
Death & Darkness, Pt 1

Orsethii grinned devilishly as space flashed all around her fleet. Or rather, as Ra’ventrii’s fleet flashed into their broken part of space.

But that grin slowly faded and turned into a frown as more and more ships kept flashing in. The sheer enormity of it was mind-boggling.

Although they had original estimates from her very first encounter with the Empire, and although Orsethii expected the fleet to grow, she didn’t expect it would grow to this size.

The Einherjar now had three devastators - two Imperial and one from the Hegemony. They were accompanied by dozens of battleships and carriers, hundreds of cruisers, thousands of destroyers and frigates. And there were far too many fighters and mecha on the field for them to count.

This was truly a fleet made to destroy.

Many in the Imperial fleet were utterly cowed by the Einherjar. It dawned on them that if they had annihilated the Corvus Republic as was their previous plan, then there was no hope for their survival at all.

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