
7. Medical Examination.


After talking some more Axel, Roxas and Xion they happily guided him to meet Ienzo, who is a genius young scientist inside the castle.

"So why did you need to see Ienzo, Leo?" Axel asked curiously.

Leo shrugged, "Well, Yen Sid asked, said he wanted another opinion by another professional on my current situation, while Master Yen Sid also does some research of his own in the meantime, soooo, here i am.." Leo said.

The trio looked at each other confused, but just shrugged it off.


They entered the laboratory seeing a long purple long spikey haired man while wearing a white lab coat.

Ienzo was focusing carefully on something while reading on a giant computer..

"Hey, Zexion! Hope we're not interrupting anything important!" Axel said loudly, making Ienzo cringe slightly.

"Axel? Ah, no worries.. So, what are you all doing here today?" He asked while sighing wearily.

"Just guiding a new friend of ours to meet with you." Axel said, pushing Leo slightly forward with a grin.

Leo nodded politely, "Nice to meet you Ienzo. My name is Leo.. Yen Sid had send me here, he told me i should meet up with you for an medical examination for a second opinion on my current situation.." Leo said politely.

Ienzo looked surprised, but nodded with a small smile, "I understand! Nice to meet you as well.. Leo right? Then, how about we start right away! I'm quite curious now.. What Master Yen Sid, could have send you here for.." He wondered out loud curiously, as he slowly started guiding Leo towards the other room.

Axel, Roxas and Xion wanted to follow at first, but Ienzo stopped them, "Sorry everyone, erm- Patient-Doctor confidentiality.. Please wait outside for now.." Ienzo told them with a slight smile.

Axel pouted slightly, but Roxas and Xion told him they still needed to wait for Terra, Aqua and Ventus.. So eventually Axel agreed and they left together.

Ienzo sighed in relief until he saw Leo stare at him, "Ah, um, well-" He quickly tried to say something, but Leo just smiled and nodded.

"I understand! He's quite an extroverted person, while you are mostly introverted.. So, it can clash at times, and can be quite exhausting." Leo grinned.

Ienzo looked surprised, but nodded with a smile, "That is indeed the case, you are quite knowledgeable.. So, what can i help you with Leo?" He asked again.

Leo explained what happened so far and that Yen Sid seemed quite concerned about something.

Ienzo looked at him in shock, "Amazing! So currently, this isn't your real body as you are actually comatosed in your own world and you suddenly came into this world through the World of Darkness.." Ienzo said as he wrote everything down.

"Remarkable, though a shame that Even isn't here right now.." Ienzo said, he then got up and quickly ran outside to grab some equipment he said he needed.


One Hour later...

Ienzo ran a few tests on Leo, which included taking some blood, scanning him thoroughly, growth test, muscles, saliva and as much as Ienzo could think off, he even asked to scan Shadowlynx.

It was kind of weird that Leo, actually had blood and muscles, etc, being a soul like lifeform.. But whatever..


As Leo was getting dressed again.

Ienzo was carefully looking through the data on his computer.

"Hm, Well, You're.. Absolutely healthy.. Even if you are in this 'soul' like form. You have a great amount of magic inside of you, and this chakra thing.. Absolutely amazing! This elemental energy, it's resonating with your mana and cleansing your body continuously on a microscopic level.. WAIT! I SEE IT NOW! There seems to be a thin energy line coming from your soul body, it's connected to something unknown and out of reach.. Currently, hmm, interesting! It seems like the darkness is actually protecting you from disappearing completely, it's also containing all of the energies inside of it, but the growth of said energies.. It is slowly becoming too much to be contained for just the darkness alone.." Ienzo explained, in-between furiously typing on the big computer.

"Considering your growth.. At most you have is around a year, maybe a little more.." He said stunning Leo slightly.

Leo eventually nodded, "That makes sense, i believe Yen Sid also forsaw this.." Leo thought carefully.

Ienzo continued talking, "For now making your darkness energy stronger, should allow you too hold on for a longer period of time.. Probably, but it isn't a cure to your current problem i'm afraid.. Just a temporary solution, understood?" Ienzo explained seriously.

Leo smiled, "Yes, it's alright Ienzo! I'll make sure to relay all this information carefully.. Hopefully i can find an opportunity for a way back.." Leo said seriously, he wasn't about to give up hope.

Ienzo smiled seeing this, "I'll also try to find something in the database." He smiled wryly, which means that Leo shouldn't get his hopes up too much.

Leo and Ienzo discussed a few more things before Leo excused himself to find the others as they have talked quite a lot already.

Ienzo nodded and excitingly started looking through his data again carefully, Leo smiled weirdly at that and quickly left.

As Leo got to the hall he didn't see anyone, so he walked towards the exit..


Heading out the main door towards the plaza, he was greeted by everyone standing together.


"We made a party for you too welcome you as our new friend, and also as a new Keyblade wielder." Aqua said with a smile.

"It's a shame not everyone is here, but.. It's a start!" Terra said as he crossed his arms.

Leo looked surprised, "Thanks everyone! I'm really happy to be here and to have met you all.. Especially, when you called me your friend!" Leo toasted after Axel gave him a soda.

""CHEERS!!!"" Everyone said as they started a big picnic together.

Leo felt really happy, he didn't really care much about his current predicament, after he fused with Itachi and found his way here into this new world.

He himself now felt he grew up quite a bit in an emotional way, 'Let your heart.. Be your guiding key..' He thought to himself.


Everyone had a good time having some competitions against each other.

Running and jumping games and even throwing competition, Axel made everything quite lively.

Leo, Axel and Terra also teased Ven and Roxas a little for being the good and evil twin.

"Does that mean Vanitas is Sora's evil twin?" Leo asked with a smile.

Everyone stopped and looked slightly sad, Leo mentally slapped himself in mouth.

"Eh, ahh, sorry everyone! But come on, Lighten up a bit! Sora wouldn't want you to go down the dumpster like this right! Have some faith and keep improving yourselves, remember? May your heart, be your guiding key!" Leo said hoping to drop the awkward situation, he summoned his own Keyblade.

Everyone took a deep breath and smiled slightly, they then also joined him, together they shot out a beam of white light which lit the area like fireworks!

Everyone smiled warmly at that and looked at each other and nodded.

Axel grabbed both her and Roxas in headlock, "Don't you all go all soft on me! You'll make me tear up, got it-"

"""MEMORIZED!""" Everyone said together before they all burst out in laughter.

Everyone had some more fun and Leo even sang some songs for everyone even though he was slightly embarrassed, he sang the intro too the Kingdom Hearts games.

Everyone instantly became his fans listening to his songs together, Axel wanted to create a music singing contest out of it, but everyone stopped it after they heard him singing a song.

After Axel finally finished pouting, they eventually all left back for home afterwards promising to talk again real soon.


To Be Continued..

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