
Ticket Out Of Town

Desire makes you do strange things, take for instance my insatiable craving to be bitten by Zoe. In the true sense of the word, she is a vampire, and I am afraid that it is more than often that I want her to feed off me. This indeed is an all-different shade of an imperfect grey, a whole crooked world with a far deeper meaning. And now Ethan has witnessed Zoe clearly drawing blood from me with razor-sharp fangs that were nestled ever so deeply in my neck.

Zoe has gone to take after him and I in return have taken after her. I fear to even think about what she is going to do to him. I do not believe she shall kill an innocent man, yet I am uncertain what she will do though to let her secret remain safe with only me.

As I reach the door that leads out to the back alley, I can hear the voices of a man and a woman clearly having a casual conversation. It sounds like it is the voices of Ethan and Zoe. Why am I not hearing growls and screams? Or just the simple whimper of a man being killed.

Much to my shock as I step through the door, he and Zoe are standing chatting as if nothing has ever happened. Is there something that I missed here, for she clearly did have her fangs into my neck. Why is Ethan not scared in the least bit, or is she trying to frantically explain to him what really is going on? Not that Ethan shall ever believe such things, but this is indeed far more peculiar than what truly should happen.

She only smiles when she sees me. When Ethan turns his attention elsewhere, she just shows for me to shush and not mention a thing.

After having a brief conversation, Zoe and I make our way back to my office.

"What the hell just happened in there Zoe? I thought you were going to kill the man?"

"I might turn into a monster Foster, but it does not mean that I am a real one."

"So what did you say to him then? He did not look frightened in the least bit?"

"I erased his memory."

I can barely believe what she says, as I have never even heard of such a thing, yes in fairytales you will find it, but in real life, such a thing does not exist. Then again if I think about it, my whole life has just turned into one big fairytale since I met Zoe. Things I never thought to be true, have become real since I have been with her. Who is not to say that even far majestical things do not exist.

"Did you just say erase his memory?"

"Yes, I made him forget what he saw."

"But how? Can you control everything the mind does?"

"Yes. Please don't ask me how this works, it just does. Why do you think that girl, Amanda you were seeing stopped coming around?"

"Did you erase Amanda's memory?"

"Yes Foster, that is why she had not come back."

"I thought she..."

"No Foster. Or do you want her to come running back after you?"

"I have not said so, Zoe."

The last thing I do need now is to start an argument with her, so I shall remove myself from this conversation. I do not know how I feel about this whole erasing someone's memory, especially without out the person's knowledge. Has she done this to me before?

"No Foster I have not done it to you?"

"Zoe, can you please stop doing that? You promised you would not read my mind when I did not want you."

"What is wrong now Foster?"

"This whole erasing people's memory. This is all a bit too much for me. And I need to focus on some work."

"I think it is time for me to go home then. I will see you a bit later Foster."

With that, I see her exit the office. There is a part of me that tells me that I might not even see her later.

The thing is, this whole thing she did with Amanda, does not sit well with me at all. Amanda was at her worst times a real bitch, but I do not feel that she deserved that. I have known Amanda for far longer than anybody knows me, and even though we were more on than off, I do still care for her a great deal. I cannot believe that Zoe will do such a thing. How much of Amanda's memory did she erase?

Before I know what I am doing. I have dialed the number and I am holding the phone patiently waiting for her to answer me.

"Hello, Foster."

"Hey, Amanda."

...ZOE POV...

Foster is furious at me for what I did to Ethan and now he is even more so that he has found out I did it to Amanda. I need not even have to read his mind, I can see it in his eyes, even though they never seemed really serious, he still cared for her dearly. Who am I to believe he will ever feel that way about me. What am I but only a monster when she is a real woman? She knows him far better and far longer than I.

As I aimlessly wander the streets again, while I slowly make my way home, I cannot but wonder how I only a few days ago, met the most wonderful man down these exact very alleys. It is as if I can feel his very presence near me. I can even still smell his musky cologne lingering on my skin.

Maybe our relationship has gone too fast, for it surely has been a rollercoaster ride. Here is a man that has lived a normal life, who has all of a sudden has been ripped into a supernatural world. I should have known it is too much for a simple human to handle. I should have known better not to reveal myself.

As I finally find my way home, I only find Breyden in the kitchen, Teagen does not seem to be around. He has been away in London and has no idea what has happened, but he is about to find out.

"Hey, Breyden."

"Hey, Zoe. I heard you been away, where have you been?"

"I was with a friend."

Breyden does not even flinch as his calm demeanor changes to that of anger.

"A friend as in the guy from the alley?"

I know it is pointless to lie to him for he too shall know to I am not telling the truth to him.

"Yes, I was with Foster."

"And tell me, does this Foster know who you really are?"

"Yes, I might have revealed myself to him."

"You might or you have?"

"I have."

"How much does he know?"

I hesitate for a moment for this is the beginning of the end. Breyden is going to pack us up and we are going to move away again. I should not have been this careless, I should have thought of the consequences for him and Teagen. I should have known this would happen.

"He knows everything."

"Get your stuff together, we are leaving."


I found myself phoning Amanda because I am concerned with what Zoe has done to her. This is truly a difficult situation, here is Amanda whom I shall always care for, and then Zoe I want to spend my life with. How do you even begin to explain to either one how I feel. Zoe will be furious because I have phoned Amanda and I am sure Amanda feels very much the same hatred towards her. But for now, I shall not bring Zoe up in front of her.

"So how are you, Amanda?"

"Honestly Foster, I don't know. We have not spoken for a while. I have been wanting to phone you but I have been really scared."

This does pique my interest, what did Zoe do to her?

"What do you mean scared Amanda?"

"It is hard to explain, something just keeps me from doing it. Like something bad will happen to me."

"So you never tried to come to my house?"

"No Foster. Why?"

"I was just wondering why I have not heard from you. It is unlike you just to back off so easily."

I hear her starting to breathe more small rapid breaths, I know she is crying. The longer she keeps quiet, the clear it gets. This was such a mistake to phone her, but I had to make sure that she is all okay. The question now is, what do I want to do?

"Amanda, would you like to come over? We can have a bottle of wine, I just want to make sure that you are okay."

...ZOE POV...

I have just told Breyden the truth and he has requested Teagen to come home. We are busy packing up our belongings again. This time he is not saying where we will be going for he is afraid that I shall tell Foster. If I do tell Foster or not, the question is? Will he come after me? Or if he should know what is happening now, will he come and try to stop us? I shall just let it be for if I can't be with him today, Breyden shall just find another reason tomorrow. The sad fact is, that neither I nor Teagen shall learn our lesson and this is what we shall do for eternity on end.

This time around Teagen is more than mad. She was really starting to like the city, especially the excitement that the nightlife brings. I am not sure how mad she is at me, for this time I really did make a mess of things. This time we fear Breyden is going to really move us far away.

I am trying my best to apologize, but neither one of them is listening.

"Teagen I am so sorry."

She remains quiet for a while longer until she knows there is really no sense in being mad for this would have happened sooner or later again.

"I am not mad at you Zoe, I just don't know why we should move every time. I mean you can erase his memory after all."

"I already did that and see where that got me with Foster."

"Foster just needs time to understand Zoe and believe me after this he is not going to understand at all."

"Maybe it is better this way Teagen."

"Where do you think he is taking us this time?"

"I think it just might be to the other side of the world."

"I hate this."

Just then Breyden walks in, he does not seem angry anymore, but sad. I know this is hard on him too, he gives up his angelic life to look after one misfit and a vampire. He did not ask for this, he does not need to do it, but he does and all we do is mess up.

It is with a heavy heart that he is facing us.

"I am sorry girls, but you know that we have to do this. Zoe this time you went too far, using your power. Yes, you can erase his memory but then you will have to with every single person you came in contact with. We can't do that."

"I understand Breyden, I am so sorry."

"It is done, now finish packing, we are leaving in an hour."


To say that today was probably one of the longest days of my life would not be a lie. What started off as great ended up in this. What do I make of this? I do not know if I should be mad at Zoe or not, but what I do feel is a disappointment. Life is not a fairytale, whom am I to believe that it is. Zoe is a fairytale, there should not exist things like fairytales. I do believe I understand why Breyden wishes to keep her a secret from the world. I do not think the world is ready for her power, I thought I was, well now I think that maybe I am not.

In fact, I do not know what I am ready for, these past couple of days was a complete rollercoaster ride. The craziness might have been too much for me. I do not know what it is that I want right now. My heart is sad and mad at the same time. What should I feel? And for who shall I feel it?

And just in time to rip me from my thought, the doorbell goes. Slowly I make my way towards it, I keep reminding myself why I am doing this. As I open the door, I hope to myself, please let this not be a mistake too.

"Hello, Foster."

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