
Becoming Harry and getting Ownership of Dobby

It was a new kind of feeling. My soul started moving and joined with something or someone I think. I feel and don't feel the same as before but there is something more in me. Then I was feeling heavy and asleep. Sometime later I opened my eyes and found myself in a room watching a moving album and in it stood a couple unknown to me but familiar. Then all of a sudden memories started to pour, I saw Harry's life from start till now and felt all his emotions sadness, rage, happiness etc, there were myriads of emotions. After calming down I looked around the room and saw an owl in a cage, probably Hedwig. Then Hedwig started to chirp and squirm, but I didn't pay attention to it and remembered about the system that was supposed to be with me here. I called out to it mentally.

( System you there.)


* System bonding with the host.....1%*

* System bonding with the host.....7%*

* System bonding with the host.....15%*

* System bonding with the host.....37%*

* System bonding with the host.....68%*

* System bonding with the host.....91%*

* System bonding with the host.....100%*

* Congratulations to host for binding with Unlimited Creating and Looting System*

( Finally, there you are system. Tell me about yourself and your uses.)

*Host can create anything you want in the system for free and as for looting you have to be close to anything you want to loot, host can loot anything like money, energy, bloodlines, items, abilities, knowledge etc.*

( So how do I use it.)

*Host just has to say system create and give characteristics and descriptions for the abilities, items, skills, bloodlines etc to be created and as for looting say system loot.*

As I was talking with the system I heard voice from Hedwig and downstairs.

Vernon Dursley: HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!

Harry: Be quiet Hedwig. ( I will call MC Harry now his real name will be told or revealed later.)

Hedwig then calmed down and stopped making noise. I then go downstairs. When I reach downstairs I head to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen I see Petunia dressing the cake with strawberries while humming.

Petunia: He's in here Vernon.

I then turn to see Vernon with Dudley, Vernon is setting Dudley's tie standing near the fireplace. I decide to play as normal harry would, for a while. Vernon then looks at me and say. Vernon: I'm warning you if you can't control that bloody bird then it will have to go. Harry: But she's bored if only I could let it out for an hour or two to get some air. Vernon: Hoo. So you can send messages to your freakish friends. No sir. Harry: But I don't get messages from any of my friends. No one, All summer. Dudley: Who would be friends with you.

He says and pushes me. Well lets try the system now. I say to the system ( System loot.)

*Looting in progress*

*Looting complete.....congratulations to host for getting five hundred pound, eating mastery, sleeping mastery, 100 kilos of fat for the body and cowardice mastery.*

Well I at least got some pounds not sure about others. Woah he got mastery in quite the things there. Well most of them are useless for now, I think. Then Vernon said to me.

Vernon: I think you should be more grateful, we raised you since you were a baby, we gave you food on the table and even gave you Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts.

Behind me Dudley was trying to eat the cake, but could only take a strawberry. Petunia slapped his hand away softly and said to him.

Petunia: Not now Popikins, its for when the Maces are here.

Vernon: Which should be any minute!! Well we should go over our schedule once again. But you young man will be in your room keeping yourself and that bird quiet.

Harry: Ok uncle Vernon.

Then I start to go upstairs, and the bell rings when I am halfway up the stairs. I then go inside my room and there is a creature jumping on my bed which, I persume to be Dobby, the house elf. He sees me and says.

Dobby: Harry Potter. Such an honor it is.

I close my door look at him carefully and while pretending I ask him.

Harry: Who are you?

Dobby: I will be sir Dobby the house elf.

Harry: What can I do for you Dobby?

I ask him while trying to shake his hand. When I take his hand, I say (System Loot).

*Looting in progress*

*Looting complete.....congratulations to host for getting ownership of Dooby, house elf apparition technique mastery, 1000 mana and 1000 galleons.*

(Explain about all the loot.)

*Host gets ownership of Dobby and his previous ownership is cut down, and you also get elf apparition technique with mana points, and galleons.*

(So he is my property now.)

*Yes host.*

Then I feel a new connection and look at Dobby, he is also looking at me with curious and excited eyes. Seeing him like that I say.

Harry: Keep your voice low for now and tell me everything you know, because I am your new master.

Dobby: Dobby doesn't know how you did that, but I will tell you Harry Potter sir. I am here to tell you shouldn't go to Hogwards beacuse the chamber of Salazar Slyherin or as it is called chamber of secrets is opening this year. This is my only warning so please pay heed to it, and also I have letters from your friends.

Harry: Ok give me the letters first, and I will go to Hogwarts no matter what you say, I am your Master so it is an order. Do you Understand?!

Dobby: Yes, Harry Potter sir.

Harry: So for now take Hedwig outside for some air and get me some good clothes in black, blue, and grey color with boots.

Dobby: Yes sir.

Then Dobby takes Hedwig and goes outside, while I start to check my system for useful things.

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