
15. First time camping.


It was slowly getting darker as Leo arrived back at the ship, he saw Namine looking bored sitting on a log near the ship, waiting for him to come back..

He quickly called out, "NAMINE! I'm back!"

She looked up and he suddenly appeared in a flash.

She smiled at first but seeing him with a giant backpack surprise her, "Welcome back! Eh..? Leo.. What's with the backpack?" she asked.

He scratched his head slightly awkward, "It's filled with gifts, i did a job recently and it made me slightly popular. I also received some of the payment that was still owed to me helping out, this included this backpack, i guess it worked out well as i didn't not have to carry everything.." *Heheh* He chuckled slightly.

Namine listened carefully and nodded at his explanation, 'I wonder what he had to do to become THAT popular..' She wondered.

"Anyways.. It's getting quite dark already, how about we camp out here tonight? I'll quickly set up a camp in a flash!" He asked.

Namine nodded, "Yeah! It's my first time camping, let's take it step by step for now.. Also, I'm getting quite hungry now.." She said as she blushed at her growling stomach.

Leo laughed, "Yeah.. It's been a long day after all! Eat a few fruits from the backpack for now as i set up camp and prepare a small dinner for us." He said as he flashed away again, he quickly went all around the area gathering, logs, rocks, twigs, etc.

Namine curiously looked through the bag, she had already found a small bag of apples, so she took one and started sorting out the rest.

'These items are..' She mumbled as she looked at them in awe, 'They all look quite nice and expensive..'

Leo had already started creating a big camping ground, he set up logs in an octagonal formation with a small campfire slightly off center, Namine started helping him setting up the rest.

"You sure have a lot of things Leo.. Sleeping bags, pots, pans, plastic plates.. What did you do to be able to get this much?" She finally asked, unable to resist.

Leo breathed a small flame lighting the campfire, he looked up with a smile.

"Those, i bought them for the both of us to use" *haha* "But, i guess that's fair! How about i fill you in on what happened these past few weeks.." Leo offered as he prepared and sliced up some meat, potatoes and a few vegetables.

Namine happily sat next to him as he started explaining everything he did so far.

When he was finally done explaining the food was ready and he happily digged in, but Namine looked at him slightly conflicted..

Leo saw she wasn't eating, "What's wrong Namine? You don't like the food?" He asked.

Namine shook her head, "W-Will.. You be alright? You said you had a limited amount of time left, right? What if you can't return back home?" She asked concerned.

Leo smiled sadly, "I can't say, i'm not worried about it, but.. I can't live my life in fear and i have faith that everything will be alright!" He brightened up slightly, showing he was serious.

Namine looked at him for a while, before she suddenly nodded and smiled, "You're really brave Leo.. You are right! You shouldn't live in fear and continue to move forward!" She said as she agreed with him.

They both quickly finished eating and Leo made some tea for them.

Namine really enjoyed the tea as she sipped and closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth, "This feels really nice.." She sighed in relief.

Leo also did the same, "Yeah.. It's been awhile.." He then got up and grabbed his backpack, he took out a package and handed it to her.

"I got these for you, i also have some items separately for our other friends, but these are things i thought would fit you and you would like.." He handed them to her with a big grin, Leo had asked for items even for the people who were currently away.

She looked stunned and looked in awe, before she slowly opened the gift.

"T-These.. Are.. For me?" Namine asked in disbelief.. In her hands she was currently holding a new bikini, glasses, sandals, a drawing kit with a sketchbook and lastly a camera with photo album.

Leo nodded showing his stuff he picked out for himself, "Yeah! I also have a full set for myself! With these we can catalog and enjoy our own Journey together, we can't only be training all day long after all!" *haha* Leo said happily as he laughed.

Namine slightly teared up and held her present closly, "T-Thank you.." She managed to say before she started quietly crying.

Leo sighed slightly and pulled her into an hug, "It's alright Namine.. I get it.. We might have just met, but i know quite a lot about your situation beforehand, just know that you aren't alone anymore, you can count on me to have your back, we're partners now after all." Leo said slowly as he rubbed her small back, she hugged him back and continued crying for a while.

Eventually they separated and Leo wiped her tears away from her face, "Feel better?" he asked.

Namine blushed slightly and nodded.

"Thanks Leo.. I really appreciate it!" She said as Namine suddenly smiled brightly at him.

Leo looked stunned for a moment, but grinned and suddenly took a picture of her.

Namine's mouth dropped as Leo looked at the picture that slid out, the camera was slightly old fashioned but.. Not everyone has a Gummiphone like Sora.

"Nice!" Leo said as he looked at the now developed picture.

He then sticked it inside his Photo album, "Namine's first night out!" He said as he wrote it down.

Namine looked and pouted slightly, "That's not fair! Leo!" She complained slightly.

"How about this Namine, we will both fill out the albums together! This will make it easier for both of us to create memorable moments of the events we will face!" Leo suggested, it sounded quite fun.

Namine thought about it and eventually agreed to it, she also thought it sounded quite interesting to do, "Deal!" She said as they shook on it, Leo however didn't notice the slight smirk on Namines face.

They then took a picture together for both albums.

They then both worked together to clean up slightly as Leo taught her about camping.

They brushed their teeth and freshed up using Namine's magic apparently she isn't that good in physical fights, but she is a great support.

Her book that she obtained from Yen Sid earlier has a great amount of support and basic elemental spells.

Leo was reminded that he still had to look through his book as well, he decided to wait until later though.

They got cozy inside their own sleeping bags and talked slightly while stargazing, before Namine eventually fell asleep and Leo decided to go asleep.. but, not before snapping another picture.

He grinned happily as he looked at the pictures, "Our first night out.. Goodnight."


To Be Continued..

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