
Adrena Lynn

Adrena Lynn was worried. She didn't let it show, of course, the short-haired blonde bombshell keeping an angry, belligerent scowl across her face, but beyond that look, she's not fighting back at all, which for those scant few who actually knew her, was a pretty clear sign of just how afraid she was. In all fairness, it wasn't like the woman was built for this… clandestine shit.

She'd barely been in prison for a day before she'd been hustled out of her cell in the dead of night and put in the back of a van. Surrounded by a bunch of armored goons in full riot gear, the TV action star had been on her best behavior, while of course acting like she wasn't scared one bit, and was instead angry about whatever was going on.

And yet, while it was easy to ACT the part of an angry prisoner, just like it'd been easy to act the part of an adrenaline junky when it was all fake, it got a lot harder when it started being real. So, after her first 'Where are you fuckers taking me?!' got met with a gruff 'Sit down and shut up' by one of her captors, Adrena Lynn had done exactly that, sitting down and shutting up, not daring to ask another question, even as she'd kept up an angry face, trying to maintain her fearless façade.

Truth be told, she didn't really know why she bothered. She'd been exposed by those two fucking twerps on national television. Her show was canceled, and after her attempt at getting revenge had blown up so damn spectacularly in her face, she'd ended up going to jail. Though, she'd had enough money in her bank accounts that she'd hoped her lawyer could get her off with a reduced sentence of some sort. Even if it were unlikely she'd ever find work in her chosen field again…

Jeez, no one had fucking cared before those idiots had blabbed. It wasn't even like Adrena Lynn had come up with the show idea in the first place! She was hired talent! It was all the damn showrunners and producers in the end. So what if Adrena had been the one who had demanded the stunts all be faked? They'd wanted to risk her life on a daily basis in increasingly horrific, death-defying stunt, all for some damn ratings!

Putting her foot down and refusing to risk her life had been the intelligent thing to do, in Adrena Lynn's opinion. And the show's creators had ultimately bowed to her obvious wisdom on the subject and let her fake the stunts. Everything had been going FINE, her show's ratings had never been better, and she'd never been more popular.

And then that damnable Kim Possible had shown up… Adrena almost wished she could get her hands on that girl's throat and wring her damnable neck! Stupid, shitty little hero… bitch thought she was all that, just because she routinely saved the world. It was bullshit, it had to be! Adrena should know, she was a bullshitter herself, after all!

But all of that was ultimately irrelevant compared to whatever the fuck was happening now. And it was apparent that, after several hours of this truck driving her somewhere, something new WAS happening. The truck slows to a halt, and the doors are abruptly thrown open as she's grabbed by her arms and pulled bodily out the back.

Adrena doesn't fight it, the cowardly TV star too afraid of the men carrying her to struggle or squirm overly much. She lets them march her along, until finally she's brought to a room, an office really, and forced down into a chair. As the goons leave here sitting there, still in handcuffs, the high back chair behind the desk slowly turns around, revealing… a woman wearing an eyepatch of all things?

The strange woman gazes at her with her one working eye for several beats of silence, and Adrena licks her lips as she works up the courage to finally pipe up.

"W-What… what am I doing here? Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

Another few beats of silence, and then the woman leans forward, her hands coming together as she plants her elbows on the table.

"Ms. Lynn. You may call me Dr. Director, or Ma'am. I am the head of Global Justice, a top secret worldwide espionage organization that you are now a part of. From now on, you work for us. Is that clear?"

Sputtering a bit, Lynn looks around the office a bit wildly. Everything that this 'Dr. Director' had just said sounded… horrendously dangerous. For a coward of the heart like Adrena Lynn, it was the opposite of what she wanted.

"W-What?! The h-hell I do! I… I refuse! Take me back to my cell! I'm supposed to be in prison, not part of a spy organization! Didn't you hear? I faked all my stunts! Whatever you think I can do, you're w-wrong! I'm just a faker, I'm no spy!"

Dr. Director allows the outburst to run its course, remaining there with her hands steepled in front of her, staring over the top of her knuckles at Adrena Lynn in silence. By the time the short-haired blonde is done, she's left panting, eyes wide and wild in fear, panting a little bit, nearly hyperventilating, even. It's this Adrena that the spy mistress responds to.

"… Unfortunately, returning you to your cell is an impossibility."

With the click of a remote, a screen appears on the far wall of the office, showing a news channel reporting on… the complete annihilation of her cell. Adrena Lynn stares at the news report, listening with a sort strange detachment as the news anchor explains that they have evidence of her lawyer smuggling explosives into the prison for her, and that her death was part of an escape attempt gone wrong.

"As far as your skills are concerned, our primary benefactor seems some worth in you. It takes some effort to fake it, after all. With some… remedial training, you can easily be repurposed into a Global Justice Field Agent. Though, for the time being, our primary benefactor intends to have you assigned to him as a personal assistant."

Personal… assistant? Still coming to terms with her own incredibly public (and somewhat humiliating) death, Adrena Lynn's lower lip trembles as she tries and fails to control herself. She was… just a few scant weeks ago, she was on top of the world. Now… now she's been vanished by some super-secret spy organization that's talking about field work and personal assistant positions, and she doesn't… she's not sure what's worse. She doesn't know what to do, truth be told.

"I… I…"

"Welcome to Global Justice, Ms. Lynn. Welcome to the rest of your life."


Groaning, Drakken looks up from his work for a moment, glancing at the time. It turned out, even with all of the foreknowledge there was, taking over the world was still pretty back-breaking. In fact, it was about time for a break, by his estimation. Smirking, the time traveling villain presses a button on his desk.

"Ms. Lynn. Attend me."

A moment later, and the door to his office opens as his newest personal assistant hurries inside. Unlike Shego, who went around in a sexy French maid uniform, Adrena Lynn was effectively his secretary… which meant she was dressed as his secretary as well, the former fake stunt woman positively rocking her too-short pencil skirt and her too-tight button up blouse as she licks her ruby red lips and hurries over to stand in front of his desk.

"Yes sir? You called?"

Grinning, Drakken's eyes go to the beautiful choker around her neck for a moment. It's an extravagant piece of jewelry, as well as a glorified collar. After all, poor Ms. Lynn thinks it's explosive. She believes if she tries to escape, her choker can be remotely detonated. This is, of course, a lie. Like the rest of his toys, Adrena Lynn has been infected with Drakken's mind control nanites. Unlike some, but very much like others, she has not been mind controlled to enjoy his company or want to be his slave.

Instead, she believes she has no choice. She resents him still of course, but at the same time, her cowardly tendencies have been turned against her. As a forcibly conscripted recruit of Global Justice, poor Ms. Lynn has two choices before her. One, she can take a crash course in training from the spy organization and then get thrown out into the field on missions as a Field Agent… or, two, she can be his personal assistant, where there's a lot less danger, but a lot more sexual harassment.

Obviously, Adrena knows which she prefers, because she has yet to disobey a single order from him.

"Ms. Lynn, come around to here please, and place your hands on the edge of my desk."

"Yes, sir…"

Slowly, one of dear Kimmie's first adversaries makes her way around his desk and plants her hands palm down on the edge of it. Standing next to him, she's in no position to stop him from reaching out and giving her shapely behind a nice, strong squeeze. A soft gasp leaves Ms. Lynn's lips as he touches her, and Drakken smiles, pleased with the reaction.

"You know, Ms. Lynn… you could have been one of Kim Possible's greatest villains if you hadn't been such a coward. You could have been her foil. If not for you, maybe she wouldn't have bothered me so damn much."

His words go completely over her head, of course. He's already made sure that any ramblings about time travel go in one ear and out the other when it comes to his mind controlled puppets. All Adrena Lynn really hears is Drakken's displeasure with her, and that translates into a whimper as she hangs her head apologetically.

"S-Sorry sir… s-so sorry…"

Snorting derisively, Drakken just shakes his head and keeps on groping her bum.

"That's not how we apologize in this office, now is it Ms. Lynn? You know how to apologize…"

Moving his hand away from her ass, Drakken watches as she shivers before sticking her cute derriere out further and reaching back to pull up her incredibly short skirt. Then, she drags down her pantyhose and panties, exposing her ass and her pussy to his view as she places her elbows on the desk in front of him.

"Please sir… please make use of your personal assistant's body as apology for my transgressions."

Nodding amicably, Drakken stands up and takes out his cock, stroking it as he moves into position behind the former villainess. Reaching out with his free hand and holding her steady, he places the tip of his dick against Adrena Lynn's cunt lips, not surprised to find her barely wet enough for it to be pleasurable. She wasn't at all thrilled about this after all, so he didn't expect her to be sopping. Still, she was moist enough for his purposes…

"Now THAT is the right way to apologize, Ms. Lynn. Good girl."

A shudder of arousal runs through her at that, even as Drakken finally slides his cock up into her. He hadn't been able to resist making 'Good girl' a trigger word that would send a rush of endorphins through the short-haired blonde whenever HE said it. The positive reinforcement would slowly alter Adrena Lynn's mind without him having to do much at all, in the end.

For now, though, she's still distinctly reluctant as Drakken grabs her by her shoulders and begins to thrust forcefully into her from behind. Her entire body jars with every forward motion of his cock, her inner walls clenching and squeezing down around his member, not affectionately, but in a pitiful and ultimately failed attempt at pushing him out.

Adrena Lynn squeaks and whimpers and gasps as she tries to hold in her voice, and Drakken lets her, lets her try to maintain some small semblance of pride, even as he bends her over his desk and takes her from behind. She really had had so much potential, in the previous timeline. Potential to be Kim Possible's nemesis, like he'd become.

Drakken knew this because when he'd made his plans for coming back in time, he'd done his research. Well, to be fair, he'd done a lot of his research long before then. Kim Possible was a persistent thorn in his side for much of his life after all, and he'd spent quite a lot of time looking into her exploits, even the ones that had nothing to do with him, hoping to find some sort of weakness in his adversary that he could exploit.

As such, he had comprehensive files on every single one of Kim's enemies long before he came back, and had known Adrena Lynn's particular story in the same way he'd known every other villain that Kim Possible had ever faced off with… as well as some that she hadn't, but that he'd known could be a threat to his plans anyways.

Reaching up, Drakken grips Adrena by her short blonde hair as he begins to fuck her harder and faster, closing in on his release and not caring one bit that she hasn't cum a single time yet. This isn't for her pleasure; this is for his. Adrena Lynn should have done better, should have BEEN better. If she'd been more of a worthwhile foe for Kim in the previous timeline, maybe the red head wouldn't have been such an irritation for Drakken. Maybe some of his plans might just have succeeded.

He knows deep down that that's not true, of course. He's long since come to term with his own inadequacies in the past timeline. But it's still fun to take out his frustration on Adrena Lynn, having turned her into his own personal stress relief. With a savage grin, the time traveling villain grunts and unloads inside of her cunt, filling her with his seed.

Once he's done creampieing her, he pulls out and delivers a swat to her backside.

"Back to your desk now, Ms. Lynn."

Pulling up her panties and pantyhose and yanking down her too-short pencil skirt, even as his cum is already beginning to seep out of her, the cowed, cowardly former TV star hurries back to her desk, head down and metaphorical tail tucked between her legs. Drakken just chuckles and sits back down. It was good being king.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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