
Chapter 26 Vision

In the palace Arch was currently discussing certain matters with Ade and 4th. "So here, here and here?" Ade asked as pointing to various spots on the map. This was naturally a map of Tigria and contained the locations of every village and city in Tigria.

"Yes, they don't need to be big buildings and it should be free we'll fund them." Arch said as he nodded his head. They were naturally deciding were to implement schools across the Kingdom, for the One Piece world this wasn't exactly a foreign idea but it varied greatly depending on the island.

"This will be quite costly." Ade sighed before keeping the map. "Well any investment requires some capital, we'll see the returns in the years to come." Arch replied. Although this was a world of strength and mystical powers, Arch believed that science and over all education was still important, or else the World Government wouldn't employ people like Vegapunk or Tom to work for them.

'Tom, he'll be useful later but for now its best not to attract their attention.' Arch pondered. After exchanging a few more words with Ade, he left along with 4th while Arch went to his office. "This has been pretty useless so far, but now comes the hard part." He sighed before sitting at his desk.

It was time for him to do his most dreaded job, sign documents. Most of them were pretty standard, basically him approving certain transactions the Kingdom had made and in a sense confirming his decisions. Others like the more recent "Education Initiative" were of more importance and would take a few months to implement with him having to specify certain details and allot jobs to individuals.

There was also another thing which Arch had wanted to implement, a database of all their residences, from their date of birth, name to which part of the Kingdom they lived in this way Arch and the Kingdom as a whole would at least have a general idea of who was who and who lived where.

Naturally there was also something else which Arch wanted this for, to fish out spies. For now no one had their eyes on Tigria, at least that's what Arch hoped, but later on they would probably be infiltrated and having a identification system would make it easier to find these spies.

Of course there were ways around this and nothing was foolproof Tigria was bound to have spies one way or another but Arch hoped to at least reduce the amount and keep it in check.

Finally after hours of signing documents Arch had finished his work. "Ahh." He stretched as he got up from his seat. "This job is pretty monotonous apart from the invading and fighting off pirates." Arch muttered before leaving his office with the documents in hand.

He then handed them off to the relevant personnel before going to his room. Once inside he grabbed his den den mushi and dialed a number. "Who is it?" An aged voice sounded on the other side.

"Its me father." Arch replied, on the other end of the line was his father Andronicus. "Oh how nice, my son is finally calling me! How long has it been? Around 3 months?!" He stated clearly somewhat annoyed.

"I mean you decided to go travelling around." Arch muttered in response. "So what? Don't I deserve a retirement after my long hard work as King? Glug, glug, glug." Andronicus laughed before he began to chug some wine.

"Yes, but when will you be back? I need your advice on something." Arch said, he was used to his father's antics. "What do you need advice on?" He asked his tone serious this time. "I want to know what your vision of the Kingdom was when you were younger to help guide my own." Arch responded.

Sure his father had failed, and failed badly but it wasn't completely his fault it was a multitude of factors which contributed to the situation and not everyone was as ballsy as Arch to go raid Lawless to fix it.

"My vision huh? Back then Tigria was ruled by fear and strength, which in a sense still holds true until today what I had envisioned was a Kingdom ruled justly. Although I've had my fair share of failures and bad decisions I think I achieved my vision, after all the people don't see you as a tyrant do they?" Andronicus explained.

'Justly...... this world seems really attached to the idea of justice but right and wrong changes depending on who you talk to. Sure there are many accepted rights and wrongs but there are always grey areas, in reality I just want to build a Kingdom which can hold its head high and won't have to be scared of pirates or a famine. Heh I must be thinking like some shounen anime protagonist at this point.' Arch pondered.

After having a brief conversation with his father another important topic came up. "How are your brothers doing?" Andronicus questioned. This was a seemingly normal question but in recent days it had become extremely loaded at least for Arch.

"I haven't contacted Arthur but he seems to be doing about the same. Apollo has had a set back but I think its pushed him forward over all. Aristophanes has been the most cool headed of the bunch but I can't help but feel I've been putting too much pressure on him, and Achilles....... its best you ask someone else about him." Arch sighed, did he hate his little brother, no, was their relationship at the moment a bit rocky, yes.

"By the way, how's mother doing?" Arch asked, he hadn't seen her in a while because she normally stayed with Arthur, and after he ascended the throne she had naturally left with Andronicus to travel the seas.

"She's doing great we've been enjoying our time together, and its telling she needed a break after taking care of Arthur for so long." Andronicus sighed their family wasn't without problems.

"That's good to hear, well I should hang up I've got things to take care of." Arch replied. "Okay, but remember Archelaus never forget who you are." And with that he cut the call, leaving Arch a bit speechless.

A few minutes later Arch had a meeting with Ade once again to further discuss the new "Education Initiative" and like this Tigria entered a new age.

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