
An old story

«The King didn't send you away to save your life. The Queen Dowager did. I believe she's the one convincing the King to keep you far. She didn't want to witness your death, even if she hates you.»

I have no real proof about the things I claim, but I believe it's how things went. I haven't heard anyone, not a single person, praising the late King. He was cruel and selfish. He was the cursed one.

«You might have his genes, Ignis, but you're not like him.»

«The reason why I told you this story is not to comfort you, Veronica. I wanted to explain why you can trust me. I won't betray you for nothing in the world because I felt on my own skill what follows when those kinds of things happen. And you don't need to select mistresses, for goodness's sake.»

«All right, then. I won't select any.»

If he insists so much on being loyal to me, how can I refuse?

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