
The Meta Liberation Army

Now you may wonder on how I know of this group from MHA when I haven't even reached this far into the story?

Well, I remember reading about this group on a fandom page when I was still watching MHA; something I used to do from time to time.

This is the main base of operations for an infamous group of villains that's been considered disbanded by the authorities for some time now.

When I was still watching MHA and looked onto the web, I came across something that caught my attention, and that was an army, or more specifically, the Meta Liberation Army (MLA), or later known as Paranormal Liberation Front (PLF).

If I calculate correctly, I can assume that the MLA is currently still securing resources and regathering and training bigots or powerful quirk users in order to grow their manpower, which if I remember correctly will reach 100,000+ people in the future.

Now to be honest I don't really know what happens to them or how they are defeated in the future but to be honest I also don't currently care either. I just want to solve this mystery and get on with my life, after all if I want, I can just revisit this topic in the future, but not as Ken the 6-year-old but as Bullseye the deadly assassin.

Back to the student-teacher group I see them enter the elevator from the main lobby after Mrs. Tio quickly performs some strange hand sign on her forehead; a closed fist with her index finger pointing up 90 degrees and her thumb touching the center of her forehead.

As they go into the elevator, I quickly lose sight of them and I can't hear their steps any longer, yet I remain focused on their auras with my aura scrying technique and finally after waiting for 2 minutes I finally hear there footsteps again and it appears that they are standing on the top floor.

They are so high that I have to get right up against one of the walls of the building in order to listen to a few words.

Firstly, I hear a feminine voice "recruits...strong quirks…strength...freedom…"

Then, a more masculine voice "see…done…money transfer…leave"

Well now this makes sense to me, apparently Re-Destro the leader of MLA is up there and is currently speaking to the new recruits of his organization… and apparently Mrs. Tia got paid for introducing new blood into the group.

{hmm I guess those two are now a part of a terrorist organization, well crap I expected something similar to this to happen but not for such a large and dangerous group.}

As I was once again lost in thought I heard footsteps coming close to my location, and after a second, I can see a large burly security personal walking towards me.

He quickly comes close and yells "Hey kid what are you doing listening into the building! You know that's illegal right? Come with me son I need you to come with me to speak to the boss!"

As I was about to respond I hear Re-Destro say "Skeptic… ruckus…check"

As I hear this, I start to freak out because this situation was not supposed to get this out of hand.

Once I quickly think over my options, I quickly realize that if I go with him, I will likely end up having to join MLA by force or being killed off if I refuse.

So, with that thought in mind I quickly bend down, pick up a medium sized rock from the ground and throw it at the security guard with all the force that I can muster. His eyes open wide as he sees the rock coming his way and he tries to move out of the way, but it's too late and the hard rock hits him right on the temple, and right in front of my eyes I see his eyes roll up into his head as his large bulky body falls onto the hard concrete floor with a large *Thud*.

I quickly escape and as I'm leaving the buildings perimeter, the front doors suddenly open and Mrs. Tio steps out, and as she looks at the large unconscious body at her side and at the running figures back, I hear Mrs. Tio remark, "huh, I wonder what that young delinquent was doing here?"

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