
USJ: Royal Rumble

The moment Kaga jumped into the fray headfirst...everyone couldn't help but stare even Aizawa couldn't believe what he was seeing. In his words, her actions were the height of irrationality.

The moment Kaga landed in the middle of the crowd like how Heroes nail a landing, she immediately controlled nine of her tails to grab nine exact people and to spin like a whirlwind to create space for herself.




The sound of bodies hitting against each other could be heard when the bodies of thugs were used as a morning star.

With the villains that were caught on Kaga's tail already beaten black and blue, she simply threw them aside, and now there was a 5-meter radius space around her to freely move.


Himiko softly landed just beside Kaga, "No fair, already jumping in~! You take that side, I take this?", Himiko suggested since their backs were now together as they slowly turn to eye the thugs around them.

"Sure! GO!"

The two girls went separate ways to fight their way through the horde, Himiko already took out her knife and slashed the people she was constantly passing, and when she had enough people bleeding, she began pulling the blood towards her direction.

"[Blood POOL]! Get it? I now have a pool of blood and also PULLED it from you~ Oi! Laugh at my pun or get stabbed!", Himiko joked as she waved the blood mass to drown people into unconsciousness.



"Save me!"

Kaga seeing Himiko's opponents all struggling can only smile at this, "Now...let's continue...I don't want to use my quirk yet when I can bash some heads in!"

"[Blood Boost]!", Kaga boosted the blood within her to which slowed her perception of time and increased her speed as well, during this moment Kaga strikes every vital organ she comes across, liver, crotch, anus, throat, and more.

"My b-balls!"




Kaga had to pause when she heard someone moan...she then eyed the person and started pummeling him within his ribcage to take the breath out of him, 'Disgusting masochists!'

As Kaga was breaking the bones of the people she passed through, she happened to catch something that interested her. There was a man with a radio further behind a crowd that had eyes that came out of a story.

One so familiar.

"You're like a kid shining a flashlight at my face if you keep staring at me!", Kaga said as she blitz toward the person and passing through his bodyguards unnoticed due to her speed.

"Nice eyes you got there~, I'll have to store and keep harvesting them from you, I guess!", Kaga taunted and moments later he was quickly stored within her storage space

AN: (All right suggest what type of eyes our dear Mc will harvest from the poor villain, nothing too OP, I'm leaning towards Byakugan, but what about you guys?)


"HAHAHA! You dare attack U.A. and you look all depressed? Come, I'll give you a taste of my passion!", Inasa said as he controlled the wind around him like a vortex, which effectively makes anyone close to him become a human ragdoll with the sudden bump on his tornado-like armor.


"Long-range squad don't get close to him! Fire now!", a villain said and ordered the villains that had long-range quirks to bring Inasa down from a distance.


"Bang* x???


But it was too late, with the villain's announcement to attack him, Inasa jumped into the air and easily reached dozens of meters high up, "[Hurricane of Passion]!", Inasa shouted as he gathered a thick clump of wind within his palm and slammed it down onto the ground.


The crowd of Villains that were beneath him just now were blown away and slammed onto several other villains due to the impact of the wind's blast.

Other students watching this burned bright in determination, one of them was Shoto, even though he knew he was stronger he still had his pride.

"[Heat Wave]", Shoto released a move he developed which was similar to Kaga's ability to cause the surrounding temperatures around her to drop, but his move was to make it rise.

The villains around him were being scalded by the skin, it wasn't lethal but it was torturous since it disables the person to move...after all...who wants to move when you're covered in varying degrees of burns.




"FCKING DIE!", someone was having a field day beside Todoroki, with the added heat from the general area, Bakugo was able to sweat even more which made him accumulate more sweat.




The one near Bakugo was none other than Midoriya who was precision striking every villain that comes within his range by using his mastery in Krav Maga, he tends to target the kneejoints of villains to keep them down.



"Is that a student with a minigun?"

"Why did we sign up for this!?"



"""ARCHHHHK!""", were the resounding cries of pain when Momo unleashes thousands of rubberized rounds onto the villains, it may not be lethal...but your body after being peppered by it would have numerous internal damage or a lot of minor fractures within their bones.

"Why fight with an iron rod when I can create guns! FLASHBANG!"



'Another group blinded!', Momo sadistically thought and proceeded to press the trigger to her minigun and violently spraying bullets at the stunned villains.



"You seem like a futa kind of guy", a purple-haired teenager said to a bulky man in front of him, he didn't know what his quirk is but it seems like a simple strength enhancer.

"WHAT DI...", the moment the man answered back his fate was sealed, Shinso knew that his physical strength was still lacking so he gets the help of his classmates to immobilize them first.

"Sero, another one blanked!", Shinso called out to Sero so that he could tape the villains to immediately capture them. And once captured they call in the heavy hitters.

"IIDA, KIRISHIMA, KAMINARI, SHOJI KNOCK THESE GUYS OUT WILL YA!?", Sero yelled after seeing that he has piled up another batch of people that needs good sleeping.

Sero needed them knocked out since if he were to only rely on his tape, then he fears that his tape will be ripped and will set the villain free. So, he calls out to the people fighting one thug at a time, since they couldn't do what the others were doing and fighting more than 10 at a time.

Overall, Class 1-A was participating well, even though it took some time till the rest of them gained the courage to join in on the battle, people like




Class B's Side

"Let me soften the ground for all of you!", Juzo said as he placed his palms on the ground and proceeded to activate his quirk, as he did that the group of villains in front of him sank to the ground and only leaving their upper bodies left.

"What is up with the quirks of these kids!?"

"Taste my quirk! Poison Breath!", one of the villains said and proceeded to release a gas of green fumes out of him and aimed it towards the class.

"SUCK!", Manga shouted to which his onomatopoeia which was as tall as doors absorbed the gas released by the villain, turning his white manga words into green.

"Nice one Manga! Ibara finish him off with your vines for safety!"



"I'll kill you!"

"Repent under the vines of mercy.", Ibara with her casual stoic expression was whipping





But before Ibara could whip the poor soul once more, the guy crumbled since he'd gain nothing from toughing it out against the girl's vines.



There were also other fights happening within the vicinity, Itsuka was punching her way through the crowd with her massive fists, to which she is unknowingly cracking the bones of villains under the strength and weight Itsutka's hands displayed.

Some made groups together, Nirengeki (After striking an object, he can make the second impact multiple times more destructive), Yui Kodai, and Reiko Yanagi teamed up. Yui could manipulate the size of non-living objects while Reiko has telekinesis to manipulate the items near her.

With this three-person combo, it was quite deadly, Yui who carried bolts, screws, and nuts casually gave them to Nirengeki to strike, while Reiko manipulate where it goes, and when it is about to reach the target, Nirengeki will activate his twin impact to increase destructive force then Yui increases it's size even more.

It was like a carpet bomb of unsuspected force, with screws and bolts the size of rulers blasting towards you is not something that should be experienced...multiple bones broken is the result.






"Oi, oi, oi, Kurogiri, these useless 200 recruits are losing to a bunch of students, and the teachers stationed haven't even moved a muscle! RELEASE THE NOMUS KUROGIRI! THESE STUDENTS ARE PLAYING WITH ME! I'LL SHOW THEM MY TOY AS WELL!"

"It shall be done, Master Tomura", soon after, the Black Haze that was wearing a bartender's attire suddenly manipulated his haze around to the side, what came out of it were hulking masses of monstrosities.

The three monsters that slowly walked out of the haze of Kurgiri were dark-skinned in nature, but only having a very dim hue of blue.

All three bore the same body compositions, except for the heads, one had a bird beak, a deformed gorilla, and one that resembled that of a bear's head...just without the fur, though the striking similarities with this are that all of their brains are exposed.

Almost as if it was the weakness of the Nomu.

With the three's arrival, Kaga's instinct was blaring at her that these guys were dangerous...not for her...but for the students that she was keeping an eye on.

But their appearance also made someone appear, "WORRY NOT! FOR I AM HERE", All Might's appearance caused the morale of the invading villains to stagger.

"Haha...hahaha...you finally appeared! Look what we prepared for you, Mr. Symbol of Peace! They're made to kill you! They all have [Shock Absorption]...hahaha!", Tomura like a child who has already won couldn't stop laughing at what he is going to expect.

"What if we send two against you All Might? And the other one for your students, I wonder if any of them would even survive today? With you being busy and weakened after all!"


All of a sudden, jets of bluish-white flames came bursting through the entrance of the U.S.J., "Not to worry, I'm also here", Endeavor said to which even further deteriorated the confidence of the villains to the slumps.

"Endeavor, great of you to show up, let's show these Villains what it means to mess with U.A.!", All Might said but also noticed that the supposed leader was staring at him with his entire being.

'I guess it's now better than any to act as if I'm injecting myself', All Might thought and began pulling out a small syringe and injected it to himself while making sure only main honchos cane see it.

"NOW! I'M READY!", All Might acted as if he was bursting suddenly with power and roared as a sign of it.

But before anything could go wrong Kaga froze time, "[Frozen Time]!", after she said that the world around her was covered in blue.

She immediately made her way to Kurogiri and stored him in stopped time, but she wasn't done. She punched the baby makers of Tomura for good measures, she didn't want to kill Tomura yet since she fears that if he were to die, All For One might suddenly hide.

Kaga proceeded to walk back to where she was and went into her previous posture, soon enough the phenomenon ended.

"URRK!", someone suddenly growled in pain as he limped to the ground while covering his bloody eggs.




'Oh damn...I don't think I controlled my punch there...and whatever was inside...it popped!...', Kaga mentally said to herself, however, there was one fatal thing she forgot when using her time-stopping powers.

It was that it would render her exhausted, which actually caught her off guard, and she was struck by multiple quirks altogether since she was still within a group of villains.

"KAGA! WATCH OUT!", Shoto who was keeping tabs on Kaga from time to time suddenly saw Kaga stagger out of nowhere and multiple quirks heading for her.

Shoto's shout also caught the attention of Enji, All Might, and Himiko since they were experienced in multitasking and keeping tabs of their surroundings while the students were preoccupied of their current battle.




Kaga who was quite paranoid that someone is watching through hidden cams had to go back to her previous spot or else she feared that there was a chance for All For One to take notice of her.

And that action was a mistake on her part in also forgetting the effect of using a move similar to Esdeath's. And now she was sent flying several dozens of meters.


Shoto immediately propelled in fire after Kaga just after burning the limbs off of the villain in front of him, 'Shit. Shit. Please be alright'

When Shoto arrived at where Kaga crashed, he found Kaga somewhat dazed and was bleeding minimally from the head, but from the exterior, he couldn't see any scratches or wound on Kaga's body so at least nothing was pierced through.

Seconds after, Himiko arrived who was also worried since this was a first for Kaga to actually be caught off guard, "She's just dizzy from what I can see, she probably did something...I mean...the Handy Man there has bleeding balls~"

After listening to the deduction of Himiko, Shoto was relieved but was still mad, "Let's finish this fight already, I'm pretty sure our classmates already have plenty of experience already"

"We still need to get payback for our Kaga though~", Himiko smiled at the soon-to-be-dead lowlives.

"Why on Earth are you treating me like my heart was just pierced...", Kaga said and was trying to stand up from the rubble but was stopped by Shoto, "Rest."

"What do you me-!", before Kaga could retort both Himiko and Shoto responded in sync.


"...okay", Kaga pouted but relented in the end, 'I only have a minimal scratch from that attack and was propelled by it! I'm only dizzy cause of being suddenly exhausted anyway! Not because of some low-quality quirk!', she argued within her mind.



As I was focussing my sights on the man covered in hands since it was obvious he was controlling them...but one moment later he was crouching on the ground with...bleeding balls!?

'Is that a disease? No one's balls just bleed and pop to mush out of nowhere!', I thought but I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Shoto shout out Kaga's name to dodge.

The next thing I knew I saw Kaga, someone whom I treat as a daughter already was being blown back and crashed onto the ground.

I wanted to rush over but the monstrosities in front of me could harm the students, but when I look back I see the trio arguing for Kaga to rest, 'Phew...I was worried over nothing'

But that does not mean I was not mad...no...I was burning in fury already.

"All Might, let's end this early", I said as the fires around me were blaring in heat already.

"What about the readers?"

"I meant the fight! Not the chapter!", I retorted but it seems the villains in front have some other words for us.








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