
Chapter 21

Alice was happy to get back her sister Cynthia and she felt content knowing her mother's killers are behind bars,she was happy when her uncle showed up at the mental Asylum and believed her,she remembered even when she was young like her mother, her uncle always believed in her so called visions.

Alice then had vision unlike the previous ones,this was not the future, but the past and it was about her uncle Hadrian.Alice was now able to see the past after her witch blood activated.She was one of the strongest of Hadrian descendants after Alec and Jane.

Alice with slight awe and worry asked"Uncle Hadrian are you really Immortal?"

Hadrian just smiled hearing this and replied"You are gifted seer aren't you little one."

Alice puffed up a bit feeling nice being complimented by her uncle.Hadrian soon told Alice his past and about the supernatural world,Alice took everything also she cried hearing some of it.Also Alice having already lost her mother and her father was someone she didn't care about decided to accompany him in his immortal life.Their is also the fact she met her mate Jasper Whitlock,who was already an immortal.

Now things were getting more harder with time as Hadrian activated the wards making the need for memory modifications low.

Hadrian was now looking reports of the new recruits as Kate,Tanya and Irina came in.They were slightly annoyed seeing this Hadrian questioned"What happened?You all look pissed off?"

Kate frowned and said "Edward Cullen,that boy is annoying."

Hadrian was amused and asked"What did he do?"

Hadrian had met Edward Cullen as Kate' mate nothing else,it was surprising seeing someone similar to Cedric,it was shock but soon Death explained that this was Cedric's Variant.Hadrian found Edward to be annoying, as the boy was brooded more than he ever did during his time in Hogwarts.He was similar to Cedric in looks,but his personality was not even close.

Kate groaned and explained"He keeps going on and on about how Carlisle should change his rules and allow him to drink human blood."

Hadrian chuckled and thought "Edward was 17 year old boy who never had a day's trouble in his human life. He was from a rich family, who never had to grow up and face the real world until he was already dead. He has no concept of love and loss, no understanding of faith or religion, and is clueless about compromise and shades of gray. He has no life experience on which to draw to make decisions from,Also their is the fact his ability to read minds made him think he is a wise old man.Also Edward is seeing only the most superficial surface thoughts of individuals, both human and vampire, it doesn't gives him insight on what kind of people."

Hadrian asked"The boy really doesn't know how great his life is."

Tanya nodded originally she did have slight physical attraction towards Edward,but that soon changed seeing the boys behavior he seems to view himself as someone smarter than even those that are older than him.Also Tanya had doubt's about whether the boy was gay or asexual because he didn't even show slight reaction towards her or her sister's which is very rare.

Irina spoke up"The boy is an idiot,he seems to want to go on his own.He is stubborn and won't change his mind until proven wrong."

Hadrian nodding his head said"If I remember correctly his mother a similar power to Aro's."

Kate,Tanya and Irina knew about how special abilities were hereditary as Hadrian asked"I have heard Carlisle found his mate."

Kate nodded and replied"Yes,her name is Esme she is actually a very kind women."

The Denalis actually loved Esme she was a very loving mother figure.

Irina with sigh added"But the only problem is both Carlisle and Esme are biased towards Edward,even an idiot can see it.Also Carlisle takes the whole hands off approach way to seriously.I mean he wants Edward to make mistakes and learn from them."

Tanya groan said"I don't want to think how many mistakes that idiot will make and knowing his stubborn nature,I doubt he will learn anything."

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