
Chapter 400 Occupy a Spot

Holding a spot, Ling Cheng modification

An ear-splitting explosion roared from a hundred meters behind them, the tremor shaking the entire shipyard.

The violent blast tore through the narrow passageway, erupting in flames like an oversized blowtorch, sucking the oxygen out of the air rapidly with its intense heat as Matthew knelt on the ground, his face turning an eerie shade of purple-red, his ear sponges quivering slightly.

Bi Fang, lying next to him, pressed down hard on the back of Matthew's neck, staying motionless on the ground, feeling the scorching airstream howl past them.

The audience watched in horror as the air twisted and shimmered with heat, and in that instant, everyone seemed to lose their hearing.

On the ground, within the blinding burst of fire, a metal manhole cover was hurled into the air by the explosion's shockwave, ascending twenty meters before crashing back down fiercely lodged into the shattered cement.

"What's going on?! What's happening?"


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