
Chapter Nine: Family Secrets.

The silvery mist enveloped the chamber, leaving behind light trails of smoke as it swept into one giant line, forming a creature. It seemed as if the chamber itself had lit up, painting a fraudulent picture of a Muggle's version of heaven. When the mist receded and cleared up enough space to view the Black Mamba hissing at the Dementor, a series of gasps broke through the room.

It was quite unusual for a teenager to conjure up such a rare Patronus, especially when the aforementioned teenager hadn't been able to create even a slip of the majestic snake curling around his black shoes. Tom smiled as his lids peeled back showcasing proud hickory orbs as the pupils dilated. For a second, a brief, flimsy second, Cordelia thought she saw his eyes turn to hers, brown meeting forest green as a symbol of recognition.

However, the moment was broken as Phyllis clutched onto Cordelia's elbow, muttering how they should have predicted Tom's Patronus.

With finality, the centre of everyone's attention turned towards the key on the ground, picking it up and unlocking the next door.

"Yay, Tom!"

Yet another pureblooded female snake cheered on their fellow peer with wanton intentions, hoping to score the apparently French pureblood's attention.

"I still don't understand how you tricked the little Niffler! It bit me as soon as I reached for its arm!"

Theodore cackled at Phyllis's proclamations, tossing his curly brown hair as hazel eyes sought out Cordelia's reply patiently.

"I guess you just didn't have it in you."

Yet another round of giggles and soft chortles broke out among their friend group as a honey palm reached out to slap the back of Cordelia's head, a pout gracing the annoyed Parkinson's face.

"Not. Funny."

Phyllis tossed her blonde and brown hair over her shoulder, redoing her high pony as she continued speaking. "Plus, not everyone got through the little creature, so it really isn't anything hilarious."

Contrary to Phyllis's claims, Aurora and Druella openly snickered at their two female friends, the ocean eyed blonde and tomboy brunette leaning onto the wall behind them as they joined into the conversation.

"Please Philly, you're just mad you took a whole minute to get the keys back."

The creature loving blonde received a glare as Phyllis replied, a slight frown on her face. "Not everyone tends to obsess over creatures as much as you do, Aurora."

Rudolphus caught Cordelia's bemused gaze as they both sought out Ignatius, wondering what the jokester would make of the jab towards his girlfriend.

A mop of red hair snuck up behind Aurora as long, pale arms circled her waist, Ignatius's face showing as he placed his chin onto her right shoulder.

"I might just prank you for that."

Rudolphus and Lia laughed at Phyllis's offended expression, choosing to tune out the trio as the Lestrange heir pulled his Black friend along for a chat.

Purebloods tended to have a certain confident and fearless air around them as they spoke to one another, the mannerisms of their parents rubbing off on them during dire times. However, with the way Rudolphus fiddled with his tie and shuffled his feet, one would presume he hadn't learned anything from his intrepid father.

"Spit it out."

A meticulously plucked black eyebrow rose swiftly at Cordelia's impatience, green eyes widening at the pureblood witch's new agitation.

"I know why your father was your Boggart."

The pureblood girl's breath hitched in her throat as she turned towards the side, looking past Rodolphus's shortly cropped hair and sympathetic eyes.

"And what do you think is the reason?"

The male hesitated for a split second before speaking, reaching out to grasp her arm in some sort of comfort. "Does he hit you if you don't meet his expectations?"

Suddenly, Cordelia was taken back to a moment in their fourth year where Rodolphus returned from Christmas break with a bruise on his cheek. He had shrugged it off as a Quidditch wound, however now Cordelia knew better. She had always known pureblood parents could get quite violent regarding their expectations, but she wasn't aware of the true extent of the abuse.

I wish I could tell him the truth, but no one can ever know, not even Rufus can find out.

"It was a long time ago, but I still fear the consequences if that moment repeats itself."

She had expected his green pools to be coated in pity as he provided her with some sort of verbal comfort. However, Cordelia was left surprised as Rodolphus stepped forward and enveloped her in a warm hug, making the pale girl flush a light pink and scatter her gaze to ensure no one was watching.

"I'm sorry he treats you so. Really, I hadn't realised he beat you along with Orion."

Her ocean-blue eyes widened as she slightly pulled away, resting her forehead against his woollen jumper as she whispered.

"How do you know about Orion?"

Why didn't he tell me father hit him?

Rodolphus broke off the physical contact, a bittersweet smile on his face. "I helped him heal his wound in our fourth year. It was when he told your father he wanted to be friends with a half-blood."

Cordelia remembered the day vividly, how her father had slapped Orion and created a scene, how for the first time Arcturus Black seemed thoroughly disappointed in his son's behaviour. She hadn't realised the physical abuse had extended to something more than just a slap, for she would've protected her brother if she knew.

"Oh. Thank you for helping him."

The Lestrange heir smiled, pulling her along towards their oblivious friends as he muttered humble replies.

"Break it up, girls."

Druella lazily waved her right arm in a nonchalant attempt to halt the friendly banter continuing between Aurora and Phyllis, her left hand instead rising up to stifle a great yawn. Golden-brown eyes crinkled in annoyance as the young Black was reminded of her tired state, causing the brunette to slump onto Cordelia's shoulder just as the latter reached her previous position in their circle.

"How long will this bloody thing take?"

At this, Cordelia chuckled, tilting her head to the side to allow her cousin a bit of solace. "Well, we still have about nine people."

The group of seven groaned collectively, not caring about the hazy stares and light glares thrown their way by their peers and the professors. Cordelia, however, had another train of thought, her mind contemplating the family secrets she had uncovered.

"It's been a good day Slytherins, you bunch are definitely a promising lot! There were some of you that performed quite splendidly, so much so I'd consider finalising those lucky few students without examining their other expertise."

Dumbledore beamed at Headmaster Dippet's words, proudly glancing at the assembly of students before him.

"Now you head up to your next lessons and I'll be sure to meet you here at the same time tomorrow, for yet another exam regarding the Tournament."

After Headmaster Dippet's words, the snakes tiredly filed out the room, the majority of them heading up to Charms while the likes of Crabbe and Goyle admitted themselves into the hospital wing. Cordelia, on the other hand, took part in none of those events as she made her way through the hallways, thankful for her free lesson.

The brunette tied up her loose hair into a messy bun and busied herself as icy blue eyes swept over the ancient hallways, soaking in the magic and hidden wonders surrounding her frame. Her eyes zoomed from one corner to the next, abandoning the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts to instead gaze at a group of wizards playing cards, and then righting her gaze to the front where she was met with a queer sight.

A group of Ravenclaws clustered around a bunch of green goop hanging off of the torch, one of them going as far as to taste bits of the object to satisfy their curiosity. Cordelia didn't know what was worse, their queer way to spend time or the fact that the green goop happened to be one of Ignatius's inventions. One that involved dragon dung and nettle leaves.

Definitely the second one.

She didn't bother staying long enough to make her presence known, instead choosing to leave the teenagers to their own demises and proceed to the Slytherin common room. Cordelia had a little brother to confront, and she wouldn't let anything get in the way of it.

Black heels clicked loudly against the floor as the pureblood witch reached the dungeons.


The wall moved aside to welcome the Black-McMillian heir, allowing her to be enveloped in the vibrant scents of the sea. Green hues surrounded the pureblood as she walked further into the room, glancing at the black couches and the rioting mermaids.

There, on Cordelia's usual spot lay a black Persian kitten, its yellow eyes concealed under black lids. A smile danced onto the conflicted girl's face as she moved to lift Nix, but her arm halted as she noticed the snake curled near her pet.

It was extremely weird how Riddle's snake happened to form a friendship of sorts with her cat, and what was even more peculiar was how Nix welcomed the slithery companion.

"I hadn't expected you to be here."

Brown strands swished in the air as ocean blue eyes zeroed in on Tom's form near the back of the room, a sigh escaping Cordelia's form at the unwanted company. Nonetheless, Riddle continued speaking.

"I had some questions after your performance, ones that you certainly won't answer."

A scoff escaped the girl's form as she replied. "If you know my answer, why did you bother to make conversation."

"Because you were about to wake Nagini. She hasn't slept in days."

Cordelia rolled her eyes, walking towards the dormitories staircase as she turned to reply one last time. "I'm not rude enough to deprive an animal of its rest. Do me a favour and send Nix on her way when she awakes. I've been meaning to feed her."

He merely nodded, turning back to the book clutched in his arms and subtly covering its title.

Without paying him any more attention, Lia turned towards the boys' dormitory and walked down the deep green hallways, pausing right before the fifth year boys' rooms.

Sorry for the delay in the update!

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