
I Become A ROB

10 advance chapters for more Crazy stuff in my pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido.


Chapter 51 I become a ROB

(Jin's P.O.V)

After 2 years of continuous bothering, Grand Master Zoren had finally decided to listen to me and shift Atlantis from Earth one to my universe's planet. I still didn't know what to name my planet though. The observable universe in my world was up to Galaxy size and the beginnings of billions of solar systems was happening from the huge nebula clouds and energy that made up my dimension.

There wasn't a spark of life however in the far reaches of space. It felt like I needed something more… qualititive in my power to achieve breathing life into the rest of my creations. For now I was content with my one planet. It was a beautiful place and I had made it even bigger. It was now roughly the size of Neptune. Having a diameter of 30000 kilometers. I hadn't gone all out in creating more life… satisfied with letting the planet itself set it's own course. But Dragons were a must. That and sapient creatures. I could finally find a way to create humans with little natural weaknesses.

Oh, the ideas I had were astonishing. Imagine having an average human male have the physique of Captain America? Could they even be called humans anymore? I had the power to actually bring fiction to reality. It's only fitting that I did so. 

"Are you sure about this, Jin?"

For a second I hesitated to answer. Then I thought of the consequences of doing the right thing. The right thing is not always the correct thing.

"Yes. I'll admit I have my doubts but this is the only way to give both happiness to them and salvation to several worlds. The mirror has only shown us 7 Earths where their Barry's died and so replacing them with 7 of the time remnants with a little alteration to their memories is the go to option. That still leaves us with 4 of them."

Grand Master Zoren nodded though I could tell he was still hesitant. I didn't blame him and when it came down to it, if he actually advised me to stop my actions I would listen to him. Unfortunately for the both of us, the easier option would have been to kill the time remnants but neither of us were willing to do that, leaving only the morally gray choice. 

We picked 7 Barrys and altered their memories with those of other dead Barrys from other Earths and then integrated them to those earths at precisely the time their counterparts died. It wasn't easy, not even a little. We basically, tweaked their memories by scanning the minds of the dead Barrys, altered their facial structures, ages and backgrounds and although someone could argue we turned them into different people...the most important thing to any Barry from across the multiverse remained...Iris. All those earths had Iris.

Those seven were actually the we easiest of them all. The other 4 however...they were... different. They resonated with 4 universes that both intrigued and shocked me. That also meant that by sending them to those worlds which were far away from the multiverse cluster of DC, the Speed force wouldn't work for them. It was a problem that I tackled with an answer that would not only help them protect themselves but also help me immensely in advancing the growth of my universe. 

They were also a bit special...we didn't tweak their memories as much as deleted them entirely of any personal impact on their mental faculties. They had impressions of living in a loving family but they couldn't remember the faces of their loved ones. Their memories as the flash were deleted but the experience gained from crime fighting was left behind. It was a terribly complex and delicate procedure and Zoren and I felt sick to our stomachs for actions. We of course understood that what we were doing was for the greater good. An excuse used before by mad men but in thus situation it actually was. 

Get this, all the time remnants were actually Barry. Not copies or duplicates...they were the real thing. The way that they are created is actually simple. Barry decides to create a time remnant so he goes back to the past at the precise time that he thought of doing it. That ends up with 2 Barry's occupying the same spatial and temporal location. When Thawne controlled Barry to create 11 time remnants, Barry just kept on returning back to the past 11 times over the course of a few seconds. So conclusion, they all had love for Iris, hate for bullies and cared about saving people. 

The small experiences from fighting me must have subtly changed the 4 Barrys enough for my multiversal mirror to pick up on it. So I scanned some of the memories I had about fictional settings I had consumed back in my real world and integrated them into the 4 of them, depending on where they were going. Basically, I turned them into SI/OCs. This left me feeling like a R.O.B.

Which is why we were standing Infront of a massive console built inside my tower. A huge and complicated runic formation was constructed along the entirety of the room and it had taken Atlantis' last batch of orichalcum and both the expertise of Grand Master Zoren and I to build this thing. 

"It's done. Let's hope it works."

I said softly from the side. Zoren nodded to my words but otherwise kept quiet, content in watching the unfolding scene. 

(Barry 1 P.O.V)

I came to with a jerk. Panic clouded my mind once I found myself in a completely white room. 

"What...where am I?"

I asked but received no answer. I was teetering on the edge of a full blown panic attack and curiosity as to why I wasn't breathing. 

Then a rush of incomplete memories poured into my head and I gasped. I... died? I remember the lightning strike. The force of the blue streak splitting my upper body in half. One part almost incinerated into ash. The pain was brief but immense and then darkness. My hyperventilating picked up again as i realized that apart from that memory, the other memories were unclear. The only thing I recalled better were the numerous amount of games I had played, the anime, movies and tv shows I had watched and the books I had been obsessed with. 

The faces of my loved ones were missing and my feelings towards all the personal stuff in my now gone life were muted. I stayed like that for an inordinate amount of time before I finally wondered, 'what now?'

Instantly, a blue screen appeared at my front. It reminded me of a blue box from the gamer manhua, a Korean comic book I had loved to read. Maybe this thing was offering me a second chance? It wasn't completely out of my scope of possibilities. I had consumed fanfictions by the dozens before. Ok, let's do it.

[Choose your Gender]: 

I was a guy before, I don't think there's a reason to change that. I entered Male.

[Choose your power]: 

This was a tricky one. I had a lot of powers I could pick from fictional settings, Telekinesis, Photographic reflexes, magic, Regeneration, Kryptonian physiology... but out of all of those, the powers that really spoke to me were that of a speedster. There was just something cool about running at the speed of light and it wasn't a surprise that my favorite superhero of all time was the Flash. So without wasting any more time, I entered Superspeed.

[Choose your Perk]: 

Ok now think...what would go well with Superspeed? The Flash had a plethora of powers but that was mostly because of where he drew his powers from. For all I knew my speed wouldn't come from the Speed force, so I would need something truly game breaking to account for my inherent weaknesses...could that work?

I gingerly entered, Broken Limiter. 

Nothing happened for a second before the screen abruptly changed.

[Choose your name]:

I breathed out a sigh of relief even though I lacked any lungs. For a name, I entered a simple one, Michael Cage.

The screen flashed a couple of times before a few words appeared that made me apprehensive.

[Michael Cage. Orphan, 17 years old, Midtown highschool drop out. Low time pick pocket and drug peddler. Caught in a fight between the Hulk and Abomination, a hit to his head makes him remember his past life and awakens his strange powers.]

I just died and now you're sending me to my death?!! I didn't get any response. Fine. But I was going to have to be careful. As soon as I woke up, it would be time to get out of dodge. There was no way I was going to be in the same zone as the Abomination and a raging hulk. That's just asking for death. 

The screen faded and I woke up yet again. This time to chaos. I coughed as dust entered my nose and then stood up, throwing a car door off me. My whole body hurt but my mind was somewhere else entirely. The whole street...the whole street was in shambles. There were people crying out for help, fire eating up vehicles and craters on the road. Did I mention the huge building that had a hole in it? Or the military jeep that was flattened on the side walk? Oh god. This is worse than they ever showed in the movies! 

I stumbled away from the scene trying to run away frantically. I could hear roars and the hail of gunfire 2 streets over but I didn't pay that any attention as I ran. I had a huge crashing sound behind me and increased my speed even more. Then I heard it. The loud cry for help. A car to my left was half speared into a clothing store and inside it I could see a woman unconscious on the driver's seat. I looked for where the cry for help came from and my body was chilled to the bone.

An eight year old girl was frantically hitting the window of the back seat while tears ran down her face. I felt an impact from behind me and  looked behind. The Abomination had taken a hit from the hulk and he fell right next to the car with the little girl and her mom inside. He went to grab the vehicle to hit the hulk with it and up to this day... I don't know why I did it... My whole body vibrated and time momentarily stopped. Then I moved.

(Jin's P.O.V)

I can't say I'm surprised. The first Of the 4 had resonated with the M.C.U. The Speed force had been flushed out of his system by yours truly but I hadn't imagined he would still choose Super speed as his main power but Broken Limiter? That was fucking genius. Too bad I had to give him the low level version of it. Giving him Saitama's version would use up all the quality of the infinite energy in my universe. That's how strong Saitama is. 

"Just like you theorized. He jumped in straight to help others."

Zoren said from the side as we continued to watch the console. Barry 1 now Michael Cage's powers had come from my and Zoren's Magnum Opus...The World Engine. It controlled the gathering of the excess and inert energy from other universes and then refined it into life force to add a spark of life to the rest of my creation - thereby increasing the development of my world.

It also refined the energy and provided that energy to any being I chose to give my realm energy to. Case in point, Michael Cage. By existing in the MCU universe, his body was continuously funneling the energy existing in the air given off by everything in that world and then that energy was sent to the World Engine. 

As he got stronger...so would the World Engine refine more energy for me and him. A win-win situation. Now let's check on the 3 other Barry's.

I enjoyed writing this chapter back then

Saintbarbidocreators' thoughts
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