"What's with that look?" Ianjor's brows raised. "Don't tell me the great Ryu Tatsuya is afraid of a little competition?"
Ryu shook his head. "Annoyed by inconveniences, is more accurate. I don't have the time to throw myself into danger, just to offend people whose heads are far bigger than their guts."
Ianjor understood what Ryu meant, but he was still surprised by it. No way the Ryu he knew would turn down something like this even if he knew what the outcome would be.
Would Ryu definitely win? Ianjor didn't believe so, he hadn't even met the minimum requirement to participate yet. Though, technically speaking, there wasn't really a "minimum". It was more like a "if you're not foolish and don't want to die a premature death, you won't even attempt it if you're not at this level", kind of thing.
However, what was Ianjor's guilty pleasure if not making Ryu's life a living hell?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: