."

"Ah, you are too kind to me, Senior Jin," Shun softened his smile, "You are so busy and still wish to help a low person like me."

A hand gripped his bicep and he blinked his brown eyes at the idol. Green eyes narrowed and there was a deep frown on the pinkette's face.

"Never think you are low or high. People are people Shun. We live differently, but that does not change who we are. Do you understand?"

Shun nodded and heard the sigh from the handsome man. Those words continued to play in his mind as he drove home, showered, and even when he was lying in bed.

He signed into Weebo and took a picture of himself for the profile picture. After completing the account, he decided he would post that quote his senior told him. This way, he would remember it every time he logged in. Going into his InstaMe, he saw he already had friends request. Accepting them, since they were all his fellow trainees, he posted the pictures he took earlier.

*Completed task- Create Weebo account. Earned points. Use points now?*

"Why? What do I get?"

*Use points now?*

"Sure," Shun shrugged and figured it must be good. The last one he got to learn about Xiong Shun's past.

*New Friend.*

"New friend? What is that?"

*New friend.*

"… What does it do?"

*New friend.*

"You don't want to tell me…"



* Completion in 33 hours.*

"… 33 hours."

*Completion in 33 hours.*

Shun rolled his eyes. Whoever was controlling this system thing probably had no idea what they were doing. Why offer him a prize if it can't be completed right away? He slipped under his covers and closed his eyes.

'As long as they don't mess up my way to reach Xiong Shun's dream, then the witch can do whatever it wants.'

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