
Mages from the Church

«If we don't have a place in the Church, we'll just serve the Queen,» one of the lads says.

The three Mages are brave, I have to admit it. They're standing alone in front of a Cardinal who's visibly preparing to sentence them. But they don't flinch.

I guess one gets tired of being controlled at some point. Also, Adelphium is calm. It's either his plan or he has everything under control. I don't need to say anything, do I?

But what was that about serving the Queen? Are they talking about my mother or me? The Queen of Mages, or the Queen of Alba?

I guess they don't know anything about my mother, though. They were brought up and educated in the Church, after all.

When they turn to me, I get confirmation of my worries. So, now they're using me? Oh, well... It's my duty: to protect them even if they don't know who I am.

«Sure!» I say, smiling like a fool. «More people must be more fun.»

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