
The Class - NE

So, here we are, opening the door. In the story, at least in the anime, Rimuru jumps to the side. I think I'm just going to show off instead.

We open the door and a burst of flame came flying at me through the air. Instead of the jump to the side, I reach out my hand and grab the flame, it still releases a small explosion, so the twerps don't realize I just grabbed it.

[That was so cool. Such a cool finishing move Kenya-kun] says Alice with a look that screams 'I'm a groupie. and then they go on ranting about how cool he was. That is until my voice comes out of the smoke while leaking some aura.

[So you little twerps think it's funny to attempt to kill your teacher. What would you do if I was just a normal person? Hmm?] The group looked over and the smoke clears and they look shocked and scared, seeing me literally holding the flames that just came at the door in my hand. Being the Klaxosapien Queen, magma energy is literally flowing through my veins instead of blood. This means my thermal resistance is completely fucking broken and, apparently, I can pull a fire dragon slayer and eat flames. And that's what I do right in front of these kids, scaring them even more.

[I give that flame a 4/10. I've had better from the forges. Now then, you little shits. You better sit down in your seats.] I walk in, Rimuru not far behind. I could actually hear him snickering under his mask.

--Rimuru moment--

'Now I understand why she said to stay behind her. As we are well aware, don't piss off this queen of she'll burn your ass.'

--End Rimuru moment--

I felt like I should burn Rimuru for a moment there and glance at him where he visibly flinches. 'Ah, that one anime moment just happened. It only works when you think about a female bud, sorry about your future.'

[Alright brats, this is your teacher Rimuru. He was a close friend of your sensei.] This perked up the entire group and caused them all to look closely, which then caused them a look of surprise when they finally pay attention to the details. [I'm sorry to tell you kids, your sensei passed away while visiting our town due to Ifrit's influence. Her last wish was for Rimuru here to eat her, which he said he'd only do if she allowed him to carry some of her regrets, and here we are, helping with her biggest. So shut up, sit down, and allow her friend to carry on her memory.] I could see Chloe and Alice practically crying, the boys were grieving. 'Kenya looks like he's in complete denial, but he isn't exactly stupid, just pigheaded.'

The kids stay quiet while Rimuru takes roll, they still say they were here so that he can put faces to the names. [Alright everybody. As Ms.] [Mrs now] I interrupt. He rolls his eyes and continues. [Mrs. Imamura said I'm your new teacher, Rimuru Tempest. As she also said, I knew your previous teacher, Shizue. We were pretty close in the end and I'm still sad about it, but it's okay because I'm going to help with her biggest regret, making sure that you guys can live a long, fun life.]

[Alright then everybody, time for a pop quiz.] Sighs reverberate throughout the room, and an especially loud sigh came from the back. Everyone in the room, even Ranga, gave me a weird look when I sighed too. [What, I don't like them either, in fact, they kinda traumatized me...] Shivering very obviously with a pained look on my face, causing everybody else to look at me like they're sorry for my life. [Hey, I'm still an engineering genius, Catholic school just kinda hurt, a lot.] I ended that quietly but they all still looked at me with wide eyes hearing the religion. Sure, I was atheist, but my parents certainly weren't, and those nuns most definitely weren't either.

*Clap* *Clap* [Alright everyone, focus back up. This isn't as much of a pop quiz as much as a skills test, so everybody, follow me.] We all walk outside to an open field. I honestly couldn't be more bored so I go under a tree and pull out my phone and call Shuna. The kids look at me with, once again, shock, but now some reverence? 'Before they continue, I should probably nip that in the bud.'

[This isn't for sale and can't be made easily. It took a month to manufacture one for me and one for my wife, so shut it before I do it for you.] The kids look sad while Shuna, who picked up the video call as I said this looked exhilaratingly happy when I called her my wife. Walking back into the shade, I talked to Shuna while Rimuru did those duels. That is until Chloe went up and lost and Rimuru caused her to cry. [Hold on, babe. Rimuru just caused a kid to cry.] She nods and I jump over to him giving him a nice uppercut, sending him flying into the air. I then pick Chloe up and start consoling her. Leaving her in my lap and petting her head while talking to Shuna. Chloe and Shuna both don't look happy, and yes, of course, I know why for both. 'Chloe is some kind of time person, not really sure, but at this point, I think she just likes Rimuru, it won't be until the future Chloe shows up that she would kind of properly love him. I think at least. And my hot and sexy while still cute wife is simply Yandere jealous.'

Letting Chloe go pretty quickly, I go back to chatting with my cute wife who has visibly calmed down.

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