

The technique was shocking, and though Ryu didn't know what the Ash Treants were thinking, if he did know, he would feel that their assessment wasn't entirely wrong. 

Just on its surface, this technique was nigh impossible to use for anyone without both exception Soul Talent and the body of an Ash Treant. 

Due to the former reason, Treants of weaker stock were unable to use this technique. While due to the latter, even geniuses of other Races were out of luck. 

The reason this technique was so difficult was because of one reason: it was created based on chaos. 

Of course, this was Chaos as related to the Chaos Plane, but rather chaos in reference to the scientific principle. 

Ryu was shocked by the scientific advancements of the humans he had seen in those other worlds. Whether Sacrum or the True Martial World, neither progressed down this path. 

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