

Understanding how selective Lucas is with his hostility, Jonathan briefly recalls how he had previously used similar wording regarding the two men he threw onto the subway tracks. Also, the strange sharp gasp he made shortly beforehand. Making this connection, he doesn't question further and does actually go over to attempt to open the driver's side door, the angrily yelling man inside warily watching him through the window.

Unfortunately, Jonathan's strength proves insufficient to open the door thanks to the way the metal has warped from the collision. As Jonathan continues to struggle with the bent metal, Lucas has coughed a few more times and walks over, choking back any expressions pertaining to the miserable state of his arms.

Mind Flare and Josephine have also finally finished making their way over.

"Oh? And what are we up to now?" Mind Flare can't help speaking up, looking at Jonathan tugging on the door handle as Lucas watches from the side, arms hanging limply.

"Oh, um, Lucas asked me to try to b-break his nose." Turning around so his back is to the driver, he lowers his voice so only Mind Flare can hear, although Josephine hears as well.

Mind Flare looks rather amused with this admission, while Josephine openly laughs.

"Well, perhaps I can help then." Her melodious voice is tinged with good humor. She gives a brilliant smile as she gestures for Jonathan to step aside.

Anyone looking inside Faunahorde would see the movements of Black Ash Snow coming to the front of the store.

"Um, sure, th-thanks." Classic Jonathan.

He complies with her request, hopping from the little step and taking a few steps over to stand next to Lucas. He takes in a sharp breath as he gets a good look at the state of Lucas's arms, now that he's not surrounded by the lingering cloud of concrete dust, getting a pained smile in response.

Josephine remains standing where she is, a distinct look of concentration on her face as she closely watches the driver. To everyone in the group standing outside, it seems like the volume of the very cross supe pinned in place inside the truck has dropped significantly. With the way his mouth is going, he seems to be yelling just as fiercely as before, though.

Gradually, everyone nearby begins to feel the reverberations in their chests, a silent quake from within, that slowly increases in intensity. If it wasn't for the fact that no discernable source is audible, one would perhaps think one of the nearby vehicles had their bass turned up far too high.

As the driver had not been wearing his seatbelt at the time of impact, he had previously slammed forward, hitting his head on the windshield and leaving the start of an elegant spider web of cracks. Now, as the interior of the truck trembles slightly, a few small grains of glass start falling from these cracks, dusting the area nearby.

The previously stationary hula girl bobble figure mounted to the inward-bent dashboard begins to gently sway with no visible outward trigger. With every second that passes her seductive dance grows more and more fervent.

Aware that something is very, very wrong, the driver seems to be struggling to try and move again, but to no avail. According to his appearance, his yelling should be growing louder, however, it outwardly seems that the volume is decreasing further. There is a distinct look of pain across his face, his scrunched-up features akin to someone with a harsh headache.

The spiderweb cracks on the windshield have crawled out to claim the entirety of the windshield as their territory, the fallen grains of glass jumping up and dancing to the same intense rhythm as the center position hula girl.

In his desperate struggle, the driver has finally managed to free his left arm, grasping and throttling the door handle with urgency. Making no progress in this regard, a slow trickle of blood begins to leak out of his left nostril. As cracks begin forming in the side windows, Josephine slowly raises her hands before her, held a few inches apart.

Outside the oppressive cabin, Lucas has a shit-eating grin the whole time, staring directly at the driver's face that is contorted with pain. Through this distraction, he temporarily doesn't notice his own pitiful state.

[...You're really starting to enjoy this a bit too much.]

'Hey, hey. I'm just watching a musician put on a performance. Mmhmm, purely artistic appreciation.'

[...Why even bother trying to lie if you're not going to put any effort in.]

'Eheh. Besides, think of the puppies.'

[I'm starting to think you'd get along with Black Ash Snow rather well.]

'Hmm, not a bad idea, buddying up to my man Dan.'

[Don't you dare call him that, goodness gracious.]

As Lucas gives a mental laugh to 427, the door to Faunahorde opens with the discussed supervillain coming outside. He hasn't brought a pupper friend this time, but the little bird is dangling from his braid as merrily as last time.

Coincidentally, this happens at the same moment the truck's windows shatter, so not only does Black Ash Snow get to see it, the sound of his approach is covered.

Once the windows burst open, the sound of the driver's screaming is suddenly clearly audible at the normally anticipated volume. The dancing glass and hula girl within seem to lose their inspiration, the intense yet silent resonance within everyone's chest dispersing.

Having dropped her look of concentration once the windows shattered, Josephine pauses for a moment, bearing a small self-satisfied smile.

Clapping her hands before her, the oncoming rain of glass hits an invisible force that causes the shards to all bounce away, a rippled curvature visible in the negative space between the pieces.

Placing one hand gently over her heart, she bends her other arm to hold her fist behind her back. While still facing the driver which has switched from his pained screaming back to his initial anger, she makes a deep, formal bow.

Raising back up, she turns to Lucas with a slight smile. Before he can control his expression, she catches sight of the delighted grin he had stretched across his face.

"Will that suffice?" Josephine may have a calm, perfectly composed expression, but there is a subtle hint of mischief in her tone.

"Perfect, bravo, I'd be clapping if I c-" Lucas can't even finish his praise as the angry shouts cut him off.

"Just you fucking wait, I'll pay every one of you assholes back a hundred-fold!" Before he can continue ranting, unfamiliar laughter rings out nearby, startling him into silence.

[Oh, I was so focused on reading the data on those wavelengths I stopped keeping watch around us…]

'Wait, that wasn't Danny?'

[...Please, just don't. I'm sure he'll introduce himself shortly]

"Hahaha, ahh, sorry, I didn't want to interrupt. Jolly good show though, wonderful. Bit of a shame that you stopped really, this bastard has been driving us mad off and on for a while now." The look of contentment writ across the stranger's face isn't far off from Lucas's. He's a bit shorter than Lucas, bears a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow whereas the top of his head is shaved completely clean, and is wearing a yellow and white tracksuit, which is quite bright against his moderately-tanned skin.

"Fuck off Wraith Hunter, don't try and be all arrogant when you didn't even-Mmph!" Starting to rant anew, the foul-mouthed driver suddenly acquires a balled-up wad of cloth stuffed into his mouth, once a breeze and a blur have moved past the group. Wraith Hunter is suddenly standing on the small step leading to the driver's side door on the truck, one arm leisurely pulling back out of the broken window.

"Anyway, where was I… Ah yes, introductions are in order. I'm Wraith Hunter, you're probably not familiar with me, but you should have at least heard of the organization I'm with, Gang of Spirits?" The three established supervillains in the group all nod politely, however, Lucas and Jonathan have blank looks on their faces.

[Don't worry, they're a middling tier organization at best, it's not much of an insult that you don't recognize them. However, I do believe they have at least an alliance with The Blood Smith, who could prove useful, given your current situation. Unless, of course, you'd rather use your new upgrade on regenerative abilities? I wouldn't advise it personally. Doubly so with the current audi- Bzzt...]

'Wait, my new upgrade?'



With a vague suspicion, Lucas looks up to see Mikah coming out of the front of MF's Fashion Boutique.


Lucas kills this chapter: 0

Lucas total kills: 6

Lucas deaths this chapter: 0

Lucas total deaths: 9

Lucas current GDV: …

Jonathan current GDV: …


Little character theater:

Off in the background, Black Ash Snow is drawing circles on the ground, too awkward to speak up when someone else stole his entrance.

Jonathan, wide-eyed: Lucas I reALLY NEED TO TALK TO YOU. ALONE.

Lucas, casually suffering: Yes, hello Mikah, it's good to see you. Please disregard the mental screams of agony, I can't quite help it. Fuck.

427, being quiet as hard as he can: (... Intensifies)

Author, smiling: Hi Mikah, how are you?

Mr. Quacks, brimming with curiosity: Quack?

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