
Chapter 30

Alexander was going through some reports, when he heard his phone ring.It was Derek and Alexander answered"What is it Derek?"

Derek slightly tense replied"It's Laura, she just went to Beacon Hills.She told me she found a mail from Deaton of a picture of a dead deer with a spiral carved into its body.She went to investigate it,but something seems off aboit this whole thing.

Alexander understood this was a sign for revenge in Werewolf culture, which she must understandably interpreted as having to do with her family.

Alexander quickly used the portal rune to get to Beacon hills, and he was able to track Laura down.Also just as Derek thought someone had attacked Laura, by the time Alexander arrived the attacker ran off and Alexander had to heal Laura, who was in pretty bad condition and her heart stopped for a minute or two before Alexanded brought her back, but the issue was she was in coma.

Alexander sighed in slight relief and now having thought about her wounds muttered"This is definitely a job of another werewolf."

Alexander then carried Laura and using the portal rune went back to Derek, who worried seeing her sister as Alexander spoke up"Don't worry she is not dead, she is in a coma.But with some potions she will be back to normal in a month."

Derek was slightly relieved and in anger asked"Who did this?"

Alexander shook his head and replied"No idea, whoever did this has planned everything before hand and he left nothing behind to track.But one thing is clear the person is a werewolf and knew about Laura being the Alpha."

Derek still worried about his sister asked"So they were after the Alpha spark?"

Alexander nodded and then a informer from Becon hills tipped him off about the fact someone glimpsed Laura's attack and the police are now searching for her body, which is missing at the scene.

Alexander also heard Argents moving back to Beacon hills, so he went to Chris who explained"We are thinking of letting Allison know out heritage soon, Victoria wanted her to have normal life.But I found Gerard has been subtly pushing her into becoming a hunter."

Chris was now afraid of Gerard having an influence on Allison,but he was happy Kate was close her cutting that influence off.Chris also did push Allison to Bd involved in extracurricular activities, including training as a gymnast for eight years and taking archery lessons, the latter of which she was so talented that she became nationally ranked and could have ascended to the elite level of competition had she not become temporarily bored of the activity. She also pursued other hobbies, such as painting, photography, and poetry, but her perfectionist tendencies made it difficult for her to enjoy these activities due to how hard she was on herself to be the best at everything she did. 

Alexander hummed and replied"She definitely has the skills to be a great hunter or even a great Shadow hunter.I don't know if it was coincidence she looks like your ancestor Marie Jeanne valet."

Chris sighed and said"I will let her have quite school year before telling her everything."

Alexander then questioned"How is Kate?"

Chris smiled and replied"After getting that call from Derek, she is good and I believe her going our of town every now and then is to meet him."

Alexander smiled, but then turned serious saying"Still keep an eye out, since their is an unknown Alpha out of their."

Chris seriously nodded.

While that night Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski went out into the Beacon Hills Preserve that night to look for a dead body Stiles heard was found there when he eavesdropped on his father Sheriff Stilinski's phone call.

Scott and Stiles were separated when Stiles was caught by his father, Sheriff Stilinski. When Scott was trying to find his way out of the woods and back to his house, he was attacked and bitten by the Alpha.

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