

Helena instructed butler Kim to provide a gym equipped with dumb bells, treadmills, and squat racks in one of the rooms in the villa. A punching bag weighing 100 pounds that hung on the ceiling of the room made Helen smile, she wanted to train this body to be more agile and increasing her stamina.

After a few weeks of rest, her ankle healed tremendously, the concoction she brew by herself and drink everyday helps speed up the healing process. Now it is time to get back in training mode.

Wearing black tight shorts only enough to cover her butt, she revealed her long legs and perky bottom, Helena also wore a black sport bra crop revealing her flat stomach and flawless skin. The flat stomach is useless without the abdomen strength, she tap her stomach and ensure it that it will show result soon. Putting on her Nike sports shoes she walked out of the room the kitchen to get a water bottle and prepare it herself. Theresa offered to assist her however she declined since she needs Theresa to prepare her lunch. This body is like a glutton, she is surprised of the taste of food she hasn't had in a long time due to her eating disorder in previous life.

The intense workout begin...

This body is good when it comes of her womanhood asset, however its useless since it wasn't tone properly, so she needed to tone it and strengthen the core.

Helena lift the weight and squat at the same time...


she screamed in satisfaction and dropping the weight bar to the gym floor mat after done with her squat. Her ear buds with noise cancelling features preventing her from hearing the commotions outside as soon as she let a loud scream, she took a deep breath and going into a downward dog position, a yoga position where her back was lifted up and her body protruded to form an inverted v.

The door was opened from the outside and everyone was standing in front of it looking anxious. Helena can sense a figure approaching her despite her eyes closed, she counted a prediction steps before the man arrived, and 3 steps before, she was tumbling and swiping her leg to drop the standing man, but the man quickly dodged and Helena was already in a standing position. Daniel was taken aback by her agility and speed.

She looked at Daniel with his sour face looking at her and glanced at the gym room that she had specialized made for her. Daniel's gaze fell on Helena and the clothes she was wearing. Her dripping sweat from her forehead and some on her stomach is sight one cant unseen, her cheek is reddish giving her the effect of seductions. He realized that he was not the only one in the room and turned to look at the maid outside, Troy was still stupefy and unintentionally observing Helena's body and unable to move, Helena was indeed beautiful, but this time she looked more alluring, like a goddess sent to tease every men she encounter, her aura changes, Troy Gulped for a little bit and felt a sharp stare coming towards him, he turned and looked at Daniel darken face and it will be a waste as his assistant for years if he cant decipher the murderous intent stare his boss gave him.

Clearing his not itchy throat he ushered everyone to leave the room, Helena scoffed seeing the scene and continue wiping her body with the towel she put on the bench. She completely ignoring Daniel that stood with his hands in his pocket.

'Indeed butler Kim is right, she does change'

Helena drank the water from her water bottle and some water spill from her mouth running down to her neck and chest. Daniel froze at the sight and turned his back to walk out of the room, he glanced at her and said

"clean yourself and see me at my study" he twist the door knob and need to get the hell out of there.

Helena with a lazy face thought for a second, Daniel in this world is less talkative and more domineering than he was with her for few hours at the other world. His demeanor is also different, she had heard Cade is a completely different person in this life, a henpeck husband at its best, and that b*stard really meant for Molly Mane, they are married in this world, her lips curved thinking of how some things are meant for each other regardless of where in the universe they are.

Seeing by her life now, since she is not reborn as Ethan wife, she knows they are not meant for each other. But that don't mean she is for Daniel as well, she will leave him and be with herself forever.

Being alone is a privilege and she will have it soon. Slowly but surely.. she will not waste her second chance, she wanted to be happy, and if being alone is happiness that is fine too.

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