
Chapter 38

Entering the room, I did not expect to see two humanoid men there, who ... calmly drank something similar to alcohol and played some kind of board role-playing game. A girl with a dark skin color was standing next to them and immediately tensed up, ready to rush at me at any moment when she saw that the door opened.

"Oh, my guest has finally arrived! One of the men, who was dressed in light colors, turned around happily and said, " Come on, come on, I can't wait to play with you.

- Um... — this is not what I expected from the ruler of an entire planet, and it was exactly him, since he himself said that I was his guest, — Okay, - I shrug my shoulders. It was a little awkward, but it's even good that the Grandmaster turned out to be so ... open, or something — My name is James, by the way.

- Ha-ha, yes! Call me Grandmaster! We just missed the third one, and Brunhilda doesn't want to play with us anymore — - offended (?) the ruler apparently looked at his assistant — And then someone appeared from one of the holes! Well, I decided that you would be the third.

I really didn't know what to say to that. Bring a completely unfamiliar person... an unfamiliar creature just to play a game with him. It is clear that he is really bored here — And can I find out what kind of "hole" is? — I immediately imagined that swirl in the sky when I first appeared here, and it was clear from the ship that it was not the only one.

"Ah, this," he waved his hand, " is an ordinary wormhole that appeared on the basis of the energy of the Space stone a long time ago, although now they themselves can appear in the universe when someone uses the stone and cannot completely control it, but you can create one yourself if you try.

— So this is something like a portal? I guessed.

— Not really, but you can consider it that way — - nods, - Ah! - the man lightly slapped himself on the head — - I completely forgot to introduce you to my brother — - he pointed to a man who looked a little older and was dressed in dark colors — - Meet my brother and concurrently the most famous collector of the universe…

"A collector," the latter interrupted him, not caring about the image of his, like, relative.

- Well, what are you doing? — something is jumping too fast in this creature's mood, - Okay, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that the third one has come to us after all and we can play normally, but if there were four of us... " and he shot his eyes at the girl so pointedly that even the most stupid person understood what was going on here.

"I won't fall for this anymore," she said with a stony face, "Brunhilda," she nodded to me.

- Eh, we will still play three together, - he lowered his head sadly and looked again in the direction of the girl.

"This trick doesn't work twice," Brunhilda said, her face unchanged.

- James, - realizing that everything is deaf here, the Grandmaster turned to me — - Can you tell me where you are from? - meanwhile, he pushed back the chair on which I sat down.

— Well, to be honest, I don't think it will give you anything, but I'm from Earth-it's a planet where most of its surface is covered with water, " was my answer.

- Hmm, I really can't understand what this place is — - he rubbed his chin — - Well, it doesn't matter, let's finally play — I haven't played Tyranny for a long time, or rather, I do it myself every day, but it quickly gets boring and you have to play a good ruler, but you don't get to play an ordinary board game every day.

Then the man began to explain the rules and how to be a ruler in general. The game itself turned out to be very interesting, in terms of strategy and fighting with other players for power. And in general, this was the essence of the game — to become the sole ruler, destroying the economy, politics and capturing the territories of opponents.

Somehow it reminded me of a monopoly, but there was only an economy, and even then, some kind of one-sided. And here you could use almost any methods, bluff, cheat, but you should not be openly arrogant, since others could simply unite against you, so the minimum number of players here is three.

Another amazing thing was that all the action took place on a holographic board, which could be controlled as you wanted. For example, make it bigger or smaller, zoom in or out. I couldn't even get into all this right away, but after half an hour with fire in my eyes, I was hacking at everything…

- Hey, this is my market! - the Collector was indignant, - I honestly expropriated it from my brother!

"Ah-ah-ha! So it's him, James! He will know how to "expropriate" someone else's goods, "the Grandmaster laughed out loud," Eh?! Why has my currency fallen in price so much?

- Aha! I finally realized that due to the fact that your guest fraudulently bought all my main territory, and at the same time yours, for the market, our economy has fallen very low! - another man exclaimed, - He said that it was necessary to crush his enterprises in the bud, and you: "No! How is it possible! He's a beginner — he doesn't understand anything yet!".

- But I am in the first place in politics! - his interlocutor raised his head importantly.

- Well, we can assume that we have a draw, since I am in the first place in terms of territories, — the Collector expressed his opinion.

- I agree/I like it — " we both answered at the same time.

"And how can this Midgardian talk to them..." Brunhilda whispered almost inaudibly, but I and my two brothers heard her perfectly.

— So you're from Midgard?" The Gradmaster asked in surprise and even with caution.

- Yes? I said, also surprised.

— You don't know where you're from?" - this time the Collector asked the question.

- Brunhilda, do you mind if I call you that? - nod — - Then you can call me James. So, Brunhilda, don't you want to say that you mean exactly the Midgard that the Vikings called our planet in ancient times?

- Yes, we have... - here she bit her tongue, — In Asgard, it was customary to call one of the worlds that is under the protection of the King of Asgard. Before I... well, the last ruler there was considered to be One who subdued the nine worlds.

"Oh, my friend, you are not as simple as I thought," the ruler of Sakaar said cheerfully.

Ha, yes, I myself just found out that all those myths about the fact that the Scandinavian gods really exist. I used to think that these were invented by people to steal money, well, and pray to someone. But it turns out that these are not myths at all, but real reality, but adjusted for the fact that these are not gods. Ordinary aliens who are more developed than humanity, and from this in ancient times they look like gods.

Although I remember such characters from "The Avengers" as Loki and Thor, but until now I thought that they were both from Earth. Only they have superpowers. Damn, I have some problems with my memory from my past life, as if someone selectively erased some moments so that I wouldn't interfere with some events... too much. And this assumption has a place to be, because from the very moment I got here, I did not even have the thought to write down something from my past life.

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