
Chapter 31: The Seven Merchants Challenge, Part 3

Oh, they wanted to put him in his fucking place, did they? Fates bugger them! Rath strode across the stage and slapped his marks back down on the table. "Greath—110 gallons of wine for 33 shillings. Barlow—150 gallons of ale, 12 shillings 5 pennies. Hamm—250 pounds of fresh salo fish, 1 shilling, 2 pennies. Semora & Remma—25 legs of beef, 12 shillings 5. Charlethta—17 legs of pork, 5 shillings 1. Chesterson—50 pounds of bread, 6 pennies. Merrick & Cold—25 pounds of cheese, 1 shilling 2. That's the best price, when you can haggle them down to it. Fates know I've heard it all often enough."

The clerk who'd hastened over at Sorrith's beckoning stared at his papers, up at Rath, then down at his papers again before shaking his head and handing the bundle to Sorrith.

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