
Chapter 62: The Morning After

(Morax: POV)


Leaning over the porcelain throne I spat up rainbows.

Doing my best to also keep my hair from getting caught up in the shit show that is coming out of my mouth.

As least it's not coming out the other end.

I continued spewing chunks for several seconds until my stomach decided to finally stop tearing itself apart. Giving me a chance to catch my breathe.

"Ugh!!" I groaned out. My head pounding and my ears ringing as I did so.

We guys really went to town drinking last night.

Now we're reaping the consequences.

"Fuck, this sucks." I said.

As soon as I did so I felt the familiar tickle in my throat and the dropping in my stomach, telling me another load was about to come out of my mouth.

The moment I felt this I leaned back over the toilet and then a second later chunks started flying out of my mouth again. Along with everything I ate last night and then some.

Five minutes passed before I stopped throwing up again.

"Ok that's it. I'm never drinking again."

Oh who am I kidding, of course I'm going to drink again.

Feeling another round of hurling coming I flushed the toilet and prepared myself once more. Leaning my head over it.

A few seconds after I did the chunks and other such things flew once more.

Just like last time five minutes passed before it stopped.

But after it did I started to feel better.

My body is obviously telling me I got everything out.

At least I hope.

Taking a few minutes I just rested there until my insides untwisted themselves.

Once they did so I carefully stood up and then moved over to the sink to brush my teeth and wash out my mouth.

As I did so I noticed some chunks on my pants and shirt.

Seeing this I removed them.

I then left the bathroom and changed into a new set of clothes before putting the dirty ones in a nearby waste basket.

The moment after I did so the door to my room slowly opened and Ryuu peaked her head inside.

"Morax, are you ok?" She asked.

"Not really. But I'm getting there." I told her. "Actually what would really help me get better is a kiss. So how about?" I asked, a cheeky smile on my face. "And don't worry I just finished breathing my teeth so none of my mess will end up inside your mouth."

Ryuu looked at me for several seconds before opening the door fully.

She then walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

As she did so I smiled.

"Ah, that's the stuff. Thanks to the power of your Ryuu energy I am already starting to feel better." I told her.

"Right." Ryuu responded. Giving me a soft smile as she did so. "Well anyway, the reason I came to check up on you is because Millhiore made some soup for all you guys. So, are you up to eating yet?"

"Yeah, I think I can hold something down." I said.

"That's good." Ryuu said. "Let's go."

Grabbing hold of me Ryuu helped me out of my room and then downstairs to the dining room.

Arriving I saw my fellow drunkards and hangover pals sitting at the table in various states of recovery just like me.

Except for Diluc.

He looks fresh as a fucking daisy.

Eating his own bowl of soup he looked at the us of guys and shook his head. "This is why I told you guys to stop after Rogue passed out. But no, you didn't listen and now look at you all."

"No talking, voices are too much for me right now." Gaul said. His entire face completely pale.

Ryner and William have heavy bags under their eyes.

Meanwhile Rogue as a blanket wrapped around his body.

Yeah, seeing this tells me we should hold back a bit next time.

Oh who am I kidding, we're definitely not going to do that.

Getting into my seat with the help of Ryuu I slowly but surely started to eat my soup.

"It's good. Thanks Milli." I told her.

Since she and the other girls are watching over us guys right now.

"No problem Morax." Millhiore said.

"Honestly, you guys." Leonmitchelli spoke.

"Oh lighten up Leon, they were having some fun." Echidna said.

"Yeah, and look at where that kind of fun got them." Leonmitchelli responded. "These tough adventurers are sitting here barely able to sit up straight and eat a bowl of chicken soup."

"Sis, when you get drunk off your ass and then get a hangover as bad as mine is right now don't come crying to me then." Gaul said.

"Fine then, I won't." Leonmitchelli said.

"I'll remember those words." Gaul responded.

"Enough you two." I said.

"Yes, Morax is right." Athena added. "Boys you've hard your fun and now you are reaping the consequences of it. That said, I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves." She told us.

"We really did." Ryner said.

"Yeah, we did." I added.

"Definitely." William said.

"And we even learned something "very" interesting about Rogue." Gaul spoke.

As he did so Rogue looked right at him, trying to glare him to death. "Shut up Gaul. What was spoken about last night, shall remain between us guys only. Otherwise you violate the sanctity of guys night."

"Oh, and what might you be talking about?" Echidna asked.

"Nothing much. Just the fact that Rogue told us he and Kaguya are having sex." Diluc casually said.

"Dammit Diluc! I'll kill you!" Rogue shouted.

He then tried to move to strangle Diluc only to fall flat on his face.

As he did so all the girls, Athena, and even his mother Reina looked at him.

"So you two finally got together huh." Leonmitchelli said.

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for the both of you." Millhiore spoke.

"I am the same." Echidna said.

"Congrats!" Ryuu said.

"I have no issues with you dating Kaguya." Athena said.

Since dating between members of different familia doesn't happen that often.

I mean that won't apply to me since I'll go after all the women I want regardless of what their god or goddess says.

Loki I'm looking at you.

But yeah, generally it just doesn't happen.

However since Athena and Astraea are such good friends we don't have to worry about anything like that.

Lifting is head up Rogue looked at Athena and the other girls. "We're not dating." He said.

"Rogue dear, stop being so stubborn." Reina told her son. "You like Kaguya right?"

"I mean, sort of." Rogue said.

"Let me ask you this then. If another guy tried dating her would you be ok with that?" Reina asked him point blank.

"No." Rogue immediately answered.

As he did so Reina nodded her head like some wise old sage.

"That confirms it. You like Kaguya." Reina said. "So hurry up and ask her out. That way you will be an actual couple when my first grandchild is born. Seeing as how you two are already going at it and all." She said.

"It's way too early for that mom!" Rogue cried. His face getting red with embarrassment as he did so.

As he did so the rest of us laughed.

But honestly I'm happy for Rogue.

Since he and Kaguya definitely make the perfect couple.

They already argue like one anyway, so at least now things will be official.

And now the rest of us can tease them about their relationship to our hearts content.

Despite throwing up my guts and what feels like a hammer beating against my head, today has been a good day.

A very good one indeed.

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